Chapterr 171-Darkness

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Ugh sorry for the delay, had to work a ton of overtime this week so I could take next week as vacation. 

A slim palm controlled the path of the black blade as a hurricane exploded in the confined cavern of the Hells! Mei felt a control over the black blade which she had never known. She murmured quietly to no one...herself...or perhaps someone,

"So I was like that all along...."

"Darkness..." She uttered and countless chains swarmed out from the black blade surrounding the three Kings. The chains were interwoven so tightly that they were like one endless whole, a ball of serpents swallowing the world! The Kings launched powerful attacks, not underestimating the chains at all, but were tightly bound as a strange restriction caused their Laws to stop functioning. Even their power to fly was briefly in jeopardy.

Clang Clang Clang Clang Clang Clang Clang Clang Clang Clang Clang Clang Clang Clang Clang!!!!!!!

The chains surrounded them tightly in a seamless ball of Darkness and Lightning Qi. Then a terrifying vortex of Darkness Qi appeared which caused the brightly lit cavern to plunge into black. This was an apex pinnacle technique which could bind men, kings, emperors, and gods alike! The cavernous Hells had become a immersed in a layer of complete and utter silence. And at the end of it all a single wicked edge appeared like a reflection upon the black surface of a still pond. The black blade in that moment had been slightly unsealed and a vast pressure pressed down like the suppression of meeting one's creator. All encompassing, it was a gate to some greater power. In this moment the three Kings felt terror which they could not describe.


"How can she be this strong all of the sudden!"

"That blade...I'm going to die here??!!"

All three Kings simultaneously realized that they were facing a moment which would decide not just their life or death, but their very existence itself. Before this blade, the very strands which connected them to Fate itself were tenuous and like weak cotton strands. And they were helplessly chained as the owner of that blade raised her hand-


Lineir felt a soft arm wrap around him as well as a wildly beating pulse,

Badump Badump Badump Badump Badump

"Come on. It's time to climb that stairway to the Heavens like we promised. Even if it isn't quite the Heavens this time, I'm sure next time you'll make it up there." Mei lifted Lineir gently up as she pointed to the vast web of black chains which had strung up countless forces of Hell and at the very top, the three Kings who were entangled like insects in a web. Hesitantly at first, his feet touched upon the first chain which formed a path for him, up out of the Hells. His master walked out in front, one elegant hand upon the invincible black blade and one gracefully reaching back for him to take. "Aren't you going to take my hand?" She coyly said. Lineir was reminded to when they had first met and his Master's playful jokes on his younger self.


"Always!" Lineir grabbed the soft hand and they raced up the black chains to freedom! Along the way Mei delivered blow after blow with the black blade and severed the chains, the denizens of the Hells falling away into the magma below, their souls severed!

Clank Clank Clank Clank Clank!!!

Their corpses sank into the magma and the Darkness chains dissipated away into the wind as the technique was released. Finally the master and student duo reached the three Kings at the apex. At the top...the black chains had formed a sort of gate. To be more accurate, it was almost like a portal to another space. Lineir realized he had seen such a thing before. The Nine Doors of the Necropolis! From these doors a power beyond understanding was seeping out and flowing into the black blade which Mei clutched. Her hand shook gently as her veins crackled with a strange electricity. However....unsteady as it was....she was more terribly powerful than she had ever been before. This thing, this portal was feeding her power! Lineir felt a whisper upon his mind,

"The Asura Gate opens once more..." 

"You...mmmphhh!!!" One of the Kings tried to shout out but was silenced as the chains tightly clenched over his mouth. He could only stare indignantly unable to even beg for his life. Mei held the black blade which glowed with a savage aura of Darkness Qi. Suddenly Lineir felt a flicker in the pulse of the thin wrist he held in his hand.


"Master?" He softly began to call but Mei had already thrown him forward past the three Kings!

"Hehe...this body was interrupted during the revival process. It's imperfect and cannot handle the power of this forbidden technique... Sorry kiddo but this is goodbye!" Mei's eyes were tearing up slightly as she finally let the tears show. Generations of waiting and even though she was not going to live again for long...perhaps she had already found what she had been looking for in these last few fleeting years...

"As for you three is the duty of the Master to clear a path for her disciple even if it is the last thing she does! SO WHY DON'T YOU DIE FOR ME!" She glanced into Lineir's eyes for the last time as she prepared her final attack.

"True Lightning...Darkness....Slash!!" She uttered and swung the blade. A murderous crescent filled with energy exploded forth and charged towards the three bound Kings like a Celestial Cataclysm. It exploded and Lineir who had been thrown past them watched in horror as the expanding wave of Darkness blocked Mei from his sight. As she felt the power she had just discovered fade from her fingers in the end, she let go of the black blade and let it shoot away along with the strike...


The dark wave swept over Liver, but unlike the Kings it caused him no damage, instead propelling him higher up out of the Hells! He was sent flying up the Hellhole, and there was an immense pain in his chest!


The black blade, shining with a warm yellow light, slammed into his chest! His hands reached in to clutch it, but the blade soon dissolved into black liquid and entered his body. Unbeknownst to anyone, a shadow flickered from the depths of the Hells and also latched onto him in the chaos.

"Arrgh!" He cried out, his eyes still open as he tried to see through the endless Darkness, hoping to see....something...anything. But in the end there was nothing. He screamed out unwilling to believe the inevitable truth. His master was no longer with him,


However reality was truly merciless...


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