Bathroom Stalls

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Yes, this is lams....don't judge me.

Alex was wearing his leather jacket, ankle boots, and ripped jeans. His cat ears twitching every now and then. His fox-like tail swinging furiously, he was mad. No doubt about it. However, when he saw John, he calms, relaxes, and feels happy. Alex walks into the restroom, seeing the person he ever so loves.

"Hey Alex," John says with eyes lighting up like stars. Alex smiles, and waves. John had a lion-like tail , and large wolf ears. Both hybrids. Both undeniably in love with one another, completely oblivious to one another's love. Quite hilarious, actually.

Alex looked in the mirror, and fixed his jacket. John came behind him, and put his hands on his waist, immediately taking them off.

"I-I'm sorry..." He squeals. I smile, and shake my head.

"It's okay, I kinda liked it.." I trail off. Alex turns around, and John catches him, and smashes his lips into Alex's. John places his hands on Alex's cheek, cupping his face. Alex moans against the kiss, and accidentally bites John's lip. John hisses from pain, and continues to kiss Alex.

Alex then throws his jacket to the side, digging his claws into John's shoulders. John gasped but continued to kiss Alex roughly, might I add.

They were so into it that they didn't notice Lafayette walk in and gasp.

Then they heard a click, and they both stopped and turned their heads slowly at the sound origin. Then Laf smiled nervously and bolted out of the restroom with the physical evidence of a pretty gAy moment.

Alex and John chased after them and then finally caught him when he ran out of the school, and onto the sidewalk. All of them hitting the cement. Alex hissed at him and deleted the picture, but not before powering off his phone, because that shit is annoying.

John then proceeded to take Alex's hand and run off to Alex's house, because his was occupied by his Dad's work friends, which were weed smoking, douche bags. Don't ask.

"That was pretty intense..." Alex said trying to catch his breath. John nodded and laughed.

"The kissing or the chasing?" John asked, out of breath.

"Both," Alex said and straightened (gayed) back out. John then smirked and strolled towards Alex.

" like me..?" John asked, making a Lenny face.

Alex's face flushed and became flustered.

"Y-yeah,"he stuttered out.

"Well, then Hamilton shall we be on our way?" John asked in an out fashioned tone. Alex giggled and took his hand, his tail swinging behind him, and ears twitching with anticipation as they ran towards Alex's house.

This will be fun.

Hey, it's me the okayest author and of course I had to write Lams' because it's my otp, and ANYWAAYS, did you like it, if you did hit that vote button and comment. The more the merrier! Also, just before you say I'm an over happy person. I'm not. I'm actually on anti depressants, and anxiety pills, yay :). Anyways thx for reading and make sure to...drumroll...VOTE, FOLLOW, AND COMMENT! OH AND REQUEST!! I NEED REQUESTS!

-Love-Lams 😘😘😘

Hamilton || One-ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora