Kingdom of Anarchy

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(George^2 requested by Hamil_sinner_240

Also, he's a king in modern times)

King POV:

You know. It's hilarious. How everyone thinks I'm a selfish, ruthless king. When in reality, I'm actually a chill guy. Sure, I have my breakdowns, but I'm a fucking king, what do you expect?

After all, this is what I do best.

Thrones are nice, but also intimidating. I do say so myself, I have never really realized that I have not married yet, like father did at my age. I guess I'm waiting, after all I'm only 25, and quite frankly, I don't feel the need to marry anyways.

Besides, father would've been disgusted by my choice of spouse, anyways. I have never been attracted to females, in all honesty.

I mean, women are beautiful and above worthy of affection, just not from myself.

Women have thrown themselves at me since I could remember, and it never felt right.

Not to mention, it adds on to the stress of ruling a kingdom, with a rival just over seas.

If one thing about me is positive, it's the fact that I have been oh so shyly admiring the other George.

Call me devious, but he is so intriguing, truly. His chocolate, brown eyes. His nice caramel skin, who wouldn't want a piece of that?

If I could I would tell him. But that's the problem, being the person I am, I fell in love with the enemy.

Helplessly, mind you.

He's so controlled and contained, I would just love to see him uncontrolled and out of order, if you know what I mean.

He's just... Gorgeous.

I would give up my crown just to speak to him without having to battle.

If only, life had been so fortunate.

I sat in my large, over rated throne, contemplating my feelings for the enemy, when a guard tapped my shoulder.

I glared at him, how dare he interrupt my fantasies.

"Your highness, I have been sent to bring you to the Minister's office." He stated, firmly, tired looking, I must add.

"Oh alright, I'll be there as soon as I am done." I said, sass dripping from my tone as I rolled my eyes.

"But, King George, he said it's urgent.." the guess insisted. I rolled my eyes, once again, finally agreeing to see the minister.

"Fiiiiiine.." I groaned.

He led me upstairs to the Ministers office, the many rooms passing by us.

I make it to the office, finally, the guard leaving me to tend whatever business ready for me.

I look up from the doorway, and see the minister, along with someone I knew very well.

"George Mother Fucking Washington, well, what a pleasure.

He rolled his eyes, leaving me offended. He was on enemy territory.

"I have a proposition to make." He said, not even greeting me, how rude.

"Go on." I said, interested.

"I will send back my troops, if you surrender. And then this hell shall finally cease." He said. My eyes wide in astonishment.

"Excuse me?! But this war started because you and your renegades decided I wasn't fit to rule and seceeded! This is not my fault, George!" I said, his name slipping from my lips, in anger.

"Is that a 'yes I surrender' or a 'no, go fuck yourself'?" He asked, mocking me.

The minister, wide eyes and dying to laugh, left the room, promptly. I glared at him and George, deadly like.

"No, go fuck me." I answered. His eyes went wide. And that's when I realized, I fucked up.

"I meant! H-holy shit! I'm sorry, I meant, y-yourself.. s-s-shiiiit!" I stuttered, my composure failing to keep up. I cowared in embarrassment.

"And here I thought you were supposed to be a king." He said, smirking. I was confuzzled.

"W-what...?" I said, unsurely.

"But turns out you're just a little prince." He snickered.

"What the hell does that mean?!" I said, offensively.

"That you have a little problem, and no one will help you with it." He said. Now, I was utterly confused and dumbfounded.

"Wha-" before I could finish my sentence, as if by some legendary God above had had enough of waiting and was a fanfiction author and was ready for some hardcore smooching, George launched forward, crahsing his lips into mine.

My initial response being surprise, but I kissed back, hungrily. Unaware of how much I wanted this to happen, I let myself go. My stress seeping out of me like a cracked China bowl, and newly found confidence had filled up instead.

He pulled away, a string of saliva connecting us still.

"What I'm saying is that you need help with a problem, and I think I might be the solution, your highness.." he whispered, looking deep into my eyes.

"You have blue eyes.." he said, barely above a whisper.

"Yeah... So?" I whispered, his hands cupping my face, my hands resting on his waist.

"They're beautiful.." he whispered, leaning in again, for a kiss. Our lips loving in sync, tongues clashing against one another, fighting for dominance, he obviously winning.

I smiled into the kiss, right before it ended.

"What does this mean?" I asked, my waist pulled to his by his arms wrapped around my small frame.

"If you surrender, we could be anything you want.." he said. I giggled and rolled my eyes.

"I surrender then." I whispered, smiling slightly.

"To what?" He asked, his tone low.

"You, and this stupid war.." I said, kissing his lips, briefly.

I walked away from him,leaving him dumbfounded.

"But this doesn't mean that you can dirty up all my expensive foreign carpets with your muddy boots, George." I joked, as I walked out of the room, officially declaring my surrender to the minister, who wasn't all that surprised, honestly.

Out of the peripheral vision of my eye, I saw George walking in his socks, which made me smile.

Maybe it is respectable for me to like the enemy at sea.

I actually really like this oneshot, so thank you Hamil_sinner_240 for this suggestion, it was cute. What do you think, did you like it?

What other ships should I do, because this on my otp list now.


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