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After the chat Taekwoon and I had, he exited the washroom with a smile on his face. Then he left his room, and headed to the kitchen go grab a glass of water, when all of a sudden the atmosphere changed.

"W-Where did you get this photo Taekwoon?" His father asked him.

"Oh, your room I believe. That's mother right? She's beautiful.." Taekwoon smiled, then continued pouring himself a glass of water.

"Why the hell were you in my room? IN MY CLOSET?!?" His father raised his voice and started walking towards Taekwoon.

"A-Appa! What are you talking about? You're fine with me going in there!!" Taekwoon replied.

"DON'T TOUCH MY CLOSET. DON'T TOUCH THIS PICTURE! YOU COULD HAVE DAMAGED IT! HOW DARE YOU TOUCH SOMETHING THAT'S NOT YOURS!" Mr. Jung angrily yelled at the top of his lungs, with tears in his eyes. He was gritting his teeth and his face turned red with all the anger holding up inside of him.

"APPA! WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS!?!?" Taekwoon asked, then fell to the ground frightfully.

As Taekwoon fell to the ground, his father leaned over and slapped his face.

In all the years I've been watching over Taekwoon, his father has never ever lashed out like this. His father is usually a relaxed man, who would never physically hurt someone. This isn't Taekwoon's father; someone's making him do this.

I looked above Mr. Jung's head, checking to see if any spiritual being was there. Turns out someone was there, and it wasn't an angel.

"Wonshik... I'm glad you finally noticed me." The demon smirked at me.

"Seungri! What the hell are you doing here!?!?" I yelled at him.

"It's time for Mr. Jung to go now. I've just come to collect his soul." Seungri informed me.

"He's perfectly fine!! He's happy and healthy!! Well, was happy..."

"Oh Wonshik... You're so naive. Have you really not noticed how Taekwoon's father is doing? I mean, you do rarely see him and all..." Seungri said to me. I kept my mouth shut and shook my head no. Wasn't his father okay? "No response? That's okay. I'll just tell you now. Your precious child whom you are protecting: his father is having heart failure. He's slowly dying day by day, and soon enough he'll be gone." Seungri laughed.

"Ugh. You're really morbid Seungri, you know that right?" I spatted at him.

"Well why shouldn't I be? Death is my boss after all..."

I looked at Taekwoon, who was still on the floor. He was fighting with his father. Each male was yelling at one another. They both had loud voices, and I'm sure someone had a headache.

"What can I do to prevent Taekwoon's father from dying early? You can't take him away now! Whatever it is, tell me." I said to Seungri.

As much as it pains me to talk with and to persuade demons, I had to do this. Taekwoon can't lose another parent, well at least not yet. Sure his father is going to die, but I will not allow for him to die anytime soon!

Seungri looked at me, with and evil look in his eyes. He smirked once more at me, then told me what I had to do.

"Wonshik, I was waiting for you to offer something like that. My boss will be very happy.."

"What does he want?" I questioned.

"He wants someone's soul, but he's willing to make exceptions." Seungri started saying.

"Go on."

"My boss is willing to spare Taekwoon's father's life for now, if you beat him in a battle." Seungri told me.

"That's absurd!! How can I win a battle against someone of his rank? I'll surely lose!!" I screamed.

"Hang on. There are benefits and cons to this battle. If you win, you'll receive a grand prize."

"What is it?" I questioned him again.

"If you win the battle against the Big Boss, then his life and yours will be spared. However, if you fail this task and lose the battle, you lose your life and ability to be a guardian angel. And also, Taekwoon will be left alone, since his father's life would also be taken." Seungri finished saying.

There's no way I could win a battle against Death himself! He knows all the moves, all the ways to kill and injure someone. I'm merely just an angel, and I have no experience with fighting. Sure I know how to wield a sword, but those are just the basics!!! I can't defend my life with the skills I have!!

"There's no way I'm going through with this battle. Your boss will just end up with why he wanted: souls. And if I agree to do the battle, he'll gain more than one soul."

"Ah but Wonshik? If you don't accept this battle, Taekwoon's father dies now. You wouldn't want that to happen, now would you?" Seungri cockily laughed at me.

"That's so unfair!!" I whined.

"Well, that's how Death plays his games." Seungri told me. "You have 48 hours to decide. I'll be back when time is up, so you better make the right choice." And those were his last words, then he disappeared and left.

"T-Taekwoon?" His father regained conscience of his own mind and body, and had realized what he had just done. "Taekwoon!" He cried.

"G-Get away from me!!" Taekwoon yelled.

"I-I'm sorry Taekwoon! I don't know what came over me-"

"I SAID GET AWAY!" Taekwoon yelled again, then quickly got off the floor, slid his shoes on and ran out of the house.

"Taekwoon, it's not your father's fault." I tried saying to him, but I knew he couldn't hear me.

"Jaehwan... I need Jaehwan.." He panted as he sprinted.

He pulled his phone out and dialled Jaehwan's number.
Jaehwan: "Yeobeseyo?"

Taekwoon: "J-Jaehwan!"

Jaehwan: "Taekwoon! What's wrong!!"

Taekwoon: "I-I need to talk to you. Meet me in the park near my house."

Jaehwan: "Of course! Taekwoon? Don't hang up okay?? Taekwoon? TAEKWOON!"
But before Taekwoon could answer to what Jaehwan said, he passed out on the grass as he finally reached the park.

"Taekwoon! Oh my gosh..."

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