Chapter 38- Reaper

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Behind him from about thirty meters in the trees, six black robed cultivators came shooting out on flying swords, though one was running on foot, he had just launched the surprise attack on Lineir with his flying sword.

"Disciple, this is why we should have kept going. You gave up the element of surprise by lingering so long in one place. While I'll admit, this is a fast way to attract your enemies, it's a dangerous methodology to get into. If too many come, or someone truly powerful shows up one day, what would you do?" Mei was simply pointing out the shortcomings in Lineir's choices. However, it could be said that these weak elders of the Nero Sect were definitely being cheated. With their Second Hearts being sucked away their entire lives, how could they possibly compare to someone who's power was wholly his own, with a body filled with forbidden techniques?

Lineir's first response was to immediately rush towards the six elders. He entered the midst of the five on flying swords before they could react. Once again, it was as if someone was guiding his hand. This wasn't like Mei who in the past had actually taken complete control over him, this was simply a suggestion, like a sense of déjà vu. It was as if someone with incredible experience and battle sense was showing him the way. A bone scythe to the throat, and Lineir had slain the leading elder. This time, Mei formed her sword in Lineir's right hand. With the extra reach it afforded, and Lineir's incredibly strong footwork, combined with the guidance of the unknown entity which accompanied the madness character in his eyes, he simply stepped over and slashed straight through a second elder, who did not even remain in one piece but toppled over in two. The first two elders were close to the ground, but the last three on flying swords had finally realized that something was off. They tried to back off and fly up, but the sky was not a refuge.

As lightning flies up from the ground to smite the heavens, Lineir leaped from the ground. For the first time, he summoned the hazy power of darkness to wrap around his leg and increase his power. Additionally, a bit of static electricity flickered around and the speed of his leap was increased greatly. By combining the two, speed and power became explosiveness. This explosiveness caused his jump to far outstrip the slow flying speed of the immortal swords.


Just as before, Lineir had dispatched the three immortals, landing while blood and bone rained down from the sky. This time however, the enemies had been far higher up, and they hadn't even had a chance to react. To an ordinary onlooker it would like Lineir had jumped once and then landed, and the cultivators had just suddenly started spurting blood. However, to the cultivated eyes of the sixth elder who did not have a flying sword, it was like watching a reaper ascend from hell to drag down the souls of sinners. He could just barely make out the fact that Lineir had jumped once from the ground, instantly found himself level with the first cultivator and dug out his throat. Then he had kicked off of that same cultivator in midiar, ascended to the second higher in the air, and cut out his throat with another bone scythe. Lastly, he had pushed off this second cultivator, and spinning, delivered a backhanded blow with his sword which ripped the highest cultivator into two bloody pieces framed before the shining moon which seemed to be crying red tears now. To complete the horror, Lineir had kicked apart those two bloody halves to accelerate his descent to the ground. To the cultivator on the ground, the body of his comrade disappeared as it passed out of the moon's light and Lineir suddenly landed directly in front of him.

Indescribably terror! That is what this man felt looking at the crimson stained figure in front of him. What he was looking at could only be called madness! It was just too terrifying, and the elder didn't even try to run. His heart began to pump incredibly fast and his legs refused to budge an inch, instead freezing in place. A flash and the man was no more, a great hole punched in his chest where his beating heart had lain. Lineir sighed.

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