Chapter 95-A Dark Star is Born

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"Alright hurry up and give these spirit stones to Qiu Yan and activate the array so I can get back to cultivation!!!" A black robed youth appeared on the space transfer array altar with the airs of a young master. There was a strange emblem on his chest, it looked like some strange dark red bug with the body of a beetle and the legs of a spider. This youth tossed a special ring to Lineir without even checking his identity. Upon noticing that Lineir was dressed in black robes instead of the White Horizon Sect's customary white uniform he raised an eyebrow,

"Hmph, did you losers change your uniform? I can't say I like the change. Whatever, hurry up and activate the array! Can you take responsibility if my cultivation is delayed?? Can you??" He raised his hand in a go on motion. However... Lineir was furiously thinking.

"This must be the disciple that the Netherworld Refinement Sect sent. He doesn't realize that Qiu Yan is already no longer of this world. Should I capture him and soul search him? But someone from the Netherworld Refinement Sect will surely notice if he doesn't come back, and I'm not ready to take them on yet." Lineir thought incredibly quickly. He was in a terrible position. If he didn't soul search this guy he would lose out on valuable information on the Netherworld Refinement Sect. On the other hand, if he did there was a good chance the Netherworld Refinement Sect would be alerted that someone was onto them. In the end however, the Divine Realm was according to Mei, incomparably vast compared to the mortal realm. If he wanted to stand a chance of finding his sister he had to take a risk! Meanwhile the disciple was still impatiently motioning to Lineir,

"Come on? What are you waiting for? I haven't got all day...activate the damn formation!" He snapped his fingers but Lineir simply stared at him with dark mercurial eyes. It was at this point that the youth started to get a feeling of unease that something was wrong here.

"What's with that look? Do you know who I am? Why are you not activating the array....why are you coming closer, the activation switch is over there...?" He started as Lineir took a step towards the array platform. Before he could say any more Lineir flickered out of sight and grasped him by the neck choking off his words. An evil glint filled Lineir's eyes as he said,

" him!" However, rather than the response he wanted he got,

"Psha, don't order me around. You're lucky the Lord ordered me to help you out or I wouldn't bother searching this trash's mind!" She said but searched him nevertheless.

"I see. This trash knows quite a bit about the Netherworld Refinement Sect but I fear it's not enough. He's only a small fry member of the junior generation after all. His master though, Lijian Qe however is someone who you should investigate. That being said, Lijian Qe is at the level of a Celestial King at least. You at best couldn't even combat an initial Celestial Realm let alone a Celestial King. I suggest you train for some time before you consider taking on the Netherworld Refinement Sect for revenge." Mizuchi said but Lineir absolutely refused immediately!

"Taking on the Netherworld Refinement Sect for revenge? By then my sister will be dead her soul refined into a weapon of death! I refuse to let that happen!" Lineir raged!

"Well duh, of course she will be dead. That's why I said take on the Netherworld Refinement Sect for revenge. It's impossible for you to take them on at your current level. Whatever, it has nothing to do with me, do what you want. If you go and get yourself killed then my master will come for me and I will be free!" Mizuchi indifferently replied and Lineir was infuriated. How could the Solar God give him such a useless welcoming gift! Shouldn't he have some one time use Dao Seals or something along those lines which he could use to blast the Netherworld Refinement Set into oblivion?

"Arrrrrrrghhhhhh!!!!" Lineir roared in frustration and rage. Despite all his cultivation and life and death experiences was he still unable to protect the one person who still cared for him in this world??

"Actually kiddo....there might be a way. But you'll have to act quick." Mei explained her plan to Lineir. He nodded and made some adjustments and immediately went to work. Taking the spirit stones which he had he began to activate space transfer array. As it flared up and prepared to transfer he took the unconscious Netherworld Refinement Sect disciple and carried him under one arm onto the altar.


Unlike the incredibly long and ancient special tunnel, this transfer was short and smooth. When Lineir appeared a bored looking disciple wearing the same emblem as the unconscious one tucked under his arm was operating the array in a dark chamber filled with evil negative energies common to ghosts and devils.

"Oi, Quan, aren't you a bit late, the delivery boy from the White Horizon Sect is almost done already." The bored looking disciple said nonchalantly. However, his face paled when he saw Lineir standing in the array with Quan tucked under his arm.

"Who the hell are you? What have you done to Quan??" The shocked disciple asked. However, his words were pointless as he was immediately soul searched.

"Down the hall take two lefts. You better hurry, he's about to reach the drop off point!" Mizuachi warned and Lineir bolted with unnatural speed. He quickly caught up to the elder of the White Horizon Sect who had been walking hurriedly down the hallway carrying the orb.


Lineir brutally knocked out the poor elder and snatched the orb from his arms before he could even fall. Then without even taking the time to soul search him Lineir fled for his life back to the space transfer array! He shot down the halls and made it to the array. Taking out several of the stolen spirit stones which the original disciple had brought to the White Horizon Sect to activate the array Lineir began to charge up the array!

"Where the hell is the damn soul orb!!!" A booming thunder echoed out as some higher up discovered that the delivery was off schedule. Lineir cringed and sped up his activation of the array. With a revving noise it activated and Lineir shot off into the void as cries of,

"Intruder! Stop all transfer arrays!" Rang throughout the Netherworld Refinement Sect headquarters. Lineir was getting shuttled along the array praying that no one followed him through when suddenly all went black as the shining lights of the special tunnel collapsed! He quickly stored the orb containing his sister and millions of others in his special ring and braced himself.

Crack! Crack! Shatter!

The entire portal exploded into space and Lineir was blasted unconscious! Unbeknownst to him, a shimmering indistinct figure surrounded by motes of light appeared in the slipstream of the void. Dahn created a bubble of purple Qi runes which protectively shielded Lineir from the destructive environment of the void.

"This kid...challenging a Sect from a higher realm already. I can't tell if he's a fool or Fate is just truly broken. Even more crazy, to have a spacial expert such as myself on hand to protect him when it happened. His destiny is truly designed to go far if he does not die young. If I was this overbearing when I was young I would be dead ten times over. Whatever, he needed to enter the higher realms anyway. I'll send him somewhere where he can acquire some good fortune with those guts of his." Dahn nodded to himself and formed a stable space channel shuttling Lineir through to somewhere unknown!

"I swear...this kid had better not cause me much more trouble!"

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