Everything else around me began to muffle and echo. My cousins cries were ones I could still hear but was unsure if I would ever physically see again.

The more I tried to give in to the temptation of letting go and staying in this pit of darkness that seemed to soothe me of every single painful moment and feeling I had ever felt, the louder his pain became.

My body was still, and apart from falling deeper into what must've been the easy way out for me right now, I knew it wasn't the only thing I wanted.

I could feel his cold, glistening tears trailing down the side of my arm. For a moment it felt as if it was soaking right into the depths of my skin trying to urge me to rethink my decisions and the more I focused on it the more it began to win.

"She can't be. She can't be!"

And I won't be. Not this time, Stiles.

I could feel the energy rising from the tip of my toes all the way to the top of my brain and as it traveled my bloodstream the darkness begin to fade and replace itself with a bright, new light and suddenly I felt my body jolting up as I took in an excessive amount of fresh air.

"Karley!" Stiles cried as he stood right beside me, his arms grasping me into an embrace I had never felt before.

His head buried itself between the strands of my hair and I allowed my arms to hug him back tightly. "I thought I lost you" He choked into a whisper and I smiled shaking my head.

"I told you. You'd never lose me." I pulled back and smiled softly as he looked into my eyes and nodded with a smile and breath of relief.


Hours passed and after the eventful night we all had, I was most certainly drained of any sort of energy I wish I had.

Scott had given me a ride back to his place and promised Stiles he would make sure I got all the rest I needed before he brought me back home for the night.

Of course Stiles was a little sketched out at first but with a few blinks of the puppy dog eyes he gave in to his two favourite people and allowed me to stay out longer even after... dying.

I sat crossed legged and facing him on his rather comfy bed as he finished packing away a few things before he looked over at me, "You know, we have to go back for a bunch of tests since we were kinda officially..."

"Dead, I know" I smiled as I played with my fingers "I guess Liam's dad will have a lot of questions" I shrugged with a small laugh and Scott only nodded along with me.

"I just wish it would've worked, you guys worked so hard on the plan" I sighed as I continued. Scott joined me and took my hands into his as he hesitated before he began,

"Yeah, I've been thinking about that and maybe it did work, we might not know who exactly the benefactor is, but we might know a lot more about him now"

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked up at him, "But no one came, and no one got visual confirmation, right?"

"And that's why it might've worked. Think about it, who has the power to know when someone's dead but doesn't need to see the body to know it happened?" He stared into my eyes, tilting his head before it hit me.

"A banshee" I breathed and he nodded "You don't think it could be..."

"No. Absolutely not." He shook his head as he moved closer towards his headboard, laying down against his pillows as he pulled my body to lay beside him. "But that's for another day. It's getting late and I think i'd rather end my night relax with a not so dead anymore Karley than have to worry about what would happen if you were confirmed dead."

I giggled and nodded, moving my legs to swing over his lap as I seated myself down and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I'm glad you forgive me. After everything." He muttered, his chocolate eyes focusing on mine like they were the most hypnotising, beautiful thing he'd ever seen.

I smiled softly, leaning down closely and pressing a gentle kiss to his inviting lips. "I'll always forgive you. I know you only have good intentions." I whispered, my face still close to his as his hand moved it's way up to rest against my cheek.

"There's no other girl like you, Karley." His words were quiet. And from what I've been told from the past part of me believed it wasn't true. But when I listened to his steady heartbeat, the warmth of his touch bringing me even closer to his body if possible. I knew that his words were real for me. Even if I wasn't the only one that was able to feel the way he loved.

I smiled as his hand drawn me back in to meet his lips once again. And within seconds we were mangled in each others arms. Our kiss becoming more strong and deeper with expression of love and relief to finally have eachother.

I solved my hand against his chest, intending to push him away, but instead I left it there. I didn't want to miss any more moments like this with him.

Of course Scott wasn't my first love. But his way of making me feel like I was on top of the world with every single look, touch and word he ever sent me, I knew his love was going to be so different I would become addicted again.

My worries went away with him. And regardless of whatever I had become over the years, with him I truly felt like myself.

His breathing quickened as did my own and he nuzzled my neck with delicate kisses. So, faint, they were like whispers.

"I want to take you out" He spoke softly, his lips moving go peck mine a couple more times before he looked down at me. "On a date." He continued and I smiled nodding, allowing myself the temptation to kiss him again.

"Yeah, we can go on that" I placed another peck to his lips in which he reciprocated. "But you have to plan it. I'm a sucker for typical romance" I shrugged softly and he laughed a little, nodding in agreement as we finally parted slightly and laid down to enjoy the rest of the evening together.

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