Chapter 47- Heavenly Grind

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Still one of my favorite chapters

Lineir stared at the battlefield littered with corpses and ruined constructs. The bodies were full of cores and various sect treasures! He began to collect the spoils but soon found his hands full. Staring desolately at the countless prizes lying in front of him, he began to sigh, ready to begin sorting so as to take only the best of what he could carry.

"Kiddo, relax, I can sense something good about a quarter on the way in. On that Patriarch's body over there. Go over and search him first!"

Lineir ran over, dropping what was in his hands and quickly searched the body.

"On his finger, that ring, take it! It's a spacial ring!" Lineir sighed in wonder, Mei was absolutely correct. As soon as he touched it, he could feel that the ring was not ordinary. It seemed to have a weighty presence to it, like it took up more space than it really did.

"Go ahead, drip some blood on it, the Patriarch won't be needing it, see what's inside!" Mei urged Lineir, and he quickly obeyed.

Inside were several treasures, though most were nowhere near as high quality as the ones on the ground outside. Everyone had brought out their strongest treasures in hopes of saving their lives in this final battle. On the ground, some top notch treasures were there, though most had been crushed or burned through extreme use during the battle.

"Kiddo, there are five more rings lying around. Gather them up, then begin looking for treasures. You don't have enough space for much, just gather up the cores, and any top notch treasures which aren't ruined. I'm afraid you won't find many, everyone used forbidden arts and sacrificed their cultivation and items before they died. What's left are likely just shells. At the end, Mei's words were true, and there wasn't really anything good left over in treasures. However, the number of cores was enormous, and took up much of the space in the spacial rings. Each of the cores was uniform, and all were of the same rank. 257 eighth tier cores. Lineir was practically salivating at the thought of them, though they were not of much use to his cultivation until he improved his techniques more. Just one eighth tier core could move a kingdom. 257 was a number which no greater sect could hope to match, and even the entire forces of all the sects on the continent would have trouble producing so many. This wasn't even necessarily a problem of power, even if there were people to hunt high level magical beasts, ones that strong were in terrible places which most didn't dare enter, and they were tricky to find and catch. At that level, most beasts had begun to gain intelligence and were crafty. Once they sensed something was off, they would not come out and thus catching a large number was impossible. A treasure trove of 257... Lineir could be said to be holding the greatest single collection of high level monster cores in the continent at the moment. Only some insanely powerful forces which remained out of the public eye might have some comparable stockpiles, but they rarely surfaced, focusing on closed door cultivation. Lineir was in essence... rich! Stinking rich!

Of the treasures he looked through, almost all were burnt out or uninteresting. It could be said that the greater sects really went all out before they died. Life saving treasures, damaging treasures, soul depleting treasures, everything under the sun was used to try to battle the golems or escape. However, he did manage to pick out a few lesser talismans inside the spacial rings, and there was a cracked phoenix crest which held a strange aura that Mei insisted he keep. Almost everything else was weapons, and broken as they were, Lineir had no interest in them. They took up too much space and he already had a far better weapon. Pondering what to do now, a great shaking came and the ground swept out from under his feet.

Rumble, rumble, rumble, crack, crack, crack.

Lineir fell over as the entire pillar seemed to shift and turn.

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