I Miss My Mother

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"Soup's ready!!" Jaehwan exclaimed, as he came into Taekwoon's room with a bowl, spoon and a tray. He put it on Taekwoon's side table and sat down beside the other two on the bed.

"Thank you so much Jaehwan." Taekwoon smiled.

"Anytime Taekwoon." Jaehwan smiled back. "So have you guys picked a movie yet?"

"Oh... No... Wait. Where are we going to watch it?" Hakyeon asked.

"We can watch it down stairs in the living room." Taekwoon told them.

"Alright! I'll bring the soup down again!" Jaehwan exclaimed.

"And I'll bring down a blanket and pillow. Speaking of blankets Taekwoon, do you have another one? Just because I don't want to take the one off your bed." Hakyeon said.

"Oh I'll get the blanket. Actually, I'll get up all blankets, just because. Do you know if Sanghyuk is coming later Hakyeon?"

"Oh yeah! He said he's going to come during his lunch break. He'll say he's not feeling well or something, and that he needs to go home."

"A sneaky child, but a smart one." Jaehwan joked around.

So they all got up, Jaehwan grabbed the tray with soup and Hakyeon grabbed me a pillow. They were making their way down stairs, and Taekwoon went to his closet. He kept many memories and things in there, including his extra blanket. Since he only had one extra blanket in there, he decided to borrow some from his dad, and he wouldn't mind.

Then he walked to his dad's room and went to his closet. While he was looking for the two extra blankets, he came across a picture of a beautiful woman.

"Who is she?" He asked him.

"That's your mother Taekwoon." I answered.

Then out of nowhere, Chocolate came from out of the corner and whining for some attention.

"Hey there Chocolate. Do you know who she is? You probably don't... But I'm guessing she was my mother. It's sad that she passed away just as I was born... Maybe if I hadn't been born at all, she still would've been alive."

Then he leaned against the wall, and sunk to the floor. He held the picture close to his heart and starting to softly cry. He missed his mother, his mommy, his Umma.

Even though he didn't grow up knowing his mom, or even anything about her, he still somehow loved her. Everyday, he'd try to ask his father about her and what she was like, but his father didn't want to bring up such a lovely, yet tragic story.

I know though, that she's watching him from Heaven, where all people shall go when they're righteous and wish to be forgiven. She loves him so much, now and even before he was born.

"Um Taekwoon? Taekwoon? Where are you-" Jaehwan asked, looking around for Taekwoon, then found him crying. "Taekwoon! What's wrong? Why are you crying?" He rushed over to Taekwoon and knelt down.

"I-I... It's all my fault. She still would've been alive if not for me." He managed to answer.

"Taekwoon, don't say that. Please, don't cry. Your mother loved you very much and I'm sure she's watching over you. She's probably so proud right now, seeing her son growing up and turning into a man. Don't be sad, for her sake." Jaehwan wiped Taekwoon's tears away.

"Now that's such a nice thing to do..." Youngbae stated.

"It truly is... Hey Youngbae?" I asked.

"Yeah? What's up?"

"Is it possible to possess a pet or something, or maybe to appear somehow?" I asked.

Knowing the chances, he's most likely going to say no, but it never hurts to ask.

"Umm... Technically you could, but that would reveal a lot and you don't generally want to show yourself to them, unless they're in desperate needs and whatnot. Why? Are you planning to show yourself to Taekwoon?"

"I want to... He deserves to know about his mother. I know his father won't tell him, probably because her death is still so painful when he thinks about it. I don't blame him though... It's really tough losing someone you love." I explained.

"So do it." Youngbae told me.

"How? And when??"

"I don't know! Pick a time and a date!! Give him signs first though... Like lift something and lead him into the washroom or in front of a mirror. At least then, you can appear in the mirror and he can still see you. If that makes any sense..."

"It makes plenty sense. Do you have any books on how I can study that?" I asked him.

"For sure!! It's back at my office, but I'll make sure to give it to you tomorrow. And by the way, good luck trying."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked Youngbae.

"Well, I mean, even I tried appearing to you, but it still never worked out for me. Then again, it's all what the Big Boss decides. If he thinks it's an okay idea, he'll probably let it slide and whatnot. However if you're like me who had no real reason of appearing to you, then you'll get denied and you won't be able to do it." He explained to me.

"Why did you want to appear to me?"

"I wanted to let you know that I'm always here for you. If you ever needed someone to talk to, to just pray or something, and I'll try my best to make you happy. Things like that... Basically, I just wanted you to acknowledge me and know that you're not alone."

"Thank you Youngbae." I said to him, then gave him a smile and a small hug.

"Thanks Jaehwan, for talking to me about this. It may seem a bit stupid and odd right now, but I'm glad. Thank you so much." Taekwoon thanked, and wiped away all of his tears.

"Anytime Taekwoon, it's what friends do. You can always talk to me about anything, I'm here for you." He smiled at Taekwoon, then helped him up off the floor. "Come on, bring your mother with you. She can watch the movie with us." Jaehwan told him.

The two boys and the picture went down the stairs and into the living room. Hakyeon had already set the movie up, and put out all the snacks. He was sitting on the couch, waiting for the other two.

"And where have you two been?" He laughed.

Then they all went to the couch together, and sat down. Hakyeon was already sort of lying down on smaller couch, so Jaehwan and Taekwoon sat together on the larger couch. When Hakyeon had started the movie, Taekwoon handed them both blankets and began watching the movie.

While he was watching the movie, all he could do was think of his mother and look at Jaehwan.

"Hey Jaehwan?" Taekwoon whispered.


"Can I lay down on your lap?"

"Sure Taekwoon." He replied to Taekwoon.

So Taekwoon positioned himself comfortably, with his head on Jaehwan's lap, yet still being able to watch the movie.

"I think a little someone likes a certain someone..." Youngbae pointed out.

"Yeah... But I'd take Jaehwan over Ji Eun, any day. Jaehwan's trustworthy, kind, cute-"

"Yah! Kim Wonshik! Do you have a secret crush on Jaehwan too?? Sorry, but he's taken by Taekwoon." Youngbae teased me.

"No!! I'm just saying Jaehwan is a good kid, that's all." I replied to Youngbae, and stuck my tongue at him, but I was still smiling.

I'm happy for Taekwoon, he deserves someone like Jaehwan to care for him in life.
Creds again to Zee-Rara15 for the picture above. Thank you again buddyo!!


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