Chapter 16: The spell

Start from the beginning

Mal's POV

I admit this is a first time I've seen Uma like this in a while.
"There's something wrong with Ben or something!" Uma exclaimed "Or Auradon is more messed up than I thought"
"Oh honey, it's messed up" Evie said, making me chuckle.
"Can I guess?" I asked "Ben's done something stupid and heartbreaking?"
"Is that what this pain is?" Uma asked, making me nod.
"Ben and I were both spelled; It made Harry-"
"Don't even get me started with Harry" Uma said "He's been the most sour and mean he's ever been, even towards me"
I paled.
"I did that?" I asked, turning to Evie "Please don't tell me I did that"
"I broke him!" I exclaimed, stressed "It's like the hook thing all over again!"
They both looked at me confused.
I sighed.
"Long story short, Harry's father found out about us and he was pissed. Harry as acting harsh to me for at lest 2 mouths before I literally drugged him and asked him what the hell was going on" I said.
"I think I remember that actually" Uma stated.
I nodded.
"Anyway, Evie hit me on the head to snap out of it but Ben's still under" I said.
"So we have to hit him in the head?" Uma asked, whipping her tears away.
"It won't work" I said "I only snapped out of it because the pain triggered me out of it; with Ben it would only come to me"
"You felt pain from yourself?" Uma asked, surprised.
"Long story" I said.
"True love's kiss!" Evie exclaimed "Uma!"
"Woah, woah hold up...kissing?" Uma asked, disguised "No, no, no!"
"Do you want to save Ben or not?" Evie asked.
"Can't Mal do it?" Uma complained.
"I'm not his soulmate anymore Uma" I said "It's you"
She sighed.
"It's just...I've never kissed anyone before, not even Harry" Uma admitted.
"WHAT!" Evie asked and got off of my bed "Okay, come on! We need to find Ben!"
"That won't be too hard, he's with Alicia" Uma said.
"She must have done this!" I growled.
"Woah, now just a sec-"
I didn't hear the rest of it as I stormed out the dorm to find Alicia.
Watch out Auradon slut, this VK bitch is gonna make you wish you weren't born.

~30 minutes later~

Of course they're in the cafeteria of Auradon prep, right where everyone can see them.
And it's noticeable when Alicia is all over him.
I walked towards them, the whole area going silent as they noticed me.
I smirked at them.
"Having fun there?" I asked, making them both look at me.
Alicia looked shocked.
"Looking shocked there for something who spelled me, good job by the way, who helped you out?" I asked, making some members of the crowd gasped.
"I have no idea what you're taking about" she said innocently.
"You spelled myself and the king just so you could hurt me, Harry and Uma which I think is not Auradon standard" I said "Oh wait, people think you're loopy because of your mother anyway"
She gasped.
"How dare you tell me that!" She said "I will be queen"
I rolled my eyes.
"Good luck with that, I'm currently in line slut" I said, crossing my arms "Get Ben out of his misery, I know how the potion works"
"Ben loves me, don't you?" Alicia asked.
Ben said nothing, his brown eyes with a pink gleam flickering to his normal doe hazel-green eyes.
"Honey?" She said, angrily.
I chuckled.
"He's fighting and I know the thing that can help him" I said.
"Nothing can help him, he's mine!" Alicia exclaimed.
"You're looking even more loopier every time you talk" I exclaimed sweetly "And doing anything to the king is treason, including innocent little spells"
She paled.
"I know my rules, I'm the lady in court, I'm not stupid" I said.
"What about Harry?" She asked.
"WHat about him?" I asked.
"You broke him sweetheart, you're worst than your mother!" Alicia said "I won't be surprised that she did that to your father as-"
"Don't you ever talk about my mother or father like that!" I snapped, making her jump "My mother was betrayed by my father, he just left her! And how dare you accuse me of being my mother when I'm the heroine here"
She looked at me shocked, like everyone else.
I haven't talked about my father before.
"Uma?" I asked, noticing she was 5 meters away from me.
"Yeah?" She asked, walking next to me.
"Get your man" I said.
Alicia, realising in the talking we've done she moved from Ben to front of me.
"NOOOOOOO!" She yelled as Uma kissed Ben.

I was battling mixed emotions as they left the kiss to reveal Ben's hazel-green eyes and them hugging.
I'm happy that Ben's back to normal and Uma experience love.
But then again, I'm sad and jealous because there is still a little bit of me that wants to run into his arms and kiss and forget any of this ever happened.
Ben got out of the hug and looked at Alicia, who was scared.
"For cursing both the king and his lady of court, I hereby put you in a jail cell until I have deemed a punishment worthy of my liking" Ben said as guards came out from nowhere and grabbed her.
She glared at me.
"You will pay" she growled "I will get what I want"
I rolled my eyes as she was pulled out.
Ally ran up to me.
"I'm so sorry for my sister" she exclaimed.
"It's fine Ally, completely fine, I would just inform your mother on this though" I said.
She nodded.
"I'm sorry Ben" she said.
He chuckled.
"It's fine Allison, don't worry" Ben said.
Ally bowed and quickly walked off.
The crowd started to chat like nothing happened.
Rumours will spread like wildfire I'm sure.

"So..." Evie said as she got to me, noticing me looking at Uma and Ben flirting "What are you feeling?"
"To be honest, I'm confused as hell" I said.
"About?" She asked.
"About that potion, she must have had some help" I said "The potion my mother gave me is one of the strongest potions in the world, she must of had a strong potion master help her out"
Evie rolled her eyes, annoyed.
"I'm not talking about that" Evie stated "I'm talking about your-"
I looked at the doors to notice Harry walk in.
He has sneering at everyone, making me roll my eyes.
He made eye contact with me and looked in the complexly different direction, like I wasn't even there, making me growl as he walked towards some girls to flirt with, one being Audrey.
"Mal?" I heard Ben ask.
"I'm not being the love sick person following him around again" I snarled "If he wants to play a game, it's my turn"

Harry's POV's

I tried my best ignoring Mal.
I can't stay mad at her for long, and by the looks of it Uma and Ben are cuddly.
She something must have happened.
"Um Harry, what are you doing?" Audrey asked "Doug-"
"Can't you see? Mal did something and-"
"Didn't daddy tel you its not nice to hit on a man's girl?"
I turned around to see Mal, smirking.
I crossed my arms.
"Didn't mummy tell you it isn't nice to interrupt conversations?" I asked.
She laughed.
"Please, if my mother taught me anything, it was to do that" Mal said and stepped towards me.
I rolled my eyes and pulled her into a hug.
She didn't look fazed.
"Scared?" I asked.
"You wish" she said, her lips only cemeteries from mine "I know what game you're playing; we've played this before but this time I'm playing, not sulking"
She pulled me in, so her mouth was near my ear.
"You better step up your game lover boy" she whispered and pulled away.
She laughed, looking down before looking at me again.
"Until we meet again Hook" she said, walking away.
I just stared at her as she walked out.
"I'm sorry Harry but you're dead meat" Doug exclaimed.
I sighed.
"I know" I said, sighing.
We're both pissed so this is going to end bad.

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