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By Monday, graduation banners are covering the walls, and are above most lockers. There are hanging banners above each arch. Graduation is only a couple days away... Alice and her party crazed self, is throwing a party.

Cody is almost annoyed, but he doesn't let Alice know. He loves Alice, but he doesn't love her parties.

"So, I'm throwing a party." Alice chirps. "to celebrate graduation."

Jasper smirks, holding my hand under the table. "I mean, how many times do we get to graduate high school?"

I nudge Jasper in the ribs with my elbow, and smile at Alice. "your parties are always great..." Although, each party I've been to trouble has been started.

"I'm happy to go." Jessica says, we started sitting with Bella's friends. "I've never been to your house."

Shelby grabs my elbow and drags me out of the cafeteria. She smiles at me before drags me down the hall some more. Her eyes grow dull her smile turns to a frown as we get closer to her chosen destination.

When Shelby stops, I find Jamal shoving his tongue down Claire's throat. Still having Marvin's number, I send him a picture of this.

Not even five minutes later, Marvin shows up with a bottle of water and watery eyes. He thanks me before he punches Jamal in the face. Shelby and I quickly leave the scene, and go quickly back to class... 

At home, Alice is skimming her party planning books. This party will look amazing, regardless.. Alice has a special way to declaring and event planning. I honestly think it should be her profession. But the stubborn vampire is glued on becoming a fashion designer, where Rosalie wants to make a living my fixing vehicles of all sorts.

I find Carlisle in his study, skimming through immortal history books. He doesn't hear me walk in, so he keeps skimming the page. Quietly, I walk over and see him studying hybrids. Seeing my shadow, Carlisle cuts his eyes up and he grins.

"Hello, Athena." Carlisle greets. "Hope you don't mind, I'm studying your species."

"Oh, study away." I reply as I sit on the leather sofa. "Alice is throwing a party." 

"What for, this time?" Carlisle asks as he closed the book and sits back.

"To celebrate another high school graduation." I reply. "She is looking through her party planning books now."

"That girl and her parties." Carlisle laughs. "Want to study your species with me?"

"Sure, why not?" I mumble.
~~ Jasper Hale's POV ~~

Athena quietly went to Carlisle's study, to chat with him. She had seen Alice with her party planning book, and chose not to bug her. Esme is rushing through the house, cleaning for the party in a couple nights.

The party is going to be the day after graduation. Graduation is in two nights, and the party is the night after. Alice just likes to begin her planning ahead of time. That is why stuff usually happens at her parties.

I'm hoping nothing happens around the party time. I want one of Alice's parties to be successful, without trouble happening. That is why Cody hates her parties. He is hates trouble, which is why he hates being immortal.

"Esme." I say as I go up to the kitchen. "Take it easy, woman. The party isn't for three days."

Esme sighs. "Sorry. Where's Athena?"

"In the study with Carlisle," I reply. "studying hybrids, more than likely."

"They have a good bond." Esme smiles. "Sucks Charlie won't let us adopt her."

"I know." I respond. "She still lives here, so you're taking care of her and she was able to build a good bond with Carlisle."

"Guys, I forgot to say something when we go back from Italy." Edward says as he walks into the kitchen.

"What's that?" Esme asks.

"Felix almost killed Bella, but Athena fought him and Demitri both off." Edward explains, I smile proudly. "Caius saw that she almost lost, and grew concerned. Her temper came out and her eyes were glowing white. She got Felix down, and Caius no longer denies her."

"She fought off two vampires, even though she came close to losing?" I smirk. "Don't mind me while I color myself impressed."

~~ Athena Swan's POV~~

Carlisle closes the book when we reach the end of the unit of hybrids, and reach the pages on regular vampires. I nod my head in thanks before I climb the stairs to my room.

I had quit my job at the diner, because the boss man wanted to stop paying me like he did Cora. He treated me unfairly, so I took myself out of the situation by quitting.

I close my door behind me, and I search for my party dress. A lot like Alice, I like being prepared. I'm laying my dress our three nights before it's needed.

I leap into my bed, and a small oomph escapes my lips. Sighing before yawning, I close my hybrid eyes and sleep soon finds me.

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