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A couple weeks later.  

I watch as Alice argued with Bella, trying to get her to walk in heels. Apparently, Edward proposed to Bella. Bella actually said yes, too. Alice had insured and practically demanded that she plan the wedding. Cody is actually amused.

"Head up, Bella!" Alice scoffs. "Guys! Do you have no sense in direction?!" Alice scolds as as she rushed towards to the men who and Rosalie who are carrying in tree trunks.

Bella sneaks out of the heels, and into her sneakers. My eyes wander up the walls of the house, and find Edward standing on the balcony. Tomorrow is the big day, so he is staying out of Bella's sight. He knows how superstitious I get.

Jasper is helping with keeping Edward from seeing Bella today. He and Emmett have planned their vampire version of a bachelor's party. Cody is actually happy about that part. Bella is spending time with Angela tonight, before Angela leaves for WU in a month.

I walk inside and I look around. I decide to call the Volturi castle, to chat with my father. I didn't the Italian number into the cellphone Esme bought me after our encounter with Jane, Alec, Felix, and Demitri.  

"Hello?" A feminine voice says over the speaker, I'd understand her better if she spoke Italian.

"This is Athena Swan, and I would like to speak with Caius Volturi." I reply strongly. "Luì è mío padre."

"Sì signora, súbito." The woman says rapidly and then there is silence.

"Saluti, mio figlio." The chilling voice of Caius comes through the phone speaker. "It is an honor to hear from you."

"I was bored." I admit. "Did Jane send my greetings?"

"No." Caius replies. "She did say your oven survived the assult intact... Should I assume your fighting was impressive?"

"You mean approving to you?" I bite back as I watch everyone outside.  

"No." Caius replies as I hear aro speaking with his mate, Sulpicia, his wife / mate. "You have Volturi blood in you, you're strong and an impressive fighter on your own Athena."

"That's the kindest thing that's fine out of your mouth, father." I speak, saying the word father slowly. "Literally."

"You're my flesh and venom." Caius speaks smoothly. "plus, Athenadora will kill me if I'm rude."

"I will too," I reply. "I have your temper."

"Oh that's bad!" Sulpicia jokes, laughing in the background. "Caius, your child has your temper? Never good."

"Sulpicia!" Caius warns, earning another calming giggle from Sulpicia. "Great, now Athena is laughing."

"Sulpicia has a point, is all." I advise as Jasper sits beside me, and places his hand on my knee. "my having your temper will never be good. Especially when you and I are alone together."

"Hah, see!?" Sulpicia chants. "Thanks for agreeing with an old vampire, Athena. Take care!"

And I hang up.

"Who was the woman?" Jasper asks me.

"Sulpicia, Aro's mate and wife." I reply. "Haven't met her yet, but she's pretty nice."

"Are you ready for the Cullen/Swan wedding tomorrow?" Rosalie asks as she walks in, dusting her hands on her brown pants.

"Yeah, I actually am." I reply. "I'm ready to see Bella in heels and a dress. With her hair and makeup done up perfectly."

"At least Bella got a nice sister through that adoption." Rosalie winks. "You could be hateful and rude."

"Like you were with Bella at the beginning?" I tease.

"Rude." Rosalie smirks. "Jasper, Emmett says to come on."

Rosalie takes my hand and we flash into the woods. I sit on a fallen down tree as the blonde vampire hints. I look across the treaty and see Sam's solid black will patrolling. Apparently, Jacob got his invitation and ran. Billy is worried sick. I turn back and watch Rosalie.

Luckily for me, I convinced Jacob to stop by tomorrow after the ceremony. He will be my wedding gift to Bella. She is frustrated that he ran. He was always in love with Bella, of course he was upset to get a wedding invite.

I feel a warning breath on the back of my neck, and I tense visibly. I slowly turns my head and find a black snout in Mt face.

"Sam, really?" I grumbles, trying to swipe away the wet dog smell. "Doggy breath, yuck!"

Sam's wolf chuckles before licking me, on my face. I click his nose and he growls before his class connects with my jaw, knocking me on the ground. My eyes turn white in fury as I see my hand drenched in my own blood. I look up at Sam, who is in human form and looks incredibly guilty.

"ROSE!!!!" I scream as the pain finally sets in, and Sam leaves in a quick run. "I WAS ATTACKED!!! HURRY!!!"

Rosalie and Jasper are by side within seconds, and Jasper carefully lifts me up. Where I'm part human, I'll scar. Just like Emily..... Instead, it is my fault because I angered Sam.

"Bring her upstairs!" Carlisle demands as he follows behind Jasper and Rosalie.

Carlisle smiles down at me before he works at my face. I know he's noticed how white my eyes are.

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