I Ain't Got Nothing If I Aint Got You

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Alex POV:


Walking the halls.

Walking the halls of this damned school. My breath hitching in my throat every three seconds. I'm scared and nervous. My voice disappears, as my throat tangles itself with dryness and anticipation.

Do you my cry?

Pathetic. And weak. I'm lost without her. My mom. The only person I cared about, dead. Gone.

I make a turn into the next bahroom, and slide down the stall door. Letting tears flow out of my weary eyes.

"Is anybody in here?" A southern accented voice asks into the cramped and sweaty, bathroom air. My breath hitches in my throat and the tears silently roll down my cheeks.

"I can see you in the stall... Are you okay?" The voice asks again. I put my hand over my mouth to prevent a sob from escaping.

Suddenly, the door opens and I fall against the cold bathroom tiles.

"I knew it... Are alright...?" He asks. I slowly retreat my hand back to my side, as I stare in awe at the angel before me.

"Hello?" He calls, taking me out of my trance. I shake my head and sit up.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine..." I say, very unconvincing.

"I don't know if you think I'm stupid, but I am smart enough to know that you're obviously hurt, so spill," he pushes. I decided that I'm probably never gonna see this kid again, so why not?

"My mom died." I say, almost emotionless. His eyes go wide, and his breathing stops for a split second.

"Normally, I would say I'm sorry, but you probably don't need pity.

I pull out a cigarette from my coat pocket, my fourth one today, mind you. And light it. My only stress relief, besides crying, but my tears are dead. Like my mom. He looks at me, almost disappointed. I shrug it off.

"That's bad for you..." He states.

I scoff. "Nah shit, Sherlock..." I spat back. He chuckles, bitterly.

"What's your name?" He says, changing the subject. I look up.

"Alex," I state, tring to keep my responses short and simple.

"John..." He says, I take one last puff and shove the joint down the bathroom drain.

"What classes do you have?" I ask. He looks up, surprised I even talked to him.

"Washington, History."

"Wow. Same."

"Oh well, guess we're skippin'" he says, nonchalantly. I scoff.


"When?" He asks. I know exactly what he is talking about.

"Last night..." I answer, looking down. My mind flooding with images of her final breath escaping her pale and cold lips. A single tear slides down my cheek, John strecthes his arm over to my cheek, and wipes the tear away with his thumb.

I smile.

"Thanks for talking to me..." I thank him. He shrugs.

"No problem, my mom's been dead so, yeah, I know how I feels.." he says, almost as emotionless as I did.

" I miss her, she was the only family I liked and actually loved," he says. I nod. My dad was an asshole and my brother was killed three years ago by a hurricane. So I'm used to death and loss. That's one thing this John kid, and I have in common.

Our tolerance for pain.

I've only known him for ten minutes and I feel like we've been friends since diapers. Wow, what deep conversations can do to you.

"This is the start of a beautiful relationship..." I say, sarcastically. He laughs, and agrees.


Just a short lil' idea I had :3

I got some pong ass chapters for y'all soon! So be READDAY!

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