Q & A [2] + Note

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Q: Do you love Taekwoon more than be his guardian?

A: I used to, well.. love him a little more than I was supposed to, but there are strict rules and nothing could have happened anyway..



Q: Who you love the most: Wonshik or Jaehwan?

A: C-can't I love them both...? *sigh* Probably not.. I-I would have to say.. Jaehwan. But I love Wonshik so.. so much too... It's too hard!



Q: Can you please take care of Taekwoon? Make him happy

A: Of course I will~~~~~ I will always try my very, very best to make him smile always~~~!!!!!



Q: Why you choose to be devil? You a guardian right?

A: I- that is classified information. I will not say.

Author (@stArlight_1993)


Q: Author i love your work ♥

A: Thank youuu~~~ It really means a lot to mean that you read my work :') [even if it is crappy af and poorly written rip]


And that is all for our Q&A session this time around! I may do another Q&A but for another story... we'll see oOf.

A note to you all:

My deepest apologies about the lazy ass I have, so I do not have the next and final chapter prepared yet. I think most of you know what kind of lAAAAZY squish I am (I'm sorry guys :( ) so I cannot say for sure when the next update will be. I do appreciate that those of you who stuck around are still here. Please look forward to the next chapter! And, if you want to, go right ahead and spam me in the Private Messages. If you spam me enough (lol) I eventually come back and get right back to working.

A big thanks to @Blossomtear_ for asking the questions and to @merooo93 for being on my tail about the updates! Sometimes I do forget, but reminding me does help. Thank you for that!

Until the next time we cross paths,

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