"That day I came to school drunk? That was the day my mother died."  Oh my god. 

"Were you,- are you a member too?" I asked faintly. 

"Never. I didn't want that life, but I loved the man who did." She wiped the tears off her face and sniffed. "You should probably sleep." I took her hand and squeezed. 

"Thank you." I said, she nodded. My mother took her hand from mine and stood up, wiping her hands on her pants. She hadn't even changed into her pajamas, she must've been waiting for a while. 

I went upstairs a little after her and took a quick shower, getting into my bed without ceremony and  falling asleep, hot tears making their way down my face and onto my pillow. 


I didn't say anything to Liam as I got in the car the next morning. My mom had already gone off the work and my brother had caught a ride to school with some friends. I didn't feel like going today, but my absence from school could jeopardise a part of the plan. The last thing I wanted to have right now was Ivy glaring and yelling at me. 

Though Jasie tried to pry at my silence she let it go after she realized I wouldn't talk. I wanted to ease the hurt in her eyes, but I couldn't tell her about this. My father was a mob member. A Black Buuterfly mob memeber. Did Mason know? Jordan must've, and he didn't tell me. He knew, and he didn't say a word. I see where part of the ice comes from. That bastard. 

Mason didn't say anything to me as he came into English but one look at me and worry etched into his features. Even a small smile couldn't bring a smile to my face. As expected after class Mason pulled me aside and started to ask questions.

"What's wrong? Has somebody threatened you? Should we up security?" 

"No." I mumbled trying to make my way past him, but he blocked me. 

"Then what is it?" 

I looked around and pulled him into an empty classroom. "Did you know?"

His eyebrows creased. "Know what?"

"About my father." 

"What about your father?"

"He was a mobster. Of your family's gang." 

Mason's eyes widened in surprise. "Calsy I had no idea-"

"Did you also know that my father was your father's second in command? How about that they were best friends?"

"No, I didn't-"

"Or how about this Mason?" My voice was shaking, and tears were threatening to fall. I was so angry. Sad and angry, at him, at his family, at everything. "How about the part where my father died trying to protect your mother? Did you know about that? That they both died that day?"

Mason went silent. I rushed on, "You got to mourn her, but I didn't get to mourn my father. We burried an empty casket."

"You think I got to mourn?" Mason's spat, an edge in his voice. "I couldn't even shed a tear because I had to be strong, I had to look unafriad in front of everybody. I cried myslef to sleep every night for months afterward because that was the only place I could let the mask slip. My heart was broken." He was panting and so was I. We stared at each other, two people who lost a parent to a demon. One person had caused both of us pain. 

"You're right. I'm sorry." I said. 

"I shouldn't have reacted that way, I'm sorry." Mason responded. "You weren't even told the truth." 

I took his hand and held his fingers tight within my own. 

"We'll get him." Mason whispered. 

I could only hope he was right. 

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