Chapter 196-Honorbound

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Running out of wattpad chapters to update with, so new updates will have to come in Nine Path's of Asura Pt.2! I will announce it in the description of the last chapter when its coming, and also follow this profile to receive an update when it's out!



"Hey you doing?" There was a strange noise as the space was displaced. Suddenly beside him the Solar Martial God appeared in all of his perfect glory. Almost two meters and clothed in sky blue robes, he held Mizuchi in his thick hands as if he could stand against the Heavens and Hells alone.

"You!" Lineir backpedaled as he was taken aback. "What do you want?"

"Junior brother...I know you're still confused after the death of your Deathblade's spirit. Truly regrettable. I'm terribly sorry it had to be that way. Eventually you will come to realize that there's more to life than that. But now...there are bigger things which will need to occupy your attention.

"Bigger things? What do you mean?" Lineir knew that the man in front of him had saved his life...literally but he still couldn't quench a sense of a unease when facing the Solar Martial God. Be careful Lineir. I served the Higher Ups faithfully. Look where that got me... Yu whispered in his mind and Lineir shook his head.

"There are many events in motion. Somebody you know well has reappeared. His power is not something we can do without. You know of who I speak." The Solar Martial God glanced meaningfully at Lineir and he guessed immediately.

"Senior found him?"

"Indeed. However...the situation has grown rather...complicated. He is not in our territory. He is deep in the Hells!" The Solar Martial God said gravely but Lineir scratched his head, unsure of what to make of this.

"Ok, that doesn't sound good. But what does that have to do with me. Surely you don't expect me to be able to do anything, I'm merely a junior!" Lineir exclaimed vehemently. His distrust of the Higher Ups became clear and the Solar Martial God smiled.

"Yes! You are a junior. However, the Bladelord is deep in the Hells. So deep that for any of us stronger ones to venture would mean starting a war which we are not ready to win. Only a junior could do such a thing...and only one junior specializes in the kind of stealth techniques which could allow him to infiltrate that deep." The gleam in the Solar Martial God's eye made Lineir realize he had fallen right into his trap "You owe the Bladelord. Regardless of your emotions regarding our side, right now don't you want to help him?" Lineir thought of all the times the Bladelord had been late, almost gotten him killed, and just generally gotten him in trouble. However eventually he also thought of all the times he would have died without the help of the expert. How he had given him a powerful top tier manual for free. How he had done his best to protect him from the Hells and Heavens.

"You...FINE! Where is he? What is his situation exactly! Tell me everything or I won't go even if you throw me down!" Lineir finally burst out. He truly couldn't abandon the Bladelord but from what it sounded like he was being asked to go into that place again!

"The Bladelord's situation is not good at all. Dahn, that is the Bladelord, was lured into the Hells using an extremely complex illusion which we do not understand. All we know is that it somehow manipulated the Bladelord, causing him to be drawn to the Hells. Now, reports indicate he is going to duel one of the most powerful Kings of the Hells! The Three Step King! This is folly! Fighting down there, nevermind the Three Step King, but simply being down there is suicide and possibly the start of a war if managed improperly! We need you to go down as a junior and convince the Bladelord that this is folly. Of course, we will supply you with the methods to evade their tracking and sensory formations. Combined with your uncanny stealth techniques you should be able to penetrate in and find him. After all, nobody would expect a junior to try to enter the Hells alone!" The Solar Martial God said and Lineir almost got the feeling that if the Bladelord was here, he would be proud. Every single word he had said was simply not mentioning the fact that this was a suicidal mission which even the Bladelord wouldn't ask Lineir to take! Penetrate the Hells? Of course no one would expect a human junior to do such a thing because it was another way of asking someone to fall on their sword! Something about his expression must have tipped off the Solar Martial God because he raised his hands.

"Wait....wait, before you refuse, there's more." The Solar Martial God opened his palms and a small pagoda was resting inside. After his fingers uncurled the pagoda floated out gently. Lineir felt a soft tug from inside him. The Midnight Armor? It's reacting to this treasure?

"What is this?"

Before Lineir's astonished eyes a black vortex which were remarkably similar to the Hematoma technique appeared around the pagoda like a dark koi pond in the courtyard. There was an exceptionally complex set of Laws which rotated gently attracting anything and everything inside. As he watched three more pools appeared, one for North, South, East, and West until the floating pagoda, about the size of a human head or birdhouse, was surrounded.

"This, my dear Junior Brother, is a treasure left behind by an ancestor of our Sect. The Midnight Pagoda!" The Solar Martial God grinned and Lineir felt a chill. Does he know I possess the Midnight Armor? Would he covet it? Or is it just a coincidence? The Solar Martial God had always treated him well as his Junior Brother but for a treasure at the level of the Midnight Armor? Lineir was not so naïve as to trust in someone who was almost a complete stranger. "The Midnight Pagoda has a unique ability. It is an estate treasure which can contain lifeforms inside. It has many special uses and is a great treasure but in this case it has one more use. Do you see the Darkness Qi Whirlpools inside? Using the Laws of Attraction at their peak, these Darkness Qi Whirlpools can actually trap all hints of Qi. Do you know what this means? It means...even if an incredibly strong expert...such as myself...were to hide inside, the Hells would not be able to detect it with their barrier enchantment. You would not go alone Junior Brother. I will be with you!"

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