20: The Archer and the Eagle

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 This is not Serenity's POV no more. It's third person now.


 "So, how is it like?" Thanos asked the man.

 The man looked up at Thanos. He frowned.

 "How's what like?" the man asked Thanos.

 Thanos grinned. "Knowing that your daughter is out there."

 The man came up to the bars.

 "Where is she?" he asked. "Tell me where she is now!"

 "Oh, she had a little duet battle with Sharp Shooter," Thanos told the man.

 The man's face shrank in fear. Then it grew in anger.

 "She better not be hurt!" he roared in fury, grasping and rumbling the bars.

 "Calm down, Ethaniel," the other man in the prison cell with him, sitting on the bench chained to the wall, said.

 "Yes, calm down, Archer," Thanos taunted him. "You better calm down before I send someone down to kill her."

 Ethaniel Lewis stepped back. Even though his days as the Archer was over, he still felt the superhero power come back to him.

 "Why do you want her?" he asked Thanos.

 Thanos grinned. He was a big purple faced fellow with all that blue and yellow armor on him. And he was cruel to every superhero he met. If he met any that is.

 "She'll be the perfect beacon for you," Thanos continued. "If we get her to look for you, she'll be in the pawn for our perfect trap."

 "Leave her out of this!" Ethaniel pleaded.

 "Face the facts, Ethaniel Dantein Lewis," Thanos hollered. "Or otherwise known as the Archer. If we get your daughter and the Avengers to come here, it's goodybe Avengers and we, villains can finally focus on one more superhero team and that's it."

 "What if she survives? Will you let us go?"

 "Maybe," Thanos said, grinning still. He walked to his left and began to leave.

 "Don't worry, Ethaniel," Eagle Eye said, who was still sitting on the bench. "I'm sure Serenity and the Avengers will figure out a way for us to get out and not get hurt."

 Ethaniel turned to Eagle Eye. "What do you know, Uncle? What do you know that if the villains caught her already?"

 Eagle Eye shrugged. This boy, he thought.

 Eagle Eye knew that his nephew, Ethaniel, was worried for his daughter.

 Eagle Eye knew how that situation was. He wasn't only Eagle Eye but he was also Renaldo Erickson Lewis, the son of Bryan and Carolette Lewis and brother to Byron, Klark and Melodi Lewis. He had a family that loved him and didn't want him to get hurt.

 His family also extended when Byron married a woman named Lillie and had Ethaniel, Philip and Hallie Lewis.

 "Don't worry," Eagle Eye said once more. "She'll find us and we'll be back home in no time."

 Ethaniel turned and went to the window that had bars in it in the prison cell.

 He laid his arms on the window.

 The window showed a moon and stars. It also showed a city. It was Metropolis.

 Ethaniel thought about his daughter, Serenity Lucey Lewis. He thought about his wife, Sienna, who too, had bigger problems that would soon come at her.

 "Yeah, I hope so," he said, looking at the night sky some more.


 The adventures continues in Choosing Is Diffcult (Hawkeye and Serenity Book 2). Now available.

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