Chapter 30 No Longer So Soft...

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Lineir's ears were perked up like a cat's, finally an opportunity.

"Hrmph, you'd better hope you don't draw me as your opponent, I won't hold back!" The men both went back upstairs early, leaving half their tankards of ale untouched. Clearly, they actually wanted to have an early night. Lineir sighed. To think, after all night, that was the end of his free information.

"Cities really are money sinks!" He walked up to the counter and addressed the bartender, 

"So about those two fellows who just left." The bartender smirked as he glanced over at the table Lineir was indicating and the unfinished ale and scraps. He had a patchy mottled face, and was the owner of the inn who had taken Lineir's coin earlier. 

"Leftovers go to my hogs kid. Don't care if you're starving, you gotta buy your own food."

Lineir quickly realized that the man thought he was begging for scraps. Insulted he made his actual purpose known,

"I'm not interested in your pig's food. Look, I want to know more about what they were talking about, a tournament? It sounds like something worth watching." The innkeeper smiled. He knew an opportunity when he saw one, and this kind of thing happened on a frequent basis. He pursed his lips and tapped on the counter. Lineir, expecting this by now, he had quickly learned that nothing was free in the city, slid over a copper. The innskeeper smiled wider and tapped three more times. 

"Damnit I gave in too quick, he knows I'm interested." He slid over three more and said,

"Alright, I'm sure anyone could tell me about this. Tell me what you know already or I'll ask someone else." The bartender swept the coppers under the counter into a pocket somewhere and began to speak,

"Yea kid, it's kind of obvious your new. Anyone on the street could tell you about the royal tournament, its been posted for months now. Word to the wise, best to ask around first before you come to an information dealer. Regular people don't charge for gossip. But hey, more for me." Lineir signaled to get on with it.

"All right, the king of Dracherus has proclaimed a great tournament which just so happens to begin tomorrow. The winner will receive a nice sack of gold, recognition, and a fourth tier magical beast's core. In fact, anyone who shows themselves well may be eligible for knighthood from the king himself, or various other nobles attending, and may join the private forces of said sponser. Anyone on the street could tell you this. But kid, since you paid me, and I wouldn't want you to feel cheated, let me tell you a little something else. Between us information brokers, that fourth tier magical beast core, while any fourth tier magical beast core is an item most of us ordinary people couldn't touch, this particular one ain't normal. Word is, it actually is a core from a Three Headed Hydra! The Three Headed Hydra is a mythical class beast, and thus the core's value is actually equal to a low fifth tier core. The value of such an item is priceless. Its rarity is such that only a fool would accept gold for it. But there's more...which I could tell you for a price." The bartender rapped on the counter once more. Lineir, questioningly took out a single copper. The bartender smiled and shook his head. He rapped again. Mei quickly told Lineir to pay up,

"This man clearly knows something good, whatever the price is, pay it, it's only money, information on a mythical class beast core is far more important at your level. This could be a huge opportunity for you!" Sighing endlessly Lineir slid one of his last few silver coins to the man. Instantly it too was under the table and the bartender was clearing his throat.

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