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Skip to Bella's bday.

Bella is getting ready with Alice upstairs, and I'm lacing my boots up downstairs. Charlie let Carlisle adopt me, since Bella has denied me now. I belong here more, I guess.... The vampire part of me makes it legal for me to join the coven. So, I moved here and Carlisle adopted me a few days ago. So here I am, Athena Cullen.

"Sorry about all this._ Carlisle says as Bella comes down, wearing a Forrest green dress, then he mutters something about Alice under his breath.
"As if that were even possible." Esme giggles. "Happy birthday, Bella."

"Thanks," Bella says before Alice snaps a picture of her.

"Found it in your bag," Alice mumbles, smiling. 

"Dating an older woman, hot." Emmett says to Edward with a smirk. "What!?" Emmett questions as he gets funny looks from both Edward and Rosalie.

Rosalie hands Bella a small gift. "It's a necklace, Alice kicked it out."

"Thanks." Bella says awkwardly, and takes the present. .

"Show me the love!" Alice chirps, pushing Edward and Bella close, then snaps a picture and hands Bella a box. "this one's from Emmett."

Bella shakes the empty box, and furrows her eyebrows towards Emmett.

"Already installed it." Emmett smirks, cracking his knuckles. "Only a decent sound system for that piece of sh....._

"Hey," Bella interrupts Emmett, "d-don't hate the truck."

"Here, open Carlisle and Esme's." I say while handing her the tightly wrapped present.

"Just something to brighten your day." Carlisle says from his place beside his wife.

"You've been looking pale lately." Esme winks.

Bella struggles to get a good grip on the paper and it slices her finger. My eyes turn white before Jasper's eye grow black in hunger. Edward throws Bella back as Emmett and Carlisle barely grab Jasper. My throat buns badly but I squeeze my eyes closed to fight the urge.

"Get Jasper out of here!" Carlisle demands.

"Sorry." I squeal weakly. "i- I can't."

I rush outside and place my shaky hands against a tree. With my eyes squeezed shut, I take sixty breaths before opening then. Jasper looks unpleasant and very hungry. The small of Bella's blood slowly fades as Esme cleans it up and Carlisle stitched up Bella's arm.

"You're going to Charlie's." Carlisle tells me as he comes out, the family is leaving. "he said it's okay."

I drive my truck and stuff to Charlie's, and he lets me have my old room.

"Athena!" Charlie tells and I run downstairs. "Bella's missing."

The rain is calling at a rapid pace as Harry Clearwater, Jacob Black, Billy Black show up. Harry has brought a map layout of the woods. He has Sam Uley searching the woods for Bella. Sam is the alpha of his pack, he knows these woods better than anyone. He has to.

Jacob wraps an arm around me when he noticed me shivering, I didn't get a chance to change.

"Found her!" Sam's alpha voice yells across the yard, and Charlie runs over with me by his side.

"Thanks, Sam." I say softly.

"No problem, Athena." Sam nods his head in Billy's direction before he goes back into the trees, probably to phase.

"Get her inside and warm," I tell Charlie. "I'm going to La Push."

"Be careful, Athena." Charlie says eforr he carries Bella inside, the Black's and Harry go inside with him.

Sam lets me in his home with open arms, Paul and Jared are joking around about something the saw on patrol. 

"Athena!" Jared exclaims when he finally looks up and sees me. "Look Paul, our hybrid friend came to visit."

"Hey, Athena." Paul greets. "I thought the Cullen's were strict with you."

"Not really, no." I respond. "Plus, they've left and I have no clue where they went."

"Such a shame." Paul smirks. "if it weren't for Rachel, I could swipe you right up."

"Nope, you wouldn't." Sam says, laughing. "I would first, if it weren't for Emily."

"Boys." Emily scolds. "She'd be mine."

"Oh Emily, yes." I muse, winking at my human friend. "No questions asked. I have to go home. Sam, I wanted to thank you, for finding Bella."

"As I said earlier, it's no problem." Sam smiles. " We will see you around soon, I hope."

As a gentleman or trying to flatter me, Paul walk me out to my truck. He was shocked to see me driving. You're too pretty to be driving a big truckike that. I remember him saying that clearly, and Rachel slapped him silly. Rachel and I became pretty good friends.

Shelby is standing on the front steps when I arrive home, talking her food. Charlie must have let her come over. I've moved in here, because the Cullen's left.

"La Push, really?" Shelby asks as we go up to my room.

"What?" I gasp innocently. "I'm friends with the pack, Emily, Kim, and Rachel."

"What about the treaty?" Shelby asks as I change into some warm pajamas.

"In case you haven't noticed, the Cullen's left." I remind her. "Plus, I have human in me too. Carlisle and Sam both agreed, I'm a loophole for the treaty."

"Let me know next time." Shelby sighs. "I was worried."

I lay beside my best friend and I stare at the ceiling. She knows about the whole white eyes situatuon. She doesn't know who my father is though. I need to explain them to her. The Volturi. I mean, they are my family too, to be real.

My human brown eyes close, and my hybrid white eyes shine in my head. Sighing in exhaustion, I fall asleep pretty easily.

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