Chapter 98-A Terrible Mistake

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Welcome to Jazmine, Alonzo, Salid, and Bobbyebuka! Thanks for commenting and hopefully you guys enjoy this arc where we get to finally meet the enigmatic character Dahn. Just moved back to CT from NYC and heading overseas soon. Oh and Bubbyebuka, you can think of Lineir as young adult at this stage, probably 17-19 though you can think of him as any age you want. I leave it ambiguous so the reader can emphasize no matter what age.

In a pocket of spacetime Dahn was leisurely enjoying a nap. He reminisced about the good ole days when he stood against the Heavens. However, he was now reduced to babysitting the next generation. He sighed,

"Damnit. But those bastard followers of Asura gave me back my old blades at least so I can't be too angry at them. With that my power has almost returned to what it was at that time. If only this body of mine still worked too. Whatever, it's not like I'll have to fight anything more than some pretentious sect lords while guarding this kid. If I even bother... he's way too much work to guard! How can he ALREADY have offended another sect. Does he think the Heavens do not have eyes?? Thankfully I'm such a genius. It was truly a great idea to send him to my old Secret Estate. While a sealing formation is not really suited to him, while he comprehends it he won't be getting into trouble!"

Dahn enjoyed another leisurely cup of ancient tea which he had stolen from the Head Administrator.

"Ahhh...that ole bastard's tea is still the best. He usually never shares his tea with those outside the Heavenly Court, but while he was watching the battle, I managed to snag several cups from his cave. On second thought maybe I should be thanking this kid, this is the life. The Heavens are not hunting me, I have no responsibilities, and I get to drink the greatest of tea..." He closed his eyes in pure bliss. However....


Dahn suddenly dropped his teacup spilling the stolen tea all over the spacial pocket.

"'re kidding me. How the hell did he destroy the formation, even if it's old it's way beyond his level to comprehend...did he comprehend it? No no way! It must be that damned Mizuchi! CRAP!"

Hurriedly Dahn faded through the void making haste to Lineir's dimension. However when he arrived it was already too late. He appeared only to see a second pile of dust where the sealing swords had been and Lineir saying,

"Hmmm yep, Mizuchi you're just too forceful. Please hold back next time, I went and insulted the owner of this Secret Estate for nothing..." He said and Dahn heard Mizuchi's reply,

"Haha, they were trash swords anyway. And come on this senior was just playing a prank on some mortals. You sure you don't want to trash his estate?" She urged Lineir on and Dahn roared in rage badly startling Lineir who had been completely unaware of his existence.

"GODDAMIT MIZUCHI! You destroyed the Nine Blade Void Sealing Hell Suppressing Array I paid for??? WHY?????!!!!!!!" Dahn screamed while resisting the urge to tear out his hair. To Lineir, it appeared as if a blurry purple cloud of Qi had suddenly started yelling at him. However Mizuchi replied,

"Oh? Is that what it was? I thought someone was just playing a prank on some junior because that array was so old. Wait that was a Nine Blade Void Sealing Hell Suppressing Array? You really owned this shabby Secret Estate back in the day?" Her childish acting made Dahn unsure of whether he should laugh or cry.


"Oh my gods. It's out. I can't stop it now." Dahn mourned and cursed Mizuchi and the Solar Martial God as well as everyone related to them. Lineir, puzzled asked,

"Have we met before...I know! You were the one I met when I awoke after Lightholme. Are you...the Bladelord?" He guessed based on what Mizuchi had said and Dahn furiously motioned.

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