8: First Mission

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 "To tell you the truth really," Nick said. "We haven't seen any attacks from Doctor Doom. That one robbery from Claire's must be something more."

 I was sitting beside Hawkeye in the Command Center room with the rest of the Avengers, listening to Nick about Doctor Doom's robbery.

 I petted my new superhero costume or what I called it.

 It looked so fabulous on me!

 Meanwhile, Thor was wiping his hammer down with some cleaning thing. Captain America was busy trying to make sure there was no dents in his shield. Black Widow was relaxing. Hawkeye stared at me admiring my new costume. Tony was on his iPhone. And Banner was fixing his glasses.

 "We would appreciate it if you would join in on this conversation," Hawkeye said, as I kept on admiring my costume.

 I glared at him.

 "Well, I would appreciate it more if Tony wouldn't be on his iPhone."

 Tony put his iPhone away. "Well, if Thor would stop..."

 "Stop what you're doing now!" Nick commanded.

 We stopped and stared at him.

 "As I was saying," Nick said. "Doctor Doom must be stopped. That Claire's robbery was just the beginning. Now, I would say we should go after him but were not sure what he's..."

 "Sir, there's been a robbery of the Stark Headquarters," someone shouted.

 Nick came up to the railing. "What?"

 "Doctor Doom and his robots are taking some of Stark's creations from his headquarters," the person shouted again.

 A screen appeared. The screen showed robots taking away creations of robots away from Tony's workers who tried to take it back.

 "Avengers, it's go time," Nick said.

 I got up.

 "Not you," Hawkeye said.

 I gaped. "What?"

 "He said us. Not you," Hawkeye repeated.

 I glared at him again. "I'm sure you guys are going to need some hlep."

 "Were fine where we are," Hawkeye assured me. I growled.

 "Ok, that's enough," Nick said. "I'm sorry Serenity but I have to agree on Hawkeye with this one. We will put you in a mission with the Avengers to test your powers but not now."

 I grumbled. "Fine then. You guys can go on."

 With that, the Avengers assembled and left.

 Nick could feel the anger I had rising up inside me. It was boiling, the bubbles blowing up. I was really that mad. I mean, yeah I was just a beginner but they could always help me out if I did something wrong or something."

 Nick sighed. "You know, you could go with them."

 My ears perked up. "Really?"

 "Yes. I was just playing along with Hawkeye because I know how he'll get if I agree that they have to take you along with them. He'll have a fit and say that you're too young and how you might get hurt, etc."

 "Are you sure I can go?"

 "I'm sure. This is your test drive I would say. How you will do things your own way. It'll not be actually your first mission with the Avengers because you didn't go with them but it'll be your first mission alone with S.H.I.E.L.D."

 "Oh, thank you, Nick!"

 Nick grinned. "Now, go out there and find out what Doctor Doom's doing. I'd advise you to stay out of the Avengers' way if you can..."


 I crept along the building of Stark.

 The robots of Doctor Doom were already dueling out battles with the Avengers. Only half of them were still carrying out Stark's creations...

 I slowly crept to the big truck they were all packing the creations in.

 "I know it's slow but that robbery was just a little something to get them started. Then, I'm sure with this, they'll fall into the trap..."

 I heard Doom's voice. I crept more along the truck.

 "Yes, of course. The robots are taking care of them. No, I don't see the girl with them. Good thing, though. She'll be just another mess we'll have to clean up."

 I readied my bow and arrow.

 "Of course, I'll have it on the way..."

 I jumped right in front of Doctor Doom.

 "Tell your robots to stop what you're doing," I commanded.

 Doctor Doom looked at my bow and arrow. He laughed.

 I frowned. "I order you to stop," I said, pointing my arrow at him.

 He laughed some more. "Do you really think I'll listen to what you're saying?" Doctor Doom said.

 He held up his hand. A blast of shock energy slammed into me.

 I fell down to the ground.

 "You're pathetic, just like your father," Doom continued.

 I glowered at him. "What about my father?"

 Doom raised his hand again.

 "Serenity, what the hell?"

 An arrow whizzed by. It hit one of Doom's robots carrying a creation. The robot exploded. Doom ducked down from it.

 He growled. "Fall back," he ordered the robots.

 He got into the truck. The truck started and flew off. The robots followed it.

 Hawkeye came up to me. "What the hell?" he said again.

 "I was just trying to help," I said.

 Hawkeye glared at me.

 "Help?" he said. "I don't call that helping. All you did was make more of a mess."

 "Hey, come on, give the kid a break," Tony said in his Iron Man suit. "She's just trying to help."

 Hawkeye glared at me some more.

 My face turned loopy like when you're trying to eat something like fudge but the fudge ends up flopping to the side or something.

 "Pff. Help is when you need it," Hawkeye said, picking me up.

 We headed back to the Helicarrier.

 As we did, I silently cried.

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