3: Impatience

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 I woke up to the smell of waffles being made.

 I love waffles.

 I raced out of my bed and into the kitchen.

 There, I spotted Mom making them.

 I immediately went to sit down at the dinning table.

 "Two waffles, madam," I ordered, jokingly.

 Mom smiled.

 "Coming right up."

 She got a plate and slid the waffles on it.

 My mom was a real nice person.

 She never cussed in front of me and was kind to people, all the time.

 Her name is Sienna Lewis.

 Mom told me she met Dad over here in New York.

 She came over here from Los Angeles to pursue a career in arts and crafts.

 Dad was here, doing archery class at NYU.

 It was at NYU where they met and fell in love.

 They went out for a while and soon were married.

 Only then Dad ran off when my mom was pregnant with me.

 So I was raised with one parent.

 "Enjoyed yourself yesterday with your friends?" Mom asked, taking a seat beside me, her plate full of waffles too.

 "Yeah, well, partly," I said, taking my fork and cutting a piece of waffle.

 "What happened? Klary had another fit or did Riana break a nail?" Mom said, making jokes.

 "Did you see the news?"

 "What news?"

 "About the robot aliens attacking today?"

 "Oh, that news..."

 "So you heard?"


 "We were caught up in that."

 "Are you ok? Were you hurt?"

 "No, but I met someone."


 "A cute guy that saved my life."

 "Oh, who is he?"

 "I don't know. He left after he saved me. All I know is he carries a quiver full of arrows and a bow. I call him Arrow Man Guy."

 "Arrow Man Guy?"

 "Yeah. He's so dreamy..."

 "Did you try to get his number or something?"

 "Mom, he left me as soon as he saved me!"

 "Was he in a hurry or something?"

 "Yeah, probably catching up with these people we saw. They were chasing this robot snake."

 "I wonder how this city's going to pay for all this destruction."

 "Tell me about it."

 "Well, did he ever tell you when to meet him again?"

 "No, but I'm going to wait."

 Mom laughed.

 "Sweetie, you know how impatient you grow when you wait a very long time."

Falling For A Superhero (Hawkeye and Serenity Book 1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora