Chapter 111-Wake Pt.2

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Rawwwwr. Whew when everyone else goes out on friday and you just go home and pass out without brushing your teeth. I feel like I just came back from another dimension. Thanks for the kind comments!

Dark. So so very dark. The ancient one had been neither asleep nor awake for so very long. It had been so long in this half-life that he did not even remember whether he had chosen to go into this slumber...or if he had been forced. However in this endless twilight he remembered one thing.

Eat. Devour. Grow

In his timeless stopped mind these were not so much words or even feelings but an order. Perhaps it would be more accurate to call it a brand or a seal which had been imprinted deep into his being. Throughout the ages, when he dreamed, if he even did dream, it had been so long he wasn't sure if any of his memories were real, he dreamed of dark shapes and amorphous figures in the void which sought to consume him. He had to consume them before they devoured him!

Tsss... Tssss.....

A strange sparking feeling came to him. Wait what was that? A feeling? Impossible, it had been so long that he had long since forgotten the feeling of having feelings. That couldn't be...


??? Was someone talking to him? However he had been gone for so many years. Additionally...he was sealed away. There should be no one.


?? The voice louder...definite...real. 


That sparking feeling came to him again. The energy of lightning. Electricity deep in his being. With a great effort his eyes opened though he remained unfeeling and unthinking in his slumber. His eyes were open yet he was still asleep.


He had not opened his eyes since entering his slumber. However now that he had, the world outside was disjointed and blurry. It was as if he was staring through a glass window however the glass had warped and cracked with the passage of time and now he was separate from reality...forced to gaze through a distorted lens forever.






"Is he awake?" The head cultist stared through the crystal like coffin which housed the object of his attention. His god, his lord, and master.

"I think so...we must conduct the ceremony yes? That one has come again so it is time. We shall bring the ancient one back to fight evil with evil once again!" The giant called Jin raised the strange sword which had opened the doorway. He gave a look to the head cultist who nodded at him in return.

"It is time. Goodbye. The rest of you...witness this so we do not make a mistake yes? If things go wrong, if our divinations are off then you must let someone know. Someone must survive to guide the ancient one to the battlefield." With that he nodded to the other cultists who all raised their hands and pledged their assent.

"So be it." The man named Jin first stabbed himself in the heart. Then without faltering he ripped the sword from his still beating chest and impaled the head cultist as well. They both fell lifeless to the ground with their life's blood pouring out into the strange black and purple material of the floor. Wordlessly the cultists looked at each other as nothing happened. What should they do now?

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