✨Poetry✨- part one.

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Trinity Jackson p.o.v.

It had been nearly two weeks after me and Dele had that stupid row. We were happy. But we were bickering here and there. I guess that's what happens in relationships. I was currently at the training ground watching the Spurs lads practice dribbling around cones. Chrissie had left for a few days after the row and she's apparently coming back within the next few days. Just can't seem to get rid of her. Although, we are getting on well now to be fair. I'm not sure why she treated me like that at the beginning but, I was just glad we saw eye to eye now. I watched as Trippier swiftly passed the ball through the cones and getting cocky so decided to do a little trick at the end before passing it to Son.

Me and Dele hadn't gone public. Instead, the media outted us. We were sitting eating dinner in a fancy restaurant, alone of course, in a small private area. When suddenly a group of camera wielding loons burst through the segregated area and began snapping pics and recording us. Dele had literally jumped up from the table, almost sending it flying over. I sat there watching him as he was panicked. The lovely thing was though, is he understood the look on my face. He knew it was time to just get it out there. So he held his hand out to me and I gladly took it. We then posed for the pictures that were being taken. I was sheepish and shy, but Dele held his arm around my waist and spoke. He proudly told them I was his girlfriend and that he loves me.

Funny thing is, I should've been the one to proudly state that he's my boyfriend. Whenever I feel annoyed at him, I picture his face and kind words that he said that night. "Trin?" Diers voice rang, pulling me out of my daze. "Hey Eric." I said to him with a smile. He was sweating and had a towel draped around his shoulders. "Hard work out?" I questioned and flicked the towel. He chuckled and nodded, then took a sip from his water. "I've got tickets to this poetry night and I know you're studying English, so I thought you'd want to come with." He started. "I know Dele wouldn't be into that and Maria does not want to go." He finished, scruffing his hair with the towel.

"Oooh, are you Eric Dier, asking me out on a date, even though we're both with someone." I joked. He panicked. "Oh no no no. I just thought you'd enjoy it——" he rambled, I cut him off with my laughing. "I'm joking. I'd love to." I told Dier. He sighed with a smile. "Alright. I'll pick you up around 7:00pm?" He questioned as he stood up. I nodded, as he disappeared back into the field. Poetry night, that seems cool! My phone buzzed, and I took it out. It was Micheal. The guy I met a few weeks ago who helped me up from when I fell. We had been texting a little here and there. Dele knew. It was just a friendship anyways and he knew that too.

Once training had finished, Dele came over, fully changed into fresh clothing after he'd showered. "So, my dear." He said, taking my hand as we strolled down the corridors of the training ground. "Would you like to go on a romantic dinner tonight?" He asked me, gently swinging our arms. I felt butterflies within my stomach and I grinned wide. "I'd love to!" I said eagerly. Only remembering a few seconds after I'd just agreed to go with Dier to the poetry night. "Except, can it be tomorrow night?" I asked. He looked at me as we waited in the lobby for an Uber. "Why not tonight?" He questioned, pulling me towards him, his arms wrapped around my waist. "I promised Dier I'd go with him to a poetry night." I said and put my arms on his shoulders. "Poetry night?" He scoffed. "Why?" He questioned.

"Why what?" I chuckled. "Poetry. Really? It's boring. Why do you wanna go?" He asked, cocking his head to the side. I inwardly sighed. "Because I'm studying English, Dele." I told him with an eye roll. He thought for a second then nodded. "Oh yeah!" He told me and gave me a quick kiss. "Are you sure you don't want to come to dinner with me?" He pouted. I gently grabbed his pouty lips and shook my head. "Tomorrow night?" I asked. He rolled his eyes and sighed. He then nodded in agreement.

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