Chapter 178-The Rainlands

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Will post another chapter soon as this one isn't too crazy on action.


"This feeling...a spacial tear? ascended?!!" Lineir dashed forwards following his vision which was suddenly lighting up in a burning fire. In mere moments the skies rumbled and grew storm! In a few moments he caught up with the disturbance. A spacial tear the size of a small man was in the air as a gathering cloud of the Heavens spat down Tribulation Lightning everywhere. "No way-that rabbit is freaking going to the Higher Realms!" Lineir nearly choked. His eyes gazed down to the bottom of the portal. Standing on its trim furry hind paws was exactly the rabbit he had seen all the years ago! Except the eye which had been tightly shut the last time he had seen it was wide open. Unlike the right eye which burned with a devilish fire, the left one was filled with a vast space. Inside was an omnipresent void which swallowed the stars and contained the Heavens! As if mocking him, the rabbit looked back directly at Lineir and he swear he saw a smirk on its mouth. Then it hopped into the spacial portal!


The portal began to close rapidly as the rabbit's fluffy tail disappeared inside. However, Lineir infuriated and determined to capture the rabbit for his master's memory rushed the it!

"Oh no you don't!" He yelled as he gave everything he had to try to make it!

"STOP! That portal is not meant for you, you have no idea where it will end up taking you!" Yu screamed inside Lineir's mind. However, it was too late! He was going in!


There was a slight noise as the forest drew to a close and the Heavenly Tribulation scattered. All was quiet, just a few forest fires slowly petering out as Lineir exited from the Lower Realms once more.

"Oh no!! Are you insane!" Yu immediately was able to sense the situation. "No no no! We are drifting towards a spot of special chaos! Damnit how the Hells did that happen? Did that bunny somehow influence our trajectory? Lineir, listen to me, let me guide your hands immediately! There is no time to hesitate or we are both beyond dead! Hurry or we will drift too far for me to save you!"



Plop Plop Plop Plop

Lineir found himself in a land of endless rain when he emerged from the spatial tunnel. He looked towards the sky for the light of a sun but thick grey clouds leaking watery tears blocked out any light. Wherever Yu had taken him, it was a truly dreary place.

"Is this the place?" Lineir muttered seemingly to himself while he surveyed the land.

"Yes. This isn't too far off. We were exceedingly lucky. A spacial tear like that...we could have ended up in an entirely different dimension. However I recognize the area. Often in my youth I adventured here. Come on Lineir, head north towards the wind. It is there that you will find the legacy I spoke of." Yu reminisced.

"Your youth? Just because you've lost your body don't talk as if you're that old brother. Perhaps one day you may have a chance to come back." Lineir said absentmindedly. He had no intention of doing so right now, but perhaps in the future he might consider finding a way to resurrect Yu. However, he was still not wholly convinced in the trustworthiness of his spirit. If it was really his blood brother of course he would try to help, but the whole series of events was really just too unbelievable. And regardless, Yu himself admitted to not having any particular desire to return to the mortal world. He had lost Ting his soulmate after all. "That damn bunny got away this time...but if I ever find it again..."

Pit Pit Pit Pit Pit Plop Plop Plop

Lineir wandered the rainy landscape, following the vague directions which Yu provided. He passed shattered ruins, flooded tombs, and endless other interesting things in this place.

"The first time I came to the Higher Realms the weight of the Qi here was suffocating. However's kind of reassuring." Lineir felt a sense of a reassurance from the weight of the Qi on his chest. In the mortal realms he had felt completely empty inside following the loss of his master. The thin air there had felt too weak and flimsy. His every action had felt too powerful and foreign like he wasn't in control. It was funny but at some point after entering the Higher Realms...he had begun to feel at home here without even realizing it.

Pit Pit Pit

The world blurred together into lines of grey and white rain at the speeds Lineir was traveling at. To his cultivator eyes however, he could pick out any individual images as easily as one might gaze upon a still portrait despite the great speed. He feared losing control when activating his Madness Eyes, so he tightly tried not to ever use them. Fortunately at some point when he had reentered the Higher Realms they had finally, mercifully shut off. He dared not allow them to take over again.

After several days travel Lineir found himself wandering through a dense forest which was beginning to thin out. Over the last couple of days he had been dodging the occasional wild Magical Beast and gradually approaching his destination. There were no other cultivators in the verdant forest. Without warning the treeline opened up and an immense sight came into view.

"That's it! Finally Lineir! Hurry, hurry, at the peak is what you seek!" Yu ecstatically yelled with far more enthusiasm than Lineir felt. To be honest he barely felt anything at all about this legacy which Yu had been encouraging him to inherit. However, it was something to do and right now he knew that he needed to keep doing something or he would fall into bad habits. Perhaps he would even end up just lying in some cave somewhere doing nothing if he had no goal. So he borrowed Yu's goal or at least showed more interest for it than he really felt.

"Is there any great dangers around here? A legacy as powerful as this...and you say this is only the surface of it all, surely there are protective formations or other defensive mechanisms in place?" Lineir said dubiously as he perceived a huge mountain in the distance. To be clear, it was a volcano which was far fatter than it was tall. Of course, this was the Higher Realms so it was far larger than most mountains in the mortal realms regardless.

"No, this legacy has been all but forgotten by the outside world. It's extremely well hidden and no sane person would ever explore it usually. Fortunately for me, in my youth I once happened upon it by lucky chance. Come, head for the peak. At the realm you are at there should be no strong dangers along the way."

"So be it."

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