f i v e

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{ AN - Karleys memories or flashbacks will be written in italic and in 3rd person to act as if she is watching herself in the memory/flashback}
This is to make it easier for any readers who may find it better to follow along with the situations.


The girls and I decided to head straight to try outs after Math, since we quite luckily had the class together.

I headed in and sat down, twiddling with my pencil as everyone else settled in. I tapped my pen against my head with a gentle groan, "Hey Lydia? Do you have any aspirin?" I leaned over and she furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head.

"You okay?" She asked as I sat back in my seat and rubbed the side of my head, "Yeah just a headache" I smiled lightly and closed my eyes tight before opening again, an irritating stinging making it's way over the more I blinked.

I lifted my hand to rub my eyes a little, hoping the pain would go away but it only worsened, the aching getting stronger and I rested my head against arms on the desk.

"Okay, welcome back class. I need three people to come to the front to answer question one two and three to give you all some help on the first day. Hmmm let's see, we'll have Lydia, Malia and Karley."

I sat up and looked at Lydia who only shrugged and got up and headed towards the board, then when I peered to Malia she was doing everything she could to think of an excuse to not to get up.

Quite frankly I was feeling the same way.

I sighed and got up with Malia and we both headed to the board. I balanced the chalk between my thumb and finger, rolling it around a little as I tried to focus on the problem.

"Numbers, letters, jumbled. God this stuff is so hard" I mumbled to myself, my headache worsening the more I tried to figure it out.

I tapped the chalk against the board, groaning once more as my eyes ripped in pain, the feeling only just bare able but hard to ignore. It felt as if my eyes had expanded to the point my head was about to fall off. A flash of grey each time I blinked and not only was the stinging getting worse, but my stomach began to turn and my mouth went completely dry.

I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes tightly the minute I could and when I opened them again, everyone was gone.

I let out a long, heavy breath. The room looking darker than usual as I turned around to see every single chair empty. "Lydia?" I called out, walking around before seeing someone run past the outside of the door.

"Lydia!" I called again, grabbing at the handle and opening the door quickly and taking a step out.

"What the..." I mumbled, now stepping foot into the empty lacrosse field at the back of the school.

I swallowed, my heart racing as I began to panic. It was still dark, but that didn't answer the fact that one minute I was in the classroom and the next, I'm here.

I felt stranded, each step I took just felt lonelier. There was no one around, no one to call for and only the tiniest bit of light kept the field lit.

My steps were slow and the more I moved the more the pitted feeling in my stomach grew and eventually the field lights all flashed on in one go.

I stopped in place, looking around "Hello? Is someone out there?" I called but still no reply. My heart sped up and my legs began to as well. The further I ran the weirder everything felt and suddenly in the distance people cheered and the field began to look full again.

I stopped and took in a few deep breaths, players from the team running around each other playing like any ordinary game.

I leaned over and placed my hands on my knees, allowing myself to catch my breath before I stood straight and waved my arms "Hey! Can anyone hear me?!" I yelled out, but they continued to run around as if I wasn't even there.

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