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Jasper and I stand together as the newborn army walks across the field. A girl catches my eye. She is eighteen; rather, she was eighteen when Victoria decided to use he for her own personal revenge. I remember her from the internet, she was the Webber daughter, whom I learned was actually named Angie.

Angie takes me down, and we slide across the field. Angie lifts me and throws me against the dirt. I lift my feet up and I kick Angie off of me. The newborn goes flying across the field, and I run after her. I catch Angie from behind, and rip her head off.

I see Leah Clearwater in trouble. Jacob noticed and he runs over, and the newborn wraps his arms around Jacob- crushing his ribs instantly. My eyes burn white before I begin running towards the newborn, and he's coming at me also.

The impact sends us both flying back, but we are fighting again just as fast. The newborn has me down, and he is gnarling his blood soaked teeth at me. Emmett runs over and rips the strong vampire off me. Emmett pulls the male vampires send back, and I slowly walk up to him.

"Stupid newborn," I hiss before filling is head clean off.

Everyone drags their vampire bodies to a pile, and I throw a Zippo lighter in them. Alice visibly tenses as the flames rise, the Volturi.

"How long?" Carlisle asks, looking back at a hurt Jacob ad the pack phased.

"A few minutes." Alice replies. "Maybe ten."

"The pack needs to leave." Edward says. "The vokturi won't honor our truce with werewolves."

The pack carefully picks Jacob up, and the carry him to Billy's. That room about five minutes, because of how fragile Jacob is right now.

"They're coming!" Alice shouts, and Jasper pulls me closer to him- while very tense.

Each coven member tenses and stares straight ahead as four red eyes vampires show up. Jane, Alec, Demitri, and Felix of the Volturi. Jane stands on one end, Alec is beside her, then Demitri and that leaves Felix on the other end. Felix visibly tenses when he sees me standing with the coven but soon recovers.

"Impressive," Jane says with her chilling voice. "I've never seen a coven escame an assult of this magnitude intact."

"We we're lucky." I speak up before Carlisle can open his mouth.

Jane's eyes snap towards me and she tenses herself. "I doubt that..."

"It appears we missed an entertaining fight." Alec Volturi comments, smirking.

"Yes, it isn't often we are rendered unnecessary." Jane replies, she finally tears her gaze from me.

"If you'd have arrived half an hour sooner, you'd fill your purpose." Edward replies.

"Pity." Jane says in a chilling way, sending a glsnce towards me again then behind Carlisle and Jasper, I've moved to Emmett in the front, and Rosalie. "You missed one."

A young vampire slowly steps out of the bush, and Jasper walks closer to her in a protective matter.

"We've her (I don't remember what he says) for her freedom." Carlisle says.

"It wasn't yours to offer." Jane sneers. "Why did you come!?" Jane shouts to the vampire, and then the girl screams. "Who created you!?"

"You don't have to do that." I snap as I flash in front of Jane. "She'll tell you anything you wanna know."

Jane releases the pain and looks me in my white eyes, her entire body tenses. "I know."

"I-I don't know!" The girl cries, still in some pain. "Riley wouldn't tell us. He said our thoughts weren't safe!"

"Her name's Victoria." Edward says, referring to the one who changed the young vampire. "Perhaps you've knew her."

"Edward, if the Voluri had knowledge of Victoria, they'd have put a stop to her." Carlisle says. "Isn't that right, Jane?"

"Of course," Jane replies. "Felix...."

"She didn't know what she was doing!" Esme defends the vampire. "We will take responsibility for her."

"Give her a chance," Carlisle pleads. Mistake.

"The Voluri doesn't give second chances." Jane sneers. I knew that! "Keep that in mind. Caius will be interested to know she is still human." Jane says, nodding her head in Bella's direction.

I growl at the mention of my father's name and Jane flinches only slightly, the coven doesn't notice.

"The date is set." Bella says. What!?!?!?!?!

Jane stares at Bella for a long time, then back at my burning white eyes, and she look at Felix. "Take care of that, Felix.... I'd like to go home."

Felix eyes me with a smirk before he walks past me. My eyes focus on Jane, she won't use pain on he. Caius won't be happy if she were to hurt me. The screams of the vampire cause me to flinch before the clearing is in an eery silence.

"Jane!" i call as she turns around. "Send Caius my greetings, please."

Jane turns around suddenly. "what?"

"Send my greetings to my father." I say.

Alec, Felix, and Demitri tense when I say that. The three male vampires were unaware of this relationship.

"Of course." Jane says, keeping on a straight face. "I will."

Jasper takes my hand. "She was scared of you..."

"Not of me," I remind him as we walk into the trees when the moon was at its peak. "Of my father."

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