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"I need to go home now" I looked at the time. "Yeah. It's getting late" CODE9 spoke with his low tone and waved his hand.

"Are u sure u will be okay?" I asked concernedly, worried about him. "What are u worried about? CODE20 and Grandpa are here. Im not alone" He chuckled after he let out a sigh.

"Still.. This level is empty" I looked around, giving him the creep. "There is not ghost in this virtual world kiddo. Now go back before your parents are mad to you"

"How about your family? do u want me to-- oh i forgot.." I laughed nervously because i forgot that his family is not like mine..

"I-I will come again tomorrow morning" I stood up and about to log out but before i could, i bowed a bit, showing him my gratitude. "Thank you for saving me"

It's not like saving my life, but if i got bitten just now it will be hard for me to go home back, out from this virtual world. I can't just simply tell them mom's number to call and inform her that i need to stay here and else.

If i dont, my parents will be so worried.

"It's nothing. I will see u tomorrow" He waved at me and i nodded "I will come again" I logged out and i woke up at my house, inside the capsule.

"Who is there?" I asked when i heard footsteps as soon as i opened the lid. "Kirei, where are you" I used my monotone but still aware of who was there.

"Kirei is asleep. Dont calm him, u will make him startled"

When i heard Aunt Aro's voice, i sighed and got out from there then went to my bed carefully to not sit on Kirei.

"This is unusually late, what were u doing there?" Aunt Aro asked. "Im sorry.. My friend got bitten by a monster that spreads purple liquid. Because of that, he can't log out. Because of me, he couldn't" I sighed and rested my back by the wall, hugging my legs.

"He" Aunt Aro repeated. "Yes, he.. Why?"

"Hm..? A guy friend?"

"Sort of, i dont know if i can trust him but what he did to defend me, makes me happy to have him around me" I smiled a bit, still hugging my both legs.

"Where are dad and mom?" I asked. "They are on their way home. Im here to make sure u are not alone" She chuckled.

"but kirei is here.."

"No sweetie. We need someone, to be with us sometimes" I shut my mouth. "He is alone right now. He said that he used to it because his parents usually aren't home"

"And u left him there?"

"Yes.. He is in the infirmary" I bit my lower lip, a bit of guilt. "I mean, he is okay right? A guy, he is quite strong now" I grinned awkwardly.

"It's from inside, not physically" Aunt Aro corrected me. "But i can't just go back, mom and dad will be mad at me" I said, holding my both hands tight.

"Aunt Aro is here, what are you afraid of?" I can hear her chuckled as she patted my head. "No go, dont leave him alone"

I stood up right away and entered the capsule once again, went back to the game.

The moment i arrived, quickly i ran to the tree house and took the stairs to go into the patients room. That's when i saw CODE20 was sitting there, facing CODE9 on the bed as he was resting his back by the headboard.

"are u sincere be friends with her?" CODE20 asked using his monotone.

I gasped, with wide eyes i looked at them as i hid by the wall by the door frame.

"Yes" One word enough to makes me happy eventhough i was unsure if he's telling the truth.

In sudden, i got a message

I opened the window screen and saw a message from CODE9.

I peeked to him once again and seemed like he just closed a tiny window screen.

I opened the message


He greeted. I was confused, why would he suddenly 'hello' to me?

CODE20 suddenly stood up, "If u hurt her, i will find you" CODE20 said before he walked towards the door, towards me. In rush, i ran downstairs and hid in the kitchen, trying my best to not make any sounds.

Alright, he is not around here anymore.

I thought to myself and wantws to get out from where i was hiding but the moment i wanted to take another step forward, someone passed by in front of me, towards the door to get out.

My eyes widened, i was so shocked.

Thank goodness... He didn't see me..

I breathed in and out heavily, placing a hand onto my chest and looked at CODE20 making his way out from the treehouse.

I hurriedly walked upstairs but carefully to not make any sounds. When i entered the room, CODE9 wasn't doing anything but just sitting there with the back rested on the headboard.

It was awkward and nervous, never knew why. But with a heart that beated so fast, i walked near him and stood in front.

But he didn't give any reaction, not even lifting his head.

Using my hand, i waved in front of his both eyes but he didn't do anything at all.

Is he sleeping???

By tiptoeing, i sat on the chair where CODE20 was sitting and be seated, looking at him quietly.

Wait, what the hell am i doing?!

I stood up again and walked to him, slowly help him lying on the bed properly.

Once i've done, i pulled the blanket to cover him up and then stared down to his face.

I.. want to see his face

My hand reached out to his mask, but stopped, quickly pulling my hand away

What am i thinking?! he would've disqualified from the game if i do that.

Out of sudden, his hand moved and grabbed mine before he pulled me closer, makes me sat on the edge of the bed.

"I knew u are here"

Game On 'new' (BTS J.J.K FF) [COMPLETED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz