Highschool Havoc ;)

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Third Person POV:

Alex walked down the hall as
Jefferson followed him," Hey
orphan!" Alex pretended not to
hear him as he walked faster.
"Hey! I am talkin' to you, pathetic!" Jefferson yells as John sees Alex being cornered by Jefferson. John slowly makes his way over there and taps on Jefferson's shoulder, " Um, Jefferson you should b-be n-nicer to ....A-Alexander," John says trying not to make eye contact with him. Jefferson laughs and grabs John by the collar of his shirt.
"Back off, ya lil' queer! Alex can take care of himself, ya hear?!" Jefferson brutally says as he throws john to the lockers. Alex's face turns red with anger as he tackles Jefferson yelling and screaming. A crowd forms around them pushing away John, who was flattered and embarrassed.
"Fight! Fight! Fight!" Everyone chanted as Jefferson threw Alex around.
"What in God's name is goin' on?!" Mr.Washington exclaims at the two. He leads Jefferson, John, and ,of course, Alex into the office.
"What happened?" He asked surprised.
"Well," John began," Jefferson walked up beside Alex and called him pathetic, so I-I told him to be nice to Alex and he threw me to the lockers..."
Washington's face lit up with anger and shock.
"Then Alex jumped on Jefferson's back and that's when the fight started. Oh, and Jefferson busted Alex's lip, and his braces dug into his mouth..." John continued trying not to look at Jefferson's angry face.
"Is this true?" Washington asked strictly.
"Yesf," Alex said with a lisp as he brace was attached to the inside of his lip.
"Then... Jefferson. To the ISS for a week!" Washington yelled.
Jefferson stormed out as he grimaced at John and Alex. John and Alex returned to class after being cared for. For the rest of the class John and Alex laughed and giggles about Jefferson. However, in Alex's mind, he knew he was a dead man.
The next day, Alex walks into the room where John smiled and waited for Alex to come and sit by him. Most thought they are good friends, but really they were in an undercover
relationship. I mean it was quite obvious, they held hands and occasionally kissed in public, but no one seemed to care.
"Do you think Jefferson is gonna kill us?" Alex came out of blue asking John during lunch.
"Uhhh, why? Why would he?" John shockingly asked.
"Because of the fight..." Alex responded.
"Oh... Well, if he does he'll have to talk to me first!" John said with a firm voice.
Alex smiles and blushes as he lay his head on John's shoulder. John blushed wildly as he lay his head on Alex's. In all the midst of blushing, Eliza walked in.
" Hey, Alex!" She began," How are you?"
"Ok," he answered.
Eliza grabbed her soda and walked back out.
John stood up from the table and leaned on the wall. Alex walks beside him.
"You okay?" Alex asked.
"Eh, could be better," John began," You're the reason I am so happy."
John moved in front of Alex and cornered him with his arms on Alex's putter area. Alex blushes nervously, as john smirks a devious smirk.
John kisses Alex,while Alex stands there blushing and shocked.
"What? No passion?" John asks after he stops kissing and looks a John with a quite seductive face.
Ring! Ring!
John grabs Alex's hoodie and kisses him, and this time Alex gave in, and grabbed both the bookbags and makes his way out of the room.
Alex,blushing the text of the day, stayed nearJohn out of loyalty, as they transitioned from class to class.
"Hey! Alex!" John whisper-yells across the table to Alex's table.
"What?" Alex whisper-yells back.
"What do you wanna do after school?" John asks.
"I don't know, we can head to my place?" Alex suggests.
John smiles in agreement. After last period, Alex and John made their way to Alex's house. They slumped down their bags and jumped on the couch.
They both sighed as they look at each other. Suddenly John sees Alex's eyes awhile new way, somehow, comforting and sweet. John made his way up and walked upstairs, when Alex followed him out of curiosity.
John plops on his bed and smiles as he made a funny pose. They both break out laughing, and then a silence broke.
Alex walked up to John and slopped beside him. John gives a quick glance over to Alex, just to see what he was doing.
"John?" Alex said.
"Yea?" John replied.
"Are we gay?" Alex asked with a questioning look.
"Um... I don't know. Do you wanna find out?" John asks.
"Ho-" Alex began, but didn't finish because John had climbed on top of hi by the time the already started. Alex blushes and smiles, nervously.
"Yea... We aren't gay but we are sexually attracted to one another, so, if that is what gay is, then yea, I'm gay," John says as he unbuttoned Alex's shirt.
John slowly makes his way into a kiss on the neck as he made his way up to Alex's mouth, where Alex laid his hands on Johns chest to unbutton his shirt.
A vicious kiss, then again thruster into action as John and Alex violently touched one another's lips. They stripped down to their boxers both. Even though their things touched, they kept them on. Both intimidate in their passion, they kissed and kissed, and kissed.
John finally fell off of Alex when he became exhausted.
"Yea," he said." We're gay, really gay..."
Alex laughed as he crawled over to John. They both stared into each other's eyes as they pondered in the deep pool of love. Highschool was the worst for John and Alex, but they managed somewhat.
The Next Day:
Jefferson walks into school with something gold on his hand, or brass, as it looked. Alex, in front of him, turned around to see a knuckle sandwich coming his way.
The hall got quiet. Alex fell back with blood all on his nose. John rushed over to him, as did Eliza.
"You fiend! You no good prick!" Eliza screamed at Jefferson as she felt the lump covered in blood softly.
Alex's eyes barely stayed open, as he felt an awful pain. John let a tear slip out as he held Alex's hand.
"Haha! Look! The little pet is tending to his master!" Jefferson taunted.
The whole hall lit up with cruel laughter as John's face flushed with redness.
"I am NOT his pet! I will NOT tolerate YOU any longer, Jefferson! You are an abomination to all that is good, and I -WILL-END-YOU!" John said quietly. The hall became quiet as people watched John become e more furious.
"You have been an ABOMINATION for the last... Time..." John said right before he stood up and scratched Jefferson repeatedly and punched him as well. He kept beating him until the principal had to physically restrain him from beating him to oblivion.
"How did it start?" The counselor took of her glasses and asked John.
John looked away, sighed and said," Alex and I were walking- and Jefferson came behind him and punched him in his face. Eliza and I Santo his side and turned red with anger as Jefferson laughed," John began to cry, but eventually rejoined reality, " He knocked Alex unconscious, and I had suffered what he had suffered for the last time... So, I jumped him."
The counselor looked at John in astonishment.
"Wow, just... Wow!" She said," Do you know what he punched him with?"
"Brass k-knuckles, I-I think," John stuttered.
The counselor snickered and stood up, dismissing John and calling in Jefferson. Jefferson was then stripped of his brass knuckles, and forced to apologize to Alex. If Alex didn't accept, then Jefferson was going to jail, if he did, ISS for 10 days, plus the 4 others he had to serve.
After Jefferson asked if he could apologize in private, he said," Hey, Alexander. Umm. I am really sorry for punching you, and bullying you, and etc. So, you don't have accept my apology, you can just get revenge, and send me off to prison, or kep me here to ruin your life even m-more..." Jefferson began to cry and left the room.
He looked in the mirror in the restroom. How he felt guilty.
Meanwhile, in the nurse room, Alex woke up after hearing Jefferson's apology, he cried and stood up.
I accept it. His apology. Even though he was a total prick, I accept it.
He thought and then said to the nurse and counselor.
The next day everyone wore Alex's jacket and jeans, in honor against bullying, for him. He laughed and smiled as John watched his friend and lover express his happiness. Jefferson even wore it.
He turned to Jefferson and smiled," I did forgive you."
Jefferson smiled back and said," It was my idea, to do the-dressing-up-like-you thing..."
Jefferson went to ISS and Alex and John held hands and went to class, like usual.

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