Chapter 148-Death Qi Formation

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Having a good weekend?

BOOM Thunk

Lineir watched as the squad took care of a huge Undead which was almost 3 meters tall. It's rotting skin trailed on the ground as tatters of its cloak whipped whenever it swung its massive club. Ting suddenly dropped low and dodged around its side as Yu distracted its front. Then she stabbed into its back and another squad member cut off its head. 


A shuddering vibration shook the ground as the enormous body hit the ground. The Undead, despite not having any knowledge of cultivation or control of the laws had had the strength of a late Divine Realm cultivator. Additionally, while any member of the team could have easily dispatched it normally, they had to work together to minimize the chances of any flashy moves alerting other Undead. In this their teamwork proved invaluable. Off to the side Lineir was impressed by their remarkable coordination, each member complemented each other and could amplify their offensive or cover their weaknesses through years of life and death experiences together.

"Ok guys, let's go. No telling what might have been attracted by our little scuffle!" Yu said and they quickly headed out. There was no need to loot the slain Undead, it's body had long since lost anything of value. Perhaps only a necromancer might have some interest.

"Tell them to hold on. Something's not right." Suddenly the voice of Mei drifted into Lineir's ear and he sent Yu a mental transmission.

"Hold on Yu. I want to survey the area." Lineir said. Yu quickly informed the entire team which stopped in sync to avoid breaking their group concealment formation. Yu mouthed to Lineir,

"What is it?" And Lineir shrugged while scanning around. To be honest, while he was really looking, he was simply waiting for Mei's Divine Sense to take action. Several tense seconds passed like this. Then finally,

"Yep. I can sense it. You need to leave this area now. You've attracted something powerful and it is coming this way. Additionally, there are multiple Undead coming with it. Leave!" Mei said and Lineir scrambled to tell everyone.

"We need to go! Undead are coming!" He said and some of the team members hesitated. However, Yu quickly began to head off,

"Listen to Lineir, the higher ups have stated that he is more than than he seems. I trust him, let's go!" He said and simultaneously Dan who had been reading his compass also nodded.

"A group of Undead, at least a dozen are coming from in front of us. We can retreat or we can try to circle around them?" Dan asked Yu and he frowned. 

"We go around. There's no choice, we cannot delay or we'll miss the best time to enter. Lineir, anything you can tell us?" The team began to run as Lineir shook his head.

"Nothing yet. But I think we should avoid this fight, the opponent may not just be ordinary Undead..." He said, thinking to what Mei had said. She probably would not have warned him unless the aura was quite strange. Suddenly Dan's compass began to shake and rattle with the needle spinning erratically. He immediately raised his hand!

"Halt! Don't move another step!" Dan said as he furiously observed the wild compass. 

"What's wrong Dan?" 

"We've entered a formation. However...I've never scene one like this before. I think it's a "naturally" occuring Death Qi formation, amazing." His voice turned to wonder as he examined the compass more and more. 

"Well, is it dangerous? We are still being pursued right?"  Yu inquiried.

"I'm not sure. I lost track of the enemy when we entered this formation." Dan said. Lineir quickly interjected,

"We're still being pursued. We need to move, whether it's into the formation or not we should leave this area." He said as Mei relayed some information. She then turned silent letting Lineir handle his own problems.

"We should be able to proceed deeper into the formation. But be careful and stay close to me. If necessary I can activate a powerful wide ranged holy formation and disrupt the Death Qi formation. But doing so would be like a beacon to any Undead for many kilometers. It'd be best if we can avoid that." Dan said and Yu nodded.

"We proceed!"

The group tightened in with Lineir hiding in the center. Previously he had actually been trailing the group slightly to the left, but now that they were in a formation it would be too dangerous for him to be isolated from the group. After all, his stealth techniques would not protect him if he accidentally mistepped and triggered the Death Qi formation.

Toc Toc Toc Toc

Everyone's footsteps were light like bird's as they smashed through the grass. 


Suddenly the grass began to sink down as the dry dirt turned into soft mud. At this point it was like full night as the Death Qi was so thick it ate the sunlight long before it reached the ground.

Splash Splash Splash

Before long the squad was running into a marshy bog filled with water. The tall grasses hindered their way and a deep feeling of unease ran through them. What could be beneath the foul water? What was behind them? What was all around them? These questions subconsciously weighed on them however none of them said anything as all of their Third Hearts had been tempered for many years and were like iron.

"This stuff is rancid." Lineir thought to himself as he ran through the water. If he wasn't staying stealthy he would have long since activated his Phoenix Flame Qi wings and flew. However, there was an additional problem. The Nithos Region contained thicker Qi than the Snowfall Region he had come from. Hence he was currently adjusting to the difference and he was reasonably sure that while it wasn't as big a difference as when he had first come from the mortal realm to the Higher Realms, it was still enough to make him avoid unnecessary Qi expenditure. Naturally the other members of the squad had no such problems being natives of the Higher Realms.


Suddenly a ripple ran through the water and numerous flecks of filthy water sprayed everywhere!

"What is it?" Everyone began to circulate their Qi. Dan suddenly yelled,

"Enemy in the water!" 

Chaos broke out as Lineir immediately took to the sky! He could feel a dangerous killing intent from below. His Phoenix Flame Qi wings came out and burned through the Death Qi in the air to hold him aloft. From the fierce glow of his wings he saw shadows dancing in the black water. 

"Everyone! They are some sort of Magical Beast! They are not Undead, however they are everywhere!" He cried out in warning as several members of the team began to dodge around.

"De get rid of the water!" Yu yelled as he flailed around in the darkness. The squad attempted ot stand back to back but the enemy had snuck in between them and attacked preventing them from staying together!

"On it!" De yelled and the large warrior in fierce chitin armor spontaneously ignited his hands. 


Streams of flames came out and he directed it at the swamp below. Immediately shrill cries like that of dying cats came out and filled the night. A huge steam cloud rose as the water was rapidly evaporated and the night came alive!

"Heavens so many! These are Divine Immortal Leeches! So gross!" 

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