Chapter 23

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Electricity was coarsing through me as my back landed against the wall. His hands went down to my hips and settled there, while my hands went through his hair. Every nerve was on fire as his lips continued to move on mine. 

I don't know how long we stayed like that. His hands gripping my waist, mine tangled up in his hair. When we finally broke apart, both of us were panting for breath. My lips were tingling and my cheeks were heated. Mason wasn't much better off. His hair was sticking up in all directions and his lips were bright red. 

Something was brewing in my chest but that could've been from the rush of emotions firing around in my brain. I couldn't even acknowledge it, it was small in comparison to what had just happened. 

My heart was already racing, but when he smiled at me it picked up more speed. A dangerous glimmer shone in his eyes and my stomach flipped. He opened his mouth but his phone cut him off. Mason's faced morphed into one of irritation and picked it up.

He sighed. "My father. We gotta get downstairs." He held his hand and I took it. His fingers wrapped around mine and warmth filled me. Mason opened the door and led me through it, taking me down the hall and when we got to the landing of the stairs he looked at me and said,

"I don't know what he wants, but I'll back you up no matter what." 

I smiled at him and gave him a quick kiss, but it was enough to send fire down my spine. It did the same for Mason apparently because the same gleam from earlier entered his eyes. But before he could act on it a voice called from the kitchen, 

"Ace! Get down here!"

Mason gave my hand once last squeeze before we started down the stairs.  

When we walked into the kitchen we were met with mixed emotions. Four bodies stood in a line across from us. 

Nick was trying to hide a grin beneath his hand, Ivy too. Olivia looked like she was about to burst with joy and Jordan looked furious.

No one spoke for a while, we all stood there staring at each other until Ivy spoke, "Took y'all long enough. Looks like I owe you five cuz." She gave a pointed look at Nick. He stepped up to me, looking into my eyes as if searching for something. He must've found what he was looking for because he stepped back, nodding. He gave me a full smile. 

Further down the line Olivia was grasping her hands so tight, her knuckles were white. I urned to her and she burst, crushing me in a full body hug. I returned it with one of my own. Olivia pulled back and we shared a smile. 

And then I stared into the face of Jordan. His arms were crossed and his face held no hint of happiness or any sort of emotion. Then he looked at Mason, 

"I hope you know what just happened. And I hope you're prepared to deal with it. All of it." 

Mason walked up behind me and took my hand. "We are." 

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