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The house slowly starts filling up with the humans from school, from graduation. A couple shape shifters have shown up, Jacob Black and a couple more I don't know. They must be newly phased.

Carlisle and Esme aren't down here. They've left the house for a little while, to hunt for about an hour before they make their presence at Alice's party.

Alice is making her rounds, greeting everyone who came to her party. Jessica is roaming each inch of the house, having a look around. The girl has never been here; nobody ever has. Alice thought it was a good idea to throw a party, to get everyone together before they all go their separate ways.

My old friend group is here- Coreen, Claire, Marvin, Jamal, and Libby. Shelby has just arrived, too, and she glares at Jamal and Claire.

"Athena!" Marvin hoots. "Hey. Congratulations on graduating."

"I should be congratulating you, too." I reply simply as I see Jacob give Bella his gift. "Enjoy the party, Marvin."

"Hey." Jasper greets before he kisses me, not allowing me to reply. "You look amazing tonight."

"Thank you, you look nice as well." I curry in burgundy, tulle skirt. "I'm gonna dance."

Shelby and I meet in the center of the room, and we just start dancing. Coreen soon joins in, and we boogy. Shelby and I have been keeping our kind off Riley. His parents were at Charlie's recently, because Riley has disappeared before their move back to Forks. He's missing.

Shelby pulls me outside. "So, about Riley. Do you think his disappearance has to deal with vampires?"

"That wouldn't shock me, actually." I admit.

The vampires, the wolves, Shelby, Bella, and I all meet in the den right off the foyer while the party is still going strong. Alice has had a vision, a troublesome one. Cody and I knew there'd be trouble.

"They're coming in four days." Alice says as she paces, Cody is watching every step.

"This could be a blood bath." Carlisle admits.

"Who's behind it?" Edward asks, sitting next to Bella.

"I didn't see anyone I recognized." Alice sighs. "Maybe one."

"I know his face," Edward says as he eyes me and Shelby. "He's a local. Riley Biers. He isn't behind this."

I tense at the mention of Riley's name, and Shelby's hand squeezes mine.

"Whoever started it, is staying out of the action." Alice says.

"They must be playing with the blind spots in your visions." Carlisle sighs.

"Either way," Jasper speaks up from my other side, "the army's coming and there isn't enough of us to protect the town." I take Jasper's hand.

"Whoa whoa, hold up." Jacob demands as he stands up quickly and paces like Alice was. "What damn army?"

"Newborns," Carlisle says, "our kind."

"What are they after?" Embry Call asks, he is standing in a corner behind Jacob.

"They were passing around Bella's scent..." Alice says softly, and I sit up quickly. "A red blouse."

"They're after Bella?" Jacob spits. "What the hell does this mean?" 

"It means an ugly fight, with lives lost." Carlisle replies, sighing- he hates fighting.

Jacob looks back at Quil Altera and Embry Call before he sighs. "Alright, we're in."

"No. You'll get yourselves killed." Bella protests, of course. "No way "

"I wasn't asking for permission." Jacob says with a scoff.

"Edward?" Bella says, looking at the vampire pleadingly.

"It means more protection for you." Edward replies. Good answer, Edward. Good answer.

"Jacob, I believe Sam would agree with an understanding." Carlisle says.

"As long as we get to kill some vampires."

I roll my eyes before I go back to the party... Everytime Alice throws a party, something like this comes up. Riley is a newborn vampire? Is Victoria behind this? She probably is, changing people into Vampires and training them to fight.

I go into the balcony and watch as the party goers begin filing out. Jessica rides with her boyfriend, Mike. Angela takes off with Eric, and Lauren leaves with Crowley. Coreen leaves with Roman, Claire leaves alone, Marvin leaves with Jamal and Libby.

"We start training tomorrow." Carlisle says as he steps onto the balcony with me. "You can fight with us."

I nod, not really in the mood for speaking. Carlisle understands, and he just stands there in silence. The lead vampire and I have built a pretty tight bond. He is like a father to me. But I do wanna get to know Caius, since he no longer denies me.

Not one bit sleepy, I sit in the metal chair on the balcony beside Carlisle. We stay silent for the rest of the night, enjoying the peace before things get ugly once more.

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