Book Two Finale: Chapter 144-The Narrow Road For Friends and Enemies

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Well brothers and sisters, it's been a long road for us, but book 2 of Nine Paths of Asura comes to a close. Will be looking forward to introducing you to new characters and new battles, as well as old enemies and friends. As always, thank you all for walking this path with me, reading, voting, commenting, following, and I hope you stay with me as I go for an ambitious Book 3.

Lineir wandered into the palace. He had a troubled expression. However, when he saw how happy Bing Wei was with Jue Wei he could only sigh. 

"Perhaps...this too is fate?" He muttered under his breath. After all, even if the Snow Empress lived as a mortal, if she got to spend time with her family and the girls then what more could you ask for?

"Heh. Maybe it's time to leave then." He said as he headed out the door. As the palace gates shut, the Wei girls played in the wide throne room, the corpses having been cleared, and at the city gates, a steady stream of survivors flooded into the city. Suddenly as Lineir exited the city gates a twisting appeared as space was broken.


"Hey kid. Enjoy your vacation?" A sky blue robed cultivator appeared in front of Lineir. As the swirling motes of Qi floated around Lineir realized it was the Bladelord and relaxed. However, he was still wary, the Bladelord was extremely fickle after all!

"Senior Bladelord why are you here?" Lineir asked. The Bladelord remained veiled from the world behind his Qi distortion. Suddenly his normally petulant voice turned serious. 

"Kid. There's something coming. A great event. It's time for you to fight for humanity. You're a bit young for this fight but I've been watching and now that you've obtained...that technique... you are ready to stand on a wider stage." The Bladelord said and then he added, 

"Can  you guess what I'm talking about? You've done something similar in the past." Lineir searched his mind for what the Bladelord could mean. Finally he came upon the only event which would have any significance to the greater powers.

"Does Senior Bladelord mean the Pillars?" The Bladelord snapped his fingers as Lineir said that.

"Precisely. However, what you experienced was merely a battle on a minor mortal world. The Pillar you were on is not too important in the grand scheme of things. This will be for real. You will be fighting for all of humanity. Of course...there will be great benefits for you personally as a participant. I heard from the Solar Martial God that you are searching for some items related to creating a surrogate body for a lost spirit." Lineir's ears pricked up as he heard this. 

"Coincidentally...I know for a fact that on this particular pillar there are several of the ingredients needed to forge a surrogate body." Dahn said as he looked at Lineir. Suddenly Lineir was very interested but Mei quickly shouted in his mind,

"Kiddo, while I do desperately desire to return to this plane, it is obvious that this battle he is speaking of will be of a kind more dangerous than you can imagine. You have barely even begun to experience the Higher Realms and now it sounds like he wishes to put you on the frontlines of humanity? Don't listen to his crap, you know what kind of person this Bladelord is!" Mei warned shrilly as Lineir contemplated. 

"'s not that this one does not wish to go, but don't you think my cultivation is a bit too low? Don't forget I am from a mortal realm." Lineir said. The Bladelord shook his head.

"Ahhh I forgot to mention, of course you would have reservations. Our side is fully aware that your cultivation is still not complete. You won't be going alone. You'll be going with a squad of elite cultivators. Additionally there will be higher ups monitoring you. While they will not interfere with matters between juniors, if the other side's elders try to intervene, our side will naturally not let it happen. You will be quite safe." Dahn said as he put on a grin which Lineir couldn't see behind his swirling Qi disguise. "Hehehehe....this kid. I'm really looking forward to his expression when he experience's the wrath of Heaven for once. There's no way he can resist now."

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