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Jasper wasn't kidding.... He waited until I was fully dressed before sweeping me off my feet, and flashing me to a random clearing. I'm sitting on a fallen down tree while Jasper goes to feed.

A little bird lands on the trunk right beside me while Jasper is gone, and chirps his innocent little song. A smile forms on my lips as I close my eyes. The bird continues chirping his song as a couple different bird breeds start doing their little noises.

My eyes slowly open, and I find Jasper down on one knee in front of me. The black jewelry box in his hand snaps open, and a shiny diamond ring shines in the sun that Jasper is barely missing. He chose the wrong time to hunt, it's a sunny day in Forks, Washington. 

"Athena Rosalinda Swan, I fell in love with you those two years ago when I first laid eyes on you." Jasper says gently, holding my left hand in his. "The way your black hair flowed. The way Rosalie actually liked you instantly. The way you eyes shown. The way you made me fall in love with you when nobody else could gain my attention. My wish is to love you forever and ever. Athena, will you marry me?"

Tears are spilling from my eyes like little rivers as I frantically nod my head yes. Jasper smiles before sliding the ring on my finger. Jasper lifts me up when I jump into his open arms.

Jasper flashes away, leaving me alone because I've asked him too. I look down at the new engagement ring Jasper gave me, wanting to wait until after Edward and Bella's honeymoon and the two of them are home, without any trouble.

Alice pulls me into a tight hug when I make it back, and she examines the ring Jasper has been saving up to get for two years. Rosalie is the next to check out my ring, and hug me.

I flash out to my truck, and I get in behind the wheel. Sue is watering her flowers on Charlie's porch when I make it to my adopted dad's house.

"Athena, hi!" Sue greets me as I hug her. "Charlie is right inside."

"Charlie!" I call as I enter the house.  "Why is there a beautiful woman watering flowers on your porch?!"

Charlie comes running downstairs, in jeans and a Wildcats hoodie.

"Kentucky? Really, Charlie?" I cross my arms, I've always liked them myself.

"They're a new liking!" Charlie defends himself as he runs a black comb through his wet mop that he calls hair.

"It's about time you join the Kentucky fan base." I wink. "I came to tell you I'm engaged. Jasper proposed."

Charlie hugs me. "Congrats, Athena."

"I'm happy for you." Sue says from the doorway. "Another Swan wedding."

"A Swan/Hale wedding, this time." I smile. "I'm waiting until Edward and Bella finish their honeymoon, so they can be at my wedding."

"That's very considerate of you." Sue says before I go out to my truck.

I drive home and I see Carlisle talking to Esme on the balcony, hearing my name and the word proposed. Esme is telling Carlisle about Jasper proposing to me. Smiling to myself, I walk inside and I'm engulfed in a hug by Shelby. I haven't seen this first since graduation, and the party.

"Shelby." I whimper as I wrap my arms around her.

"My little hybrid." Shelby coos as she pulls away. "I should have contacted you after that fight, and made sure you were okay."

"M-my father accepts me now." I tell her. "I talked to him on Bella's wedding day."

"Caius?" Shelby muses. "Awesome. Rosalie told me what Sam did to your face."

"Wait." I say as I sniff the air. "Shelby Spades. Why do you smell like wet dog?"

"It's about time you smell me." Shelby laughs. "While you were fighting to protect Forks and Bella, I was phasing with Beau Uley and Billy Black. I'm a werewolf, Athena."

All I do is hug her. "I'll be in La Push more now."

"You better, or Jared will kill me." Shelby laughs. "He wanted to see more of you, so he had me tell you what I really am."

"Ah, of course he did." I smile. "Jared is a sweetheart."

After a couple hours, Carlisle tells Shelby she needs to go back to La Push because of the treaty. Sam is supposed to explain it all to her tonight.

I go up to my room, and realize Jasper's hunting again. Realization hits me. He didn't earlier. He went and fetched my engagement ring... I face palm before changing into some pajamas, and I climb into bed. My tired eyes close and I fall asleep.

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