19: A Wish For My Father

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 I looked up at the sky.

 I was at Tony's Stark Tower, looking up at the night sky.

 Tony said it was ok for us to come and go inside where he kept his little wine area.

 He had an open air area where you go out the glass doors and watch the skyline and the traffic of New York.

 Everyone else was inside and tasting Tony's wine.

 Since I was 19, Tony said I couldn't taste any of his wine and asked me what else I would like so I asked him chocolate milk.

 Tony went to his refrigerator and got me a chocolate milk. He also asked me if I would like to have a chocolate chip cookie too.

 I said yes but I think he was really joking about it because he rolled his eyes.

 I apologized but he said it was ok and gave me a chocolate chip cookie.

 So here I was, standing in the open air area, eating a chocolate chip cookie and sipping on chocolate milk.

 There were a couple of stars out but they were kind of impossible to see since we were in New York.

 I heard the door open and Hawkeye came in, holding a glass full of...milk.

 "Milk?" I asked him.

 "Milk and Oreos," he said, holding up a Oreo cookie.

 I snickered. "I thought you go for the Stella Red wine."

 "I'm not really a alcohol person."

 "Oh, well, I guess that's good."

 "What are you doing out here?"

 "Just staring at the sky, trying to think of a wish for my dad."

 "A wish?"


 "Well, what do you wish for?"

 "I'm trying to figure it out."

 "Well, I wish that we could find him and stop Doom."

 "Yeah. Ok, I think I got it. I wish that I could find him and spend some father and daughter time. I want to get to know him and hope I get to practice archery with him."

 "That's good. If he were here now, I'm sure he would want you to go far."


 "You know, reach for the stars. Be good. Stay with the Avengers. Go beyond the distance and take care of yourself. I'm sure he'll tell you that."

 I nodded. "I'm sure."

 I looked at him. "So, are you going to tell me your secret?"

 "Oh, that, huh?"

 "Yeah, let me guess..."


 I glanced at his Oreo cookie. "You didn't want me to join the Avengers."


 I stomped my foot in anger.

 "Ok, you didn't want me to go look for my dad."


 "You didn't want me to match my archery skills with yours."

 "Not really but you're getting close."

 "You didn't want me to be better than you."


 I grumbled in frustration and put my head down.

 "Ok, you go and tell me."

 "Well, I'm kinda jealous of you."

 I lifted up my head. "Jealous?"

 "Yeah, I mean, you're the Archer's daughter. You're the daughter of a superhero and a famous archer that all archers love."

 "I would never think of that."

 "Well, there's that and one more thing."

 "One more thing?"

 "Um, how can I put it?"

 Hawkeye looked up at me nervously.

 "I kinda like you...well, I like you more, it's just hard for me to..."

 I got closer to him.


 I touched his arm.

 "Hawkeye, are you saying that you have a crush on me?"

 Hawkeye blushed. He nodded.


 My eyes widen.

 "You have a crush on me? I can't believe it! I mean, I had a crush on you when you first rescued me and I had this nightmare of you and I really wanted to meet you more too and...."

 I stopped. "Basically, I had a crush on you too."

 Hawkeye turned to me.

 "You had a nightmare of me?"

 "You turned all bad, your hair turned black and you shot the Avengers."

 "I would never do that."

 I smiled. "I'm glad you won't."

 "So, you think you'd like to go on a date with me?"

 I grinned. "Are you asking me....Hawkeye, out on a date?"

 "Yes, Eagle Eye, I, Hawkeye, am asking you out on a date."

 I blushed.

 "Well, I would say yes only what would you say?"

 Hawkeye put his arm around my back.

 Yes, I finally have a superhero boyfriend! I think...

"I think I would say..." Hawkeye said, looking up at the sky then turning his face back to me. "Yes."

 I smiled. And kissed him. On the lips.

 It didn't matter if Tony, Thor, Banner or Natasha was watching us or not. It didn't matter what Doom was planning now (kinda). It didn't matter if Nick was on the Helicarrier and taking pictures of us kissing.

 All that mattered now was this: Hawkeye and Eagle Eye.

 Hawkeye was going to be my boyfriend.

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