Chapter 121-Star Stream Lake Pt.10:No Way Back

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A gleaming monster core inscribed with pulsating black and red runes appeared in Chen Jin's hands. It's appearance was like a palm sized pearl covered in dark crimson chains. With a snarl he tossed it after Lineir who was currently retreating deeper into the ice tunnel.

Forbidden Core Detonation!

The little glowing ball rapidly began to shine with a blinding light and the crimson chains began to lose control.


"Die!!!!!" The Jin brothers shouted as the crimson chains were unable to hold back the energy anymore and rapidly unwound. The core exploded!


Lineir had already started retreating when the core began to blow. However, he had little time to escape, and the core itself was Tier 9 and contained a vast amount of energy when detonated with a forbidden technique. 

"Nowhere to hide in this tunnel, gotta face this!" He simultaneously stuck Mizuchi point down in the ground and then unleashed a Lightning Slash forwards with Mei. The Lightning Slash collided with the explosion and failed to cut through, but weakened it significantly. He then crossed Mei horizontally over Mizuchi to form a cross behind which he kneeled down and braced himself. His bone scythes slid over his arms and protected them from the blast as it washed over.


The blast wasn't that strong compared to some of the godlike existences which Lineir had encountered, but it had came in close quarters and Lineir had had precious little time to react. Despite his best efforts his blades were pushed back and Mizuchi actually carved a rent in the ground for over ten meters. The heat of the explosion was controlled by the Phoenix Fire Qi and he employed the weight of Darkness to increase his mass and reduce the impact. 


A grating screech was created as his boots and Mizuchi were shoved back. When the explosion died down, Lineir was worse for wear, but only slightly injured. Though he had not had any cover, the core had not really detonated near him as Chen Jin had not known where he was within the Madness Rain Domain. Adding on to that, he had ablated some of the force with his Lightning Slash beforehand, and with his Darkness Qi channeled through Mei and his body, the explosion had failed to truly damage him. His eyes adjusted to the darkness of the tunnel once again after the bright flash and he scanned for threats.

"They're gone. However...looks like one little rat got left behind." He stepped forward and held his blade out over the one armed female cultivator who was in an extremely pitiful state. She was desperately reaching for a bottle of pills with her one remaining arm while lying on the ground, seared and horribly bruised from the explosion. When she heard Lineir's shadow coming close she trembled and gasped in pain,

"Please! They left me behind, I'm no threat to you sir! I have no grudge against you. By the time I am even capable of walking again you will be long gone, please!! Let me go!" She cried out hoarsely as she grabbed the bottle of pills and tried to open it with one hand. 

"Tell me, how did the Jin Clan find out about the Proving Grounds? What did they do to the Snow Empress? Speak and I may let you live." Lineir ordained expressionlessly. He spoke so coldly that the girl on the ground looked into his eyes red with Madness and froze.

"I..I didn't have any part in it! I swear!" She pleaded and Lineir felt the slight urge to give her some incentive to hurry up. However he resisted as he wasn't sure how injured she truly was and didn't want to accidentally kill her before finding out more information.

"I don't care, just tell me what happened. Hurry up!" He said with more force and suddenly the Hydra tongue flickered out sinisterly. Seeing that, the poor female cultivator lost it and completely broke down.

"Jayi caught the Snow Empress's kids at Star Stream Lake! He used them to force the Snow Empress to turn herself in, and then extorted her to find out about the Treasure Grounds! However, I had nothing to do with that! I was just trying to get in the Jin clan's good graces, I need cultivation resources desperately!" She screamed as Lineir's face grew dark. He sighed, adjusting his expression back to calm. Forced himself to be patient.

"And? What happened after that?" 

"I don't know! The kids are being held by the Jin clan in Snowfall Citadel. The Snow Empress escaped somehow, though not before Jayi managed to coerce her into giving us the coordinates of the Treasure Ground. Sir, are you seeking the Treasure Ground as well? I will not compete with you for it, I swear it!" She cried out but Lineir simply shook his head.

"It's clear you're not even good enough to use as bait. And to be honest, I don't really care enough to kill you. But I don't like to leave loose ends." He sighed as her expression grew more and more fearful. She turned frantic, but Lineir only advanced closer with a heavy expression. 

"You hold a grudge and you are I are connected by karma now. If I let you live, that karma may come back to haunt me. Goodbye young miss." He was prepared to bite her with his Hydra tongue but instead decided better of it. It wasn't worth dirtying his cultivation with her impure Qi. Instead he simply grabbed her by the leg and tossed her next to the waterfall. Her dress fluttered in tatters as a shadow came out from the waterfall and snatched her body.

"NOOOOOOOO!!!" As her scream echoed Lineir's eyes continued to remain ice cold and calculating. He no longer had the luxury of showing mercy to his enemies. A long time ago before he became a cultivator, he would have hesitated and maybe even let her go. But now, he knew where that path could lead.

"How...sad. That I would have to kill someone just because of an association with my enemy. Regardless, it is inevitable that my hands will become more and more stained the longer I walk the Nine Path's of Asura. The very name implies slaughter. Even now I can feel some part of the Madness urging me to walk a darker path. Where will it take me I wonder? And why is it that even after experiencing the second path, the so called Redemption, I have yet to experience much of a change in the Madness. If killing intent is only growing worse." He felt a little fear pass through him as his thoughts wandered. However, now was not the time to dwell on these things!

"Those Jin rats are gone. And I think they even split up. Additionally, the girls are already captured in Snowfall Citadel so it is pointless to chase after them. I can always hunt them down later. What's more important is finding a way to get the girls." He began to sprint back the way he had came, going back out of the hidden ice tunnel behind the waterfall. He gave the waterfall a wide birth as he went, keeping an eye out for any of the strange creatures which dwelled there. 

"They went a different way. However, I must go this way back, its the only way I know of. If I go another way, without more knowledge I might end up lost for who knows how long. Oh---****"

He cursed as he arrived back where he had pilfered the surrounding ice for Yin Qi Water. The sight he saw left him speechless as the once magnificent tunnel had completely collapsed and all that was left was a narrow opening which was completely submerged in freezing water!

"Oh crap! I must have destroyed the support pillars of the cave and accidentally triggered a collapse!" He sighed as he prepared to swim in the freezing water, after all, there may be a way through!

"Wait a minute. Something's not right." 

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