Hitting , Training And Mystery

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I Do Not Own Naruto! Also Please Do Not Skip The Last Part Cause I Will Be Asking You Guys A Question!! Happy Readings!!!


(3rd POV)

Naruto was asking kakashi to train but he let ebisu did then naruto saw konora .

"Konora can you stay with me please!" Naruto begs konora but does it looks like she has a choice , no, "Ffffffineee" Konora said but kind of whines a little.

The Naruto fell into the got water then ebisu saw jiraiya peeking at the ladies hot springs then ebisu was talking stuff on why was he peeking the ladies hot springs then he just knock out ebisu 'Bruh , Do . You . Even . Ninja' Konora thought "Hey ! You why are you are peeking from the girls hot springs!!" Naruto shouted then all the girls went out of the bath and threw random things at him .

Then he looked at konora then his eyes widen then started ran out of the hot springs "OH NO YOU DON'T!" Konora shouted then quickly ran to jiraiya like a lightning .

'The Ice Lightning'

That was konora's other bingo name but she has many more then that .

Konora went back to naruto hold jiraiya with his shirt.

The Naruto said that he wants jiraiya to train then after finding him naruto did a jutsu "Sexy jutsu!" Naruto shouted his jutsu the jiraiya said he passed "Baka ! Jiraiya you PERVERT!! ARAAAAH!!!"


Then they saw jiraiya on the ground like dead then that's when naruto's face looks like 'I will not act like a idiot to Konora or I am dead meat' .

Then naruto finally did the walking on water , then naruto train Konora was helping naruto to train and get how to do things then jiraiya was peeping on the girls at river.

Then suddenly konora had her face very dark then jiraiya jump a bit "Jiraiya ~ do you really want another punched !~ if you will peek again I will triple punch you !!!" Konora yelled then her fist going to jiraiya's face "W-wait what do you m-mean by t-triple it's s-supposed to be d-double " jiraiya said and kind of stuttering "ITS DOUBLE THIS TIME!!CHAAA!!" Konora yelled then........


Then that really knocked jiraiya down badly .

Then it was their break from training "Hey! Konora you haven't told me that how you knew prevy sage!" Naruto shouted then konora giggled then she softened herself a little " Well it all started when I was very young when there was a korigakure I lived there once with my parents and my sister that's when jiraiya went their and talked to the 'KorikageWhich was my--- I mean which he talked to....But The the korikage told jiraiya to train then I thanked him and that's when I met him" Konora said but she frowned the part she said korikage because it was her father then they continued to train...

'I Will Miss You Father , Mother Always Will'


Hello Everyone Sorry For The Long Update I Was Really Busy Lots Of Stuff Well , Sorry For Wrong Spelling And For Wrong Grammars ! Thank You Guys And For Your Support!! BYEEE!!!


Words : 532

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