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(no jacket)

After getting dressed, I go downstairs and find Bella standing between Alice and Rosalie. Jacob and Edward are in here.

"What's going  on now?" I ask, cutting Jacob off from asking the very same thing.

"Rosalie's trying to talk me out of baby names." Bella says, looking weak but happy.

"Then I'll agree with you, no matter what." Jacob comments, smirking.

"Tell them." Alice says.

"For a boy, I was thinking EJ. Edward Jacob." Bella says.

"Okay, maybe that one isn't awful." Rosalie muses.

"I was messing with our mom's names for a girl, Renee and Esme." Bella says, and I scowl at Renee's name. "Renesme."

"Beautiful." Edward says lovingly.

Alice goes to hand Bella a cup of human blood, and her back snaps before she falls. Edward flashed over and catches her and Jacob is by her side quickly. My eyes snap to the cup as it lands on the wooden floor, and the blood splatters everywhere. My eyes begin burning white, as I stare at the human blood. My hearing fades, I don't hear the faint calls of my name.

I slowly get down to my knees, and I dip my finger into the blood. My eyes focus in the red liquid on my finger before I lick the blood off. I close my eyes at the burning sensation. A hand touches my shoulder, and I fly around and throw the body to the ground. I find Emmett under my grip. 

"Geez, human blood had you jumpy." Emmett says, he is shocked that I got him down- I haven't let go yet. "Let me go, and I'll get you a blood bag."

A whimper escapes my throat when Emmett makes that promise, and I jerk my hand away. Emmett thanks me ten times before he goes to the supply closet in the kitchen. He tosses me a blood bag, and I devour it. I freeze as Bella's heart stops and a baby cries.

I flash down to the den. "I've got her. I'm okay, I promise."

Edward quickly hands be the baby girl before flashing back to his dead wife. I carry Renesme to the foyer where Emmett has lit a fire. I smile down at the hybrid baby.

"Well, hello there, baby girl." I coo as I look into her brown eyes. "My name is Athena."

Rosalie carefully takes Renesme as we hear growls outside. I smile at the blonde before I see Edward throws Jacob across the room, who just imprinted on his daughter. Edward and I go outside, and he calls for Jasper and Rosalie.

I stand face to snout with Sam. "This again, Sammy? Really?"

We are here to take care of it. I hear Sam's thoughts. A NEW ABILITY!

"You can't have her." I hiss before he prounces. 

I wrap my arms around his neck, and I dip him to the ground. It sucks, with Sam's wolf Bei g twice my size. My eyes burn bright from the taste of human blood as I hold Sam down. His brown eyes light up as Shelby tackels me.

I kick Shelby off and I hold her down. "That's loyalty."

Jacob comes running out after Sam has done broke the treaty, phasing over my head.

Don't touch her! She's my imprint! Jacob snaps at Sam.

"Jacob imprinted." I whisper. "That's their most absolute law."

"Ones imprint cannot be harmed." Edward says. "How do you know?"

"I can read minds room." I wink at Edward.

My eyes flutter back to Sam and Shelby, who are looking at me. They both appear to be impressed..

You're good. I guess Caius Volturi really is your father. Shelby thinks, surprising Sam.

Sam didn't know who my biological father is, or how I was born into the immortal world that's filled with some kind of trouble.

"Yeah... I have his temper...." I mumble, eyeing a tense Sam. "I'll see you guys soon."

Sam walks up to me. Nice fight today, Athena. You're strong. Caius would be proud.

"He won't be proud of why I fought you." I tell Sam as I wrap my arms around his thick, wolf neck. "But he will love how well I fight."

Sam nuzzles me before he runs off, and Shelby soon follows him after thinking bye to me. Jasper takes my hand, but I yank it away.

"Where were you when I had to have human blood?" I hiss. "I need you!" My eyes burn white again, they had just went back to brown. I flip Jasper and hold him on the dirt. "I needed you, and you weren't there."

His topaz eyes widen as I hold him there.

"Athena." Sam's human voice booms as he steps out of the shrubs. "Let him go."

I put my ring on Jasper's chest before I go inside. K feel Sam's eyes burning my back.

~~ Jasper's POV ~~

Sam sighs as he helps me up. "She's angry at everything right now. Give Athena time."

I look at the engagement ring.

"Is that an engagement ring?" Sam asks. "She must be angry, giving back. I'm gonna patrol in Forks and La Push, care to join? It'll take your mind off everything."

I stuff the ring in my front pocket. "Sure, why not... Let's go before someone stops us."

~~ Athena's POV~~

I watch Jasper leave work Sam. He is joining the wolf for hiss patrol. Jasper will most likely hunt while he is out, to get his mind off me.

"You gave the engagement ring back to Jasper." Cody says as he steps onto the balcony with me.

"Yeah. I needed him today." I say. "And he was gone."

Cody wraps a protective arm around me as we watch the trees. My stomach drops as I see Renesme. Everything was perfect until Bella got pregnant. I lost my fiancee, and my closest friend. Rosalie frowns at me when she sees my frown towards the baby.

"I'm here, and Emmett is, too." Cody whispers. 


When my vampire is out and my eyes are white, I don't sleep like regular vampires don't. When my eyes are white, I am my vampire. My eyes focus on the trees as I listen to Rosalie talk to the baby, and I sigh. Missi g how things were before I came to Forks with Bella.

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