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It's been three weeks.

And it's been a long time since i played the game.

I missed CODE9 but.. it's better if i do this. Maybe he really doesn't want to be friends with me, besides i gave him the chance to explain but.. he didn't.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook asked in sudden. "Y-yeah im fine" I nodded and smiled to him.

When we arrived at school, we could hear them saying something about us.

"Look, they are engaged"

"Since when?"

"Look at the ring!"

I was scared with unknown reason.

We have been engaged for two days and the news spread fast. Our classes already know about us, some act normal, some act in jealousy and some act happily.

"You keep on spacing out, why?" Jungkook asked. My eyed widened when i can feel his hot breath next to my ear, he was so close!

"N-nothing!" I stepped away but he held me from tripping. "Well well.. someone is being shy here. Why are you blushing, my fiance?"

I blushed even hard "I swear i want to kill you"

"uh-huh, better dont or you will lose a knight" He laughed and pulled me by my shoulder. "Let's go"

We became closer and closer, always eat together, go to the library together. But sometimes, it's not just us two, we will invite our other friends but for sure, Jungkook will be there to watch over me. Remember, im blind.


"Hey Lara"

The school has ended and we were in my class, i was studying while Jungkook just stood there by the window.

"Yes?" I was too focused on my studies.

"We are getting close" Jungkook state.

"Yes" i answered.

"We always hang out together at school"


"We are engaged"

"That's right"

"But we haven't go to any date until now"

"Yes- wait. Ah.. about that" I suddenly became embarrassed and covered my face.

"What's the matter?" Jungkook asked. "Im sleepy, let's go home. I will do this tomorrow saturday morning"

"Okay let's go" He waited for me to pack my things and we walked down stairs. "Let's go out, a date, tomorrow" He said happily.

My face became even hotter after he asked that straight to the point. "i-i have homeworks!"

"I will wait for you to finish your homework then we go out"

I was thinking but out of sudden his hand held mine.

"What are you doing, sir" I provoked him while tightening our hands together.

"Just holding yours. Well, what are you doing, miss?"

"Just make sure your hand doesn't let my hand go"

We were laughing, as our laughters echoed in the hallway. Before went home, i opened my locker to take some books to bring them home but when i opened it, i can feel something fell and accidentally hit my arm skin slightly.

"What is that?" I asked, caught Jungkook's attention. He bended down and took the thing. "What is that Jungkook?" I asked again.

He chuckled. "Nothing just a stupid folded airplane unintentionally flew into your locker. The students here are still bunch of kids i guess"



Right when i got home, i put down my bag and took out the letter from my pocket. I slipped the sd card out of the envelope and used the card reader to listen to it on my laptop.

My eyes grew bigger when i heard those insults came out from the recording. They were insulting Lars because she is blind and because.. of me.

I kept the sd card properly and turn off my laptop as i rested my back.

"Those bitc*es never learn. It's my fault if anything happens to Lara. Ugh" i stroked my hair to the back and  groaned.

Out of sudden, i remembered how Lara was so shy whe i asked her to go out with me makes me smiled eventhough i as in anger.

"Damn, she's cute"

But at the same time, i remembered how CODE7 giggled. Her sweet laugh will never escapes from my mind. Oh god, i miss her. But marrying Lara is my responsibility, i need to take care of her. I don't want anyone to hurt her anymore.

Wait, Lara once told me that she has a friend in the game. A guy. What if.. the guy really wants to be friend with her? I should find out that guy.

But how?

Will he treat Lara just like i do?

Will he cares about Lara just the way i do?



The next day, i woke up and was doing my homework. It was calm until it became nervous and awkward

I sighed "Jungkook, what are you doing"

"Im.. Playing games on phone. Why?" He asked.

"You told me that you want to go out with me" i reminded him. "Yes i remember. Why?"

"Im doing my homework right now. Why don't you come pick me once I've  done?"

"Because i can't wait to see you. Hehe"

God. That 'Hehe''s just too cute.

Game On 'new' (BTS J.J.K FF) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now