Chapter 188-A True Madman

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Remember soon I will need to post chapters on a separate story as this one has hit the part limit so follow my wattpad if you want to see the announcement! Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote and comment as usual.


"YOU!" Lineir and the girl shouted at the same time. They both turned their heads when an imposing character entered the forgotten sanctuary. He strode up with a careless look on his face, mercurial skin seeming to twist and reform at will.

"Well! Well, the two of you...I remember you both. That's a rare thing in these times...although one of you I remember better than the other." The man who called himself Amalgate directed his gaze at Lineir. "Very, very interesting. And you my dear...the years haven't changed you at all, don't tell me ole Midnight actually sealed you up? What a crazy fellow, I didn't think he had it in him to condemn his own flesh and blood to such a lonely fate. Madness, what a madman, he should have been the Lord of Madness....hehehe....HAHAHAHA!" Amalgate almost lost his head cackling. It was all too insane this merry world. What a truly crazy coincidence. 

"You're real?!"

"You're alive?!" 

Lineir and the girl's dual exclamations just made Amalgate all the happier. He snapped his fingers,

"So you got Midnight's War Armor. I can't remember where I placed mine, give me his. Trust me kid, you probably don't know what that armor signifies, you're much better off letting someone like me wield it." Amalgate intoned mysteriously. Immediately the girl reacted with a look of panic,

"NO! Don't give it to him under any circumstance! He is practically the biggest devil in history! If you give it to him it will result in a calamity! My father would come out of his grave to prevent this!" She shrieked and Lineir grimaced.

"I wasn't planning on it. This seems to have taken a liking to me, and I must say I like it as well. I'll be keeping it." He confidently said and the girl grimaced staring daggers. However she seemed calmer now that she was sure he wouldn't give it to Amalgate. She even took a step forward as if to stand between Lineir and Amalgate.

"Peh!" She spit on the ground towards the strange everchanging man. "Whatever, I'll deal with you later but right now this devil takes precedent! You! If you want to have a chance of keeping that armor come at him together with me! Or else we will both perish here." She snatched Lineir's arm which flared up with the black haze. He watched astonished as the black haze seemed to be attracted to her hand like flame to fresh air, it swayed and extended as if to touch her. Then her hand clamped down on his forearm and dragged him forward. Amalgate watched all this with an amused expression,

"Wow...who would have thought, blood really does run thicker than water. HIS daughter, and HIS...follower...working together just like that. And if I'm not mistaken you've just met. Hahaha Fate you devilish old spinster, must you spin a new web with the same old silk? How interesting!!" He raised a hand as if to fight and Lineir felt the girl's grip tighten through the armor's forearm guard. A second later though it relaxed slightly as Amalgate turned away,

"I'm not interested in bullying children. Keep the toy, I didn't really need it. Besides, it really does belong with you ahahah. Goodbye young ones. Grow strong so we can fight the Heavens together." Amalgate said with an eerie smile as he looked over his shoulder. When he left the area Lineir sighed in relief. This man...this phantom...he was terrifying. Though his aura did not seem strong Lineir could not read him at all. Was he proud, strong, simply insane? Lineir had no idea.


The sound of steps faded away and the girl finally let go of Lineir's arm which he slowly took back. She shook her head, Lineir could see she was shaking.

"That man... Amalgate. He really is still alive. But it should have been impossible. I can't believe he survived. And he said something about you. That you were a follower of someone important. Hmmm who are you really Mr. Lineir? What is your surname hmmm? Who is this someone you follow?" She asked but she didn't really expect an answer. Lineir was sweating bullets though. There was a high chance this girl was related to the Nine Paths! But could he trust her? Absolutely not! He had just met her after all.

"Me? I'm just Lineir. A nobody like you said." Lineir refused to give her anything and they stood there quietly. After sometime he felt awkward. But then he realized he could leave now that he had the strange armor. He began to edge away towards the exit...

Tap Tap Tap

Lineir stopped looking behind him. A pair of burning sky blue eyes glared at him. He took another step. The eyes were still following him. He looked forwards and resumed walking.

Tap Tap Tap

"ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME??!!" Lineir whirled around to find the girl completely unashamedly walking behind him. 

"How else am I supposed to make sure he doesn't get his hands on my father's armor?" She said as if it was the most natural thing in the world, "If there's one thing my father would never have wanted to see it would be HIM wearing it..." She sighed softly and Lineir felt a pang of sadness. 

"You keep saying that, who is your father? What's his relation to that man?" Lineir gave up on walking away for the moment. He was curious.

"My father Lord Midnight was a general long ago. And one of his sworn brothers was the man you just saw, Lord of Death, Amalgate! Before he left, my father always cursed Amalgate for betraying them in the final battle. If it wasn't for the severe mental scar Amalgate left behind on his heart with his betrayal, perhaps my father would not have succumbed to his wounds! He might even still be with me today!" The poor girl held her chest as if she were the one to suffer a scar on her heart and Lineir realized that was probably exactly what had happened. 

"But if your father is the Lord Midnight, then how can you young?" Lineir winced unable to word it in a more civil way as the tension cooled. Fortunately she wasn't offended,

"My father payed a great price at the end of his life to ensure I would survive until now. I won't go into the details but using the culmination of many of the top array refiners and experts of our time he sealed me inside his old Deathblade and created a dreamworld for me to live and cultivate in. In there I was half asleep half awake. When I entered I wasn't much higher of a realm than you, but over the years, though I never aged a day and was not even really awake, I unconsciously meditated on the sword everyday. The latent intent inside me is greater than you can imagine. It's like having every ancient school of swordsmanship in my mind at once. The reviewing them and understanding their meaning. If I can comprehend their true meanings then my path to ascension is guaranteed."

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