🌙"Speak to her"🌙

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I sat up quickly, my head spinning. I grabbed my head in pain and scanned my surroundings. I was home, which was good. Dier was asleep on the sofa and Dele laid on the floor. I reached to the front of my head and felt a small bandage wrapped over my forehead. "Wha..." I questioned swinging my legs to the side and off the bed. "Why do I have...." I said standing up. My legs wobbled, caved in and I fell to the floor, next to Dele. He shot up in a flash and sat staring at me. "Hey.." he said whilst rubbing his eyes. "What is this?" I questioned referring to the bandage. Dele got up, helping me up. I sat on the edge of the bed, him sitting next to me sort of like last night.

"You don't remember?" He asked me as he zipped up his hoodie. "Remember what?" I spoke. "Well...once Ruby Mae popped open the wine...you got..you know.." he said scratching the back of his neck. "What?" I asked confused. "Well you..." he dodged what he really wanted to say. "Dele. You've always given it to me straight, don't stop now." I said a little sternly. "You drank too much." He replied and looked at me. "You tripped and hit your head on the floor, blacked out and well here we are.." Dele told me, giving me a small smile, whilst moving my hair out the way to get a look at the bandage. "The doctor checked on you earlier this morning. He said you'd be okay.." Dele finished.

"Wait..so.." I started, feeling sad. "I didn't tell you?" I huffed, as he looked at me confused. "Tell me what?" He asked, looking at me intrigued. I did it once in my goddamn dream. No! I couldn't have been dreaming...could I? "So, I just blacked out? I didn't say anything or we didn't talk after Ruby Mae left?" I wanted to clarify. He laughed a little, still confused. "No, why?" Dele said to me, smiling. "I just thought..ugh.." I sighed. "I must've dreamt it. That we were talking and.." I said. "Yeah?" He questioned. I began fidgeting with my fingers.

"No, no. It doesn't matter." I shook my head, as Dier began to stir. Eventually we were all awake and I was still annoyed that my dream was a dream and not reality. I curse myself each time I think about it. Maybe Dele would react in the same way? Do I even know how he reacted in the damn dream? Do I still want to know?

When Dele was showering, I pulled Dier to the side. "Hey, how's your head?" He asked. I nodded. "It's okay...listen. I dreamt I told Dele I wanted to be with him, only I thought it was real and now he still has no idea and I feel even more attracted to him than I ever hav-----" Dier cut me off with his laughing. This set me off and we both were chuckling together. What I said sounded ridiculous. And Dier helped me see the funny side in it, without even using words.

"Just tell him now?" Dier questioned, I shook my head. "I don't think I could go through it again...the dream seemed so real." I told him confused. He shrugged a little as Dele came out of the bathroom dressed. "I'm going to go shower.." I told them, leaving and going into the bathroom.

Dele Alli p.o.v

I watched as she went into the bathroom, the door locking behind her. I sighed in annoyance and a little relief. "What's wrong?" Dier asked biting into toast. I sat on one of the chairs and decided on telling him. "Last night..Trinity told me that..well she said, it was all a mess but what I made from it was.." I started, babbling. "Something along the lines of being with me instead of Harry." I sighed. Dier looked a little surprised. "But she probably only said that because she basically bust her head open on the floor.." I told Dier. He shrugged. "Maybe you should tell her what she said to you?" Dier said, trying to hint a little. I frowned in confusion. "I don't know..she might not of meant it." I replied, confused.

"She was drunk and probably concussed. I don't want to hold her to what she said when she was out of it." I told Dier as I stood up and went over to the sofa. "Speak to her." Dier said, I whipped my head to him and narrowed my eyes in on him. Did he know something. He nodded. "Just talk to her." He said again. I nodded.

Trinity Jackson p.o.v

I had heard what Dele said. He knew what I was talking about. He knew I told him I wanted him all along. No matter how disorientated I was, he still knew. And he didn't want to face it. I felt a little sick. I guess the way it played out in my head didn't actually happen...does that mean everything else between us has been me misjudging? Does this mean he doesn't even want me? It feels like that. Maybe I should just forget about it. I just wanted them to go so I could be alone. I wanted a week alone or a month alone. Just to sort myself out. Too much has happened in the last few weeks for me to just be okay.

I opened my bathroom door. "It alright if you guys go?" I questioned. They exchanged confused looks. I raised my eyebrows as in to ask them to hurry up. "Urm...yeah...sure." Dier said whilst looking between me and Dele. Dele stayed sat down. "You too." I spoke and said to Dele. He looked a little shocked and hurt. "Yeah..." he trailed, tying his laces and then jumping up. They walked over to the door, I followed my arms crossed over my chest. "You sure you're okay?" Dele asked me. I stared up at him, blinked once, opened the door and nodded. "Okay, guess we'll catch you later." Dier said, as they left. "Yep." I replied, shutting the door, annoyed.

God! Dele made me so angry and happy at the same time. It sickened time to think someone had so much control over my emotions. Then again, it said a lot. He meant something to me. I'm just not too sure if he really feels the same way. I mean there's hints but then I spill my beans and he decides to ignore it. Just makes me think he's playing games with me. One way or another I was going to find out.


Made an IG dedicated to Dele and Tottenham. Give it a follow if you like.
Username: lovedelealli

Don't hate. Sorry.

They'll get together soon. Or maybe they won't. I haven't decided yet😝😽
You'll have to wait and see.

Stay Groovy - trv

Del skipping his
way into my

Del skipping his way into my heart💜

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