⛅️The morning after⛅️

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Trinity Jackson p.o.v

I didn't register where I was till I saw them. Pain and confusion in their eyes. I relaxed a little, still unaware as to what happened the night before. "Trin?" Deles voice rang, bringing me out of my daze. I looked up at him, as he approached, causing me to frown. "Just wait" I said, confused, causing him to stop in his tracks ahead of Dier and Harry. Harry. I stared at him, in annoyance and anger. I stood up slowly, my head banging, and sat on the bed. Dier walked over then hesitated, I looked at him and nodded. He walked over and handed me a glass of water and some paracetamol. I immediately took it and sipped some of the water. "Thanks.." I mumbled as he now sat on the desk chair near the window. "Where am I?" I asked, fidgeting with the poorly wrapped bandage around my wrist. Dele and Dier exchanged looks. "You're in my room" Dele told me and sat on the floor near the door. I nodded.

I took a breath and got back into bed, covering myself in the duvet. "How are you feeling?" Dier asked. I shrugged. "I don't know.." I started. "I'm not too sure what happened..I mean when I blacked out" I gulped, a lump forming in my throat. I instinctively crossed my legs over one another under the covers. They awkwardly exchanged looks, Harry standing there. I noticed he had a purple shading forming around his eye. "What happened?" I asked. "Well..." Dier started. I shook my head. "Harry." I said, his head darting in my direction. "What happened to your eye?" I finished. Dele let out an annoyed laugh. I frowned in confusion. Dier chuckled a little and Harry sat on the other chair annoyed. "Do you care to explain to her" Harry said and gently kicked Dele from the chair a bit of aggression there though.

I watched as Dele moved his fingers about, a bruise present on his knuckles. He glanced up at me, then back at his hand. "Dele hit him straight in the eye when he got here this morning" Dier chuckled, causing Dele to smile in amusement. "Why?" I asked looking at Dele and leaning forward. "Look, that isn't important.." Dele said. "Why?" I repeated. He sighed. "He shouldn't have let it happen.." Dele spoke and crossed his arms and let his legs be brought up to his chest. "It wasn't his fault" I spoke, Deles' head shot up. "He invited you to the party. He let you wander off alone, HE wasn't there to help you!" He raised his voice and clenched his fists. "Trinity. I'm sorry. I was in a bad place and you were probably going to break up with me..." Harry started. "Shut up" I said, annoyed. My blood boiled. "This is not about you..maybe Dele is right, maybe you should've stayed with me. Or maybe he's wrong and I was stupid enough to accept a drink from a fucked up guy" I yelled. "But this is not about you.." I said again, my face heating up with anger.

He nodded and stood up. "I'm sorry.." Harry said, then left. I raised my eyebrows a little. "Harry?" I whispered. He just left. He got up and he walked away. He can never face a problem, and I'm sick of it. Dele kicked the chair that Harry was previously sitting on, before he left.

"Thanks.." I said to Dele as I awkwardly shuffled. He didn't have to stand up for me, but he did. He did this time and I was grateful. "So, what did happen?" I swallowed hard. "Well.." he copied Diers previous word. "You called me and I heard..well, I heard what happened. As soon as I knew you were in trouble I..." he stopped, looked down and huffed. "He went straight over to the party in his car." Dier finished for him. "I saw you lying on the floor...half naked." He mumbled, I frowned. "Please tell me he didn't..." I begged and held my breath, referring to, well you know, sex. He furiously shook his head. I let out a big breath and felt tears build up as my sight went a little blurry. "There was a female and two guys there, trying to wake you up or something.." Dele spoke. "And the guy who did this?" I interrupted. He grit his teeth and clenched his jaw. "He was gone..probably won't be back." Dele said and looked at his fingers again. I wasn't sure what to do or say.

I looked at Dier, and he gave me a look or like he telepathically sent me an idea. "I'm ganna go...urghh, get some food for us. I'll see you guys in a bit" he said, got up and walked out the door, closing it behind him. It was silent. Too silent. "Del" I said. He looked up, a little hurt or sad. I patted the seat next to me on the bed. Deja Vu. "Try not to hurt yourself this time" I teased, he let out a small laugh and came and sat next to me. He shuffled in his seat and then settled, looking ahead of him. I looked up at him and felt weird and fuzzy. "Thank you..so much" I whispered, as my vision no longer blurred because the small tears fell from my eyes. "Thank you.." I whispered again. This time I slipped my hand into his. His head whipped towards me and he looked down at our hands connected together.

I smiled. "I'd do anything to make you happy" Dele told me. And I felt my heart burst. That's what he said about Ruby Mae.

I nodded and looked ahead of me. "I mean it Trin.." he started, still looking at me. "I just want you to be happy." He whispered. A small smile spread across my face. He faced forward again. I quickly turned to him and kissed him on the cheek. Then looked forward again, my face obviously bright red. He looked at me for a few seconds then back ahead. From the corner of my eye I saw a small smile spread across his face. I'm not sure what it meant, but I was happy right now. "I wish I could've been awake to see you punch Harry" I chuckled, resulting in him squeezing my hand gently.

"I'm guessing you changed me?" I questioned as I was in his shorts and a t shirt. Only realising after that my tights were still on. This made me laugh inside. Oh Del. "Yeah.." he spoke, as we both continued facing forward staring at the wall and door. "And wrapped my hand up?" I asked, he nodded. This resulted in me laughing. "It's so bad!" I heaved as my side began to hurt from the laughing. "Hey! I did a good job!" He grumbled jokingly. I wiped away the previously fallen tears. "You're brilliant; I love you!" I laughed. He slowly turned his head to me, in shock. After realising what I just said I immediately stopped laughing. My mouth hung open a tad. Oh no. "You what?" He questioned, still glancing down at me.

I swallowed hard. My face was on fire and my palms became sweaty. "What?" I nervously chuckled and looked at him. "You said..." he started, looking from eye to eye. I blinked a few times then nodded. What in the moon fuck was I doing?!? He has a girlfriend! He is in love with his girlfriend! I've ruined everything. "You...y-you love me?" He whispered.

"Noo no no no, I-i. No" I word vomited out. I was nervous and I'd just told him I loved him. Did I? Did I love Dele? I looked down as my face heated up again. "You..." he whispered. I glanced up at him. A small smile plastered on his face. I widened my eyes in confusion. "Del..." her voice rang, me and Dele whipped our heads to the door.


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Username: lovedelealli

Longgggg chapter, sorry. BOOOOO

Stay Groovy - trv

He is so perfect.

He is so perfect

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