(A/N) Important

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Hello everyone!
Its been a very long time I've rewritten this book and I just came on wattpad because of what is currently happening.
I hope you all stay safe and take there.

I wanted to about this book, is that I am no longer intersted in naruto and I like another anime.
And I know I havent publish book 2.
Well I did have a draft on book 2 but that was also a long time ago.

Havent upated this because I was busy with my life. I was also busy with school and I didnt have time to write and I also almost forgotten this book.

But I also apolegise if you all are waiting for the next book and also all my other books.
I tried to bring myself liking naruto again. But it seems that I cant.
I may have to take this book down but I am still not sure

I am sorry again. But I may write another book since my best friend kept on telling me I should write it but I am not sure.
But again I am very sorry.

I hope you all stay safe always wash your hands, stay home and have a greet day, goodbye.

Also thank you all for supporting this book!

- A z u r i e

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