17: Not Silver Wind No More

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 "So, I'm guessing none of us know what Doom's planning," Nick said, not putting it in a question.

 "We have the portal though," Tony said.

 "I know we have the portal," Nick said. "I'm more corncenred with the fact that we still don't know what Doom is up to."

 "And where my father is," I pointed out.

 "Well, we got some information out of Sharp Shooter too," Nick said. "He said that the villains are out there and teaming up to destroy superheroes only he won't say how or what they're really going to do. Plus, no information about your father."

 I hung my head in disappointment.

 "What really got me though is that Sharp Shooter says you got some eagle powers," Nick said.

 I looked up.


 "He said that you flew at him like crazy and the way you flew actually looked like you were going to fly. You screamed so loud that it was like piercing sound of an eagle and you grew talons out of your hands."

 I glanced at my hands.

 "Um, where are we going with this?"

 "I don't think we should call you Silver Wind no more."

 I gulped. "Why?"

 "Think about it. Sure, the wind looks silver when you shoot an arrow but how can you tell? Plus, all this stuff about what Sharp Shooter said about you is relating to the eagle. So not only are you an archer but you got some eagle powers as well."

 I blinked. "How did I get eagle powers?"

 "Well, your father did have an attachment for eagles," Nick continued. "In fact, he met a superhero by the name of Eagle Eye. Eagle Eye was a superhero who contained the blood of an eagle. Little did your dad know that he was RELATED to Eagle Eye. Eagle Eye was your dad's uncle. He taught your dad all about eagles and archery which now reigns in your father's blood and you. He really didn't have a taste in archery but he just loved to shoot an arrow here and there."

 "So I'm of TWO superheroes?" I asked.

 "In a way," Nick said. "Eagle Eye was your dad's dad's brother. In other words, your great uncle."

 "Is he still around? Eagle Eye?" I asked.

 "I'm not sure," Nick said.

 "You see, Eagle Eye left and was never seen again. We've tried to track him down when your father was with us but we never saw him again. I'm pretty sure he's out there like your dad but it's unknown if he's captured or just waiting for the right time to come out."

 I nodded. Wow. My dad met a superhero. And that superhero was related to him. I don't care what Nick says but all I can say is, I HAVE TWO SUPERHERO PEOPLE WITH ME!

 "So about the Silver Wind name?" I asked.

 "You're no longer Silver Wind. You're Eagle Eye," Nick said.

 I winced. "Eagle Eye?"

 "Think about it, Serenity. You obviously have the powers of the old Eagle Eye himself. You are indeed one tough superhero."

 I blushed. Eagle Eye. My name is Eagle Eye. Not Silver Wind. Eagle Eye. THAT'S JUST ONE COOL NAME! Just like Hawkeye.

 "There's one more thing I'ld like yo ask you," Nick said.

 "Yes?" I asked.

 "Serenity Lewis also known as Eagle Eye, would you join the Avengers?"

 Tony spat out his wine from his glass.

 Natasha gaped.

 Thor, Banner and Steve looked up from their game of card.

 Hawkeye stared at me and Nick with a blank face.

 "The Avengers?" I said.

 "The Avengers," Nick said.

 "The Avengers?" I repeated.

 "Um, yeah, the Avengers," Nick said.

 My heart was going 100 miles per hour. My feet were tapping. My face went red. A smile appeared on my face.

 "Yes, I would love to join!" I shouted out in glee. "Yes, you can count on me! I'm pure unstoppable! I'm a team player! I'm ready and out!"

 "Ok, ok, ok," Nick said, trying to calm me down. "I just like to ask you more thing before you join."


 "You must promise not to tell anyone of this. Not about S.H.I.E.L.D. Not about the Avengers. Not about your superhero persona. Just not anything of what you saw and do with us. It's better off so no one can get suspicous. Understand?"

 I nodded. "Right, not a word to anyone."

 "Then, I welcome you to the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D."

 I went to hug Tony. Only Tony held me back with his hand.

 "Whoa, whoa!" Tony said. "Are you serious, Nick? She's joining us?"

 "You're kidding, right? You're kidding?" Steve said.

 "I think I'm getting a little green," Banner said.

 "I mean, is she ready?" Natasha asked.

 "She can't join! She can't join!" Hawkeye said, frantically.

 Anger began to cover my face.

 Were they serious?

 They saved my butt and now they don't want me to join them?

Some thanks I'd gave them!

 "You people are the worst!" Nick hollered. "Give me one good reason why she shouldn't join?"

 "Um, father," Tony said.

 "Plans destroyed," Thor said.

 "Ready or not," Natasha said.

 "Jealous," Banner said.

 "She may be a superhero but can she ACT like one?" Steve asked.

 "I don't want her to get hurt," Hawkeye said.

 I bubbled up with rage.

 How can they say that about me? Didn't say hear what Nick said about me getting my powers from Eagle Eye?

 I mean, they all had powers too!

 Thor had thunder and his hammer.

 Banner had his Hulk form.

 Steve had his shield and strength.

 Natasha had martial arts and weapons.

 Tony had his armor.

 Hawkeye had his archery.

 What is up with them?

 "You know what, it's ok, Nick," I said, glowering. "I don't need to join some stupid team to prove that I'm a superhero. I'm already am."

 "Serenity," Nick said.

 "No, Nick," I said. "I don't need people to know if I'm ready or not. I like the offer but I'm going to go out now and ACT like this never happened to me. I'm going to act like I've never met you guys. I'm going to act like I never had superpowers. I'm going to act like I never helped you guys with these stupid missions. So, goodbye. I hope you Avengers get what you wanted."

 With that, I exited the Helicarrier and turned around.

 Nobody was coming after me.

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