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The next morning when I wake up, I find Athenadora perched on the chair across the room. Her long blonde hair is in a right bun at the top of her head, a lot like Jane's usual hair. She is in a long, crimson dress with black beads on her jewelry.

"Oh, good morning Athena." Athenadora greets when she finds me staring her hesitantly. "Caius and the others are waiting, get dressed."

I put on some dark skinny jeans, a Ice Cream is Cheaper than Therapy t shirt, and some converse. I brush my lil g hair before Athenadora leads me to the throne room, no guards. The throne room comes into view and Athenadora actually takes my hand.

"It will take my husband a while to come to reality." She assures me before we walk into the throne rooms.

Bella Swan's POV

"Bella!" A woman enthuses as Edward leads me into the fancy kitchen. "We're making italiano for you!"

"Bella's this is Esme." Edward says, as if it's okay that Athena is in Italy. "My mother for all intents and purposes."

"You've given us a reason to use the kitchen for the first time." Carlisle muses, Edward had already told me that Athena doesn't eat when she comes over.

"Hope your hungry." Esme coos..

"Yeah, absolutely." I reply, actually kind of hungry and wanting to be polite.

"She's already ate." Edward munbles. Yes, early this morning.

The salad bowl in Rosalie's hands shatters all over the very clean floor and she steps over it slowly, and dangerously.  "Perfect." She growls lowly.

Fighting for a response, I fumble with my words as I find something to say. "it's just... I know you guys don't eat."

"Of course, that's very generous of you." Esme says gently, smiling softly at me.

"I see what Athena says, she adores you." I admit.

"I adore that girl, too." Esme says, smiling at the thought of Athena.

"Just ignore Rosalie," Edward says after he compliments Athena too. "I do."

"Yeah, let's keep pretending this isn't dangerous to all of us." Rosalie snaps, finally having of hiding it away.

"I would never tell anybody!" I plead, cowering close to Edward.

"She knows that." Carlisle sighs, Athena thinks a lot of him too.

"Yeah, well you two have become public now...." Emmett mumbles.

"Emmett...." Esme warns.

"No. See should know." Rosalie says, narrowing her eyes at me as Emmett wraps an arm around her shoulder. "The entire family will be emplicated if this ends badly."

"As in." I full down the lump in my throat. "I'd become the meal?"

At that, Emmett busts out laughing.

"Guys, I just received a text from Athena.... It is kind of alarming to me." Jasper days. 

"What is it, Jasper?" Esme asks.

"Her vampire father, is Caius Volturi." Jasper replies.

"The meanest one in the Volturi." Carlisle sighs. "Great."

Athena's POV

"Athena, hello." Aro greets with a pleased grin. "did you sleep well?"

"Yes, very well." I reply honestly. "Thank you for letting me sleep here before I catch a twelve hours flight."

"It will be morning when you arrive in Washington," Caius says as he slowly approaches me- Athenadora stays close. "You look so much like your mother when I knew her. Identical. That is how I knew you were as soon as I saw you. You are Penelope made over."

Athenadora takes a cautious step back, she sees I'm in no evadent danger. "I must return to my chambers. Have safe travels, Athena. Please, visit again soon."

Caius leads me down the halls, to the main doors. Felix and many other guards are behind us. There are a dozen more guards in front of us. The Volturi members aren't usually in these parts of the castle. They normally stay in their throne rooms, and their chambers. So, they increased the guards when Caius declared he was walking me to the doors.

"You have a safe flight, Athena." Caius says as we stop about a foot away from the main doors.. "As Athenadora said, come again soon and visit."

I smile before I walk out of the castle, with Felix. He has promised my father he wouldn't leave my side until I am on the plane. So they Volturi guardar is my ride to Florence and to the airport.

I find my seat in the back of the plane, where I am lucky by the window. There is an elderly couple in the two seats beside me, talking about meeting their great grandchild, who is two days old. I lay my head on a skull pillow I bought in Arizona, and I doze off.

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