Chapter 93-Infiltrating the White Horizon Sect

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If anyone is interested in test reading some chapters of my next work you can pm me. Thanks to all the readers voting and commenting, I appreciate it I really do.

Also don't worry Turtle, the Sects are "evil" but they are forced to do what they do to survive. Otherwise bigger sects will wipe them out. Same with the bigger sects though, if they don't compete with each other to survive an even Greater Sect will wipe them out. So at the end of the day who is the real villain? 


There was rushing noise as Lineir was instantly teleported to the White Horizon Sect Headquarters. He arrived on a teleportation dais made of jade adorned with white gold. The teleportation room was covered in white gold and the floor was white marble. Inscriptions depicting the great ancestors of the sect were everywhere though this was only a teleportation portal to a minor branch of the sect. The great wealth of the sect was apparent with one glance.

"Wow...all this for a mere teleportation array to a branch sect. Truly, the great sects of the planet deserve their title. I wonder whether they should even be called cultivators or business men after seeing all this wealth." Lineir sighed wistfully despite his unquenchable rage. After a moment of ascertaining his surroundings he noticed that the room was empty. The White Horizon branch in Brackenrock City was so insignificant that there wasn't even an attendant waiting for visitors. A merciless grin tugged at Lineir's lips. A predatory look entered his eyes as he activated his unique movement technique and faded from view.

"I'm going to enjoy this." His madness fueled cackle was heard by no one as it echoed through the empty chamber.

Walking through the chamber one of the elders of the White Horizon Sect's main headquarters was musing.

"Aish, recruitment is down lately. Our glorious name has truly faded since the days of old. Once we had droves of young cultivators applying. During recruitment season each year I could have my pick of beautiful young women. But now...heh I have to spend all my time thinking of ways to recruit new idiots to help power our flying swords. The Patriarch has grown so greedy as of late, he went so far as to even collect mortals. I really don't know what he's thinking...---------What?" There was a smacking noise as Lineir suddenly whacked the elder mid sentence. A second later Lineir grabbed his core and Mizuchi performed a quick soul search. This all happened so quickly that the elder had no chance to react. Lineir's merciless ways were truly different from his youthful days...he acted without hesitation when it came to his one remaining family member.

"Hehehe, this old geezer is too sad. He thinks he stands at the top of the continent but he doesn't realize that if he reincarnated in the Upper Realms he wouldn't even qualify to be a bug with his cultivation. Hahahaha to think he's actually over 4 generations old how pathetic. This is considered the top of power for your world? Ahahahah" Mizuchi burst out in a condescending laugh. Lineir grimaced and had to remind her what she was looking for.

"Right right....hmmm no mention of your sister specifically, but apparently the patriarch of the sect has been responsible for collecting vast amounts of mortals. This guys a useless idiot, that's all he knows. Ugh, I'm going back to sleep, this guy's thoughts are gross." Mizuchi's mood turned in a flash and Lineir barely managed to coax her into telling him where to go to find the patriarch before she "went to sleep".

"Alright, if I head this way, I should encounter his reception room. My movement techniques are stealthy indeed but in such an open space with so many detection arrays and guards there's no way I can just walk in without being seen. But it's not yet time for me to begin open slaughter. I still don't know the situation or if there are any hidden variables. I need to find a way to get to the patriarch and soul search him." Lineir mused but even with his resources it would be difficult to get in undetected. This was after all one of the top sects of the entire planet and he was in their most fortified spot! There were generations of arcane protections in place in this place!

"Hehe kiddo, I have an idea. This is a little trick I used to use when I was young like you." Mei's gleeful voice spoke up and Lineir listened carefully. He began nodding his head after a little bit. This would be good....

There were 12 guards arrayed outside the patriarchs quarters. They were dressed in white robes and were all exceedingly strong by the standards of the continent. Each could best a rank 7 magic beast in combat with some sacrifices, and combined they could even hold against a rank 8 magic beast if necessary. Only some of the strongest elders, the patriarch, and the ancestor rank existences of the White Horizon Sect were more powerful than these guards.

"Ugh too think we top prospects of the sect would be drafted to guard the patriarch day in and day out. What a waste of the prime of my youth. What the hell is he doing having so many mortals brought to him all the time? I can't believe I wanted to be a sect cultivator since I was young, aish what I would give to be a free vagabond cultivator! That would be dream...." One of the guards was complaining. A second guard next to him slapped him on the arm..

"Please Jiqin, give it a rest. Those sectless cultivators might look free to you, but are they really? All they do day in and day out is search for cultivation materials. You have access to so many sect resources delivered to your room that your trash is probably their treasure. How can you complain when your crap has more Qi in it than the food they eat?" The smug second guard replied. The first guard could only helplessly shrug.

"When you put it that way..."

A second later there was a bang and the room shook. All the guards looked around but could find nothing amiss.

"Hmph? What was that? An earthquake?"

"Don't be ridiculous, the entire bedrock has been covered in generations of spell formations. An earthquake wouldn't shake the headquarters one bit. My bet is one of the alchemists is experimenting again. Probably some sort of cauldron misfire." One of the guards mused. However, a second later there was another much more audible bang. One of the guards went to investigate.

"Hmph, I'm going to check it out, could be interesting." He said. The other guards tried to stop him,

"We're not supposed to leave the patriarch's quarters!" But the inquisitive guard smirked and retorted,

"Yea, and why not? This is the middle of the White Horizon Sect's headquarters. Like anything is going to happen here." He began to head over

Tap Tap Tap

"Hehehe hooked one. Alright disciple, lay me down on the floor over there. And just be ready to move fast. I can get you a distraction but you won't have much time." Mei said. Then they began the plan. Lineir quietly deposited the black sword on the ground. It sheened with darkness and lightning, clearly no ordinary treasure. As Lineir faded in the darkness, the inquisitive guard turned the corner and saw the sword stabbed into the ground.

"What the...someone left their sword behind?" He came closer and went to pick it up when Mei's booming voice came out. She was putting a masterful impression of an ancient male master and the voice was very similar to the time she tricked the kingdom of Dracherus.

"You there! I have been traveling through the dimensions for countless ages. Where the hell am I?" Suddenly an ownerless voice rang out from the mystical black sword on the ground. It boomed through the hallway and easily reached the ears of the other 11 guards who immediately grew suspicious.

"Jiqin! What the hell was that?" 

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