Chapter 185-The Midnight Pond

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And so at the turn of the tide I have returned! DMCA takedown has been counternoticed and I will be a lot more wary of Wattpad's servers from now on. I may bring NPOA to a blog or something after this. Thanks for those who showed their support while we were gone.

And without further ado, let us learn some more about the history of the Nine Paths. 

The impact from each step galvanized Lineir as his Qi slowly returned. He half climbed, half flew up the steps beating his wings to take them three at a time. He half expected angels to begin attacking him as he ascended high up into the mountain. Where he was no one could know. Was the trial over? It certainly seemed so but who could say. After many many steps he finally came to the top of the mountain. It was there at the very top, as the light of the moon shone done unimpeded that he beheld the most peaceful sight of his life. An indescribably lonely and sad oasis greeted him. It was held on a secluded plateau at the very top of the mountain, surrounded by the jagged peaks beneath the unknown stars. As he arrived, the fires of Madness still burning strongly in his eyes, Lineir was absolutely dumbstruck by the change in atmosphere from the dreary and grim bridge below. It truly was as if he had ascended to some higher place.

"Where..where am I?" He wondered. In front of him an incredibly dark and still pond rested. It was nestled between gently waving grass amidst the faintest of midsummer breezes. Strangely enough, the wind waving grass seemed to just stop at the water's edge. Lineir's being quivered staring at the dark pond which seemed so dark it became a perfect mirror, when staring into it one could see the grass and moon reflected in stunning detail. All was darkness except for the unholy pure silver moonlight which illuminated the scene. Just the still pond, waving grass, and him, an interloper filled with Madness. He stepped onto the soft grass, hardly daring to break the peace. It was all just so...wistful. So lonely and empty despite being so perfect.

"This place...contains an aura of desolation." Lineir muttered quietly.

"I never imagined that you would surpass the trial somehow and enter the inner sanctum of this place. However, it is empty. Where are the rewards? What even happened during the final trial. How strange..." Yu agreed in his head. Lineir stepped closer to the pond. Upon an idyllic tree on the outskirts something caught his eye. A small plaque,

"My Darkness Lies Here. I leave behind my legacies upon the bridge to my worthy successor. You may mediate upon them in this place." - The Midnight King

As Lineir was reading a stabbing pain hit his eye and he had to look away.


"Again? Agh, perhaps this place isn't the best to meditate for someone like me. But the peacefulness of this place could be useful. I'll stay here and train on the Black Heart technique for a bit while recovering my strength. Going back to the bridge could be dangerous, I don't know if I'll be able to go back over." Lineir still greatly feared the missing last three trial monsters. If they attacked he would surely die. And even disregarding those, any of the stronger beasts he encountered which were not dead would pose a great threat. He intended to stay for some time and recover his condition as well as increase his strength before returning. As he settled down at the edge of the pond to meditate however-

"DIE trespasser!" A voice shouted from across the pond and Lineir immediately uncrossed his legs and stood up just in time to receive a sword blow as the attacker crossed the distance. Rising up like a cobra he was suddenly struck down as an immense weight bore down upon the black blade.

Krrr krrr

"Heh. Your blade is really heavy." Lineir grunted as he felt his arms bow down. His opponent was definitely stronger than him. He realized he was in real trouble. There had been little warning and he had absolutely not expected anyone to be in this peaceful place. Perhaps a fatal mistake. His attacker did not say a word. Lineir saw a cowled figure and a blade like the ocean bore down upon his own slanted blade pressing him down into the grass. A second later with incredible technique his assailant twisted the angle and broke the lock and Lineir felt a great force as the black blade was smashed into the sky and he with it. As the force channeled up his arms he spat out blood, burning pain stabbing in his chest though he had not actually been stabbed.

"Ahhhhhk-" A mere instant later there was a flicker and Lineir sensed a shadow appear above him in the night air. Instinctively he held the black blade out and was blasted back down to the ground. He barely had time to try to summon his Phoenix Flame Wings when suddenly the whooshing air air at his back turned into turbid water and he gasped as the beginnings of his wings were instantly exstinguished. As the black water entered his lungs, he was completely unable to move, sinking down into the depths. It felt like many thousands of jins of pressure were weighing him down, and he had become a mere mortal, unable to breath in the strange fluid. As drowning was to a mortal, perhaps this was to a cultivator.

"Muuurrrrrrpphh" He mumbled expelling a stream of air and felt the Qi being leeched from him in the darkness. Numbly, as he sank, he saw a reflection as the cowled figure laid down at the side of the pond and grew still as if sleeping. However, no matter how he struggled Lineir was unable to summon even a wisp of Qi to aid him and he was gradually dragged down and down.


"AAAAAHHHHH" The last of Lineir's burning air exited his lungs, and though he was panicking and desperate, his eyes red with Madness, he felt himself growing weary and falling asleep. He rolled over in the limpid depths and in his last gaze he caught sight of something gleaming on the floor of the pond. In the lurid light his Madness Eyes swept over it and he saw what it was. A metal chestplate with a terrible rend across the middle. It had suffered a great blow and been practically shorn open like one might slice apart paper with a jagged knife. At first it appeared to have some characters, parted at the blow.

The Midnight King

Is what it appeared to read. However, Lineir in his sleepiness read a different set of characters with his Madness Eyes.

Lord Midnight

Lineir felt this was curious but wasn't sure why. He closed his weary eyes and darkness washed over him.


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