11: Treachery of A Villain

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 "There he is!" Nick said, pointing at the screen.

 On the screen, showed Doctor Doom in New York City. He was with the half bald, half hairy guy.

 It was true. They had friends with them. And robots. Millions of robots.

 "I say go down there and figure out what he's doing," Nick advised. "Be cautious. We don't know who those other people are. Good luck, Avengers."

 I sat in my seat, grumbling. "Yeah, you guys go and save the day."

 Nick stared at Hawkeye. "Barton, do you mind..."

 Barton rolled his eyes. "I guess. Only I'm blaming it on you."

 Nick nodded at me. "You can go Serenity. I mean, Silver Wind."

 I hopped out of my chair. "Really?"

 "Yeah, just becareful. Barton here is just wanting to make sure you're safe."

 "Will do, Nick."

 "And make sure you don't get yourself caught with Doom again."

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

 We headed to the city where Doom was.

 We hid along a wall of a building. Natasha poked her head out.

 "What in the world if Doom doing?" she asked. We all joined her.

 Doom was with the half bald, half hairy guy still. They were in front of a building with the robots behind them.

 The hald bald dude was wearing a black jacket with a black shirt and black pants. His head was HUGE! You could literally see his veins! Little red long hairs scattered on his head. Only the rest of his body stayed the same.

 Two figures flew in the air. One was wearing a green costume. He had a symbol of some light thing like...a lantern, on his chest. He looked human but his skin was darker and had black flat hair. The other one was the same only red and the lantern was upside. He was of a completely different origin. His skin was of the color blood red. He was big and bulky.

 People stared or ran from them.

 "Fear us people!" the red alien said. "For we will bring destruction and ruling to this land."

 He snapped his fingers.

 The robots stood up and stood in front of them. They growled and hissed at the people.

 They were big. I mean, bigger than even us. They had great steel metal and red scanning eyes. Their arms stretched out with two snapping pinchers ending.

 We came and stood in front of the robots.

 "What have you done to my creations?!" Tony demanded.

 "Tony!" I hollered. "Now's not a good time."

 "Look, it might be easy for you to say but do you know how much money I spended on just for a single piece of steel?" Tony said, pointing his armored finger at me.

 Banner growled and formed in the green monster, the Hulk.

 "What are you doing with his creations, Doom?" Natasha asked.

 "It's something really big that even know of you heroes will never win a victory against," Doom screeched.

 "Now, I'll like you to meet Hector Hammond, my trusty friend who helped me work on Stark's creation to form these brilliant robots here!

Falling For A Superhero (Hawkeye and Serenity Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora