E: Writing For Your Lives I T: Amused

Comenzar desde el principio

 Personally, if someone doesn’t get enlightened by my writing every time they write it, I don’t care. Mainly because sometimes I don’t write it for that purpose, but another reason is because I am writing for myself so that I can improve and if someone doesn’t understand a writing I had in the past but can benefit from a current work then I’ve proved myself helpful by learning from my mistakes and showing the progression over the years.




 Here, you may tell yourself, “I never get a lot accomplished during my scheduled writing sessions,” or “Since my proposal was not accepted by the publisher, I’ll never get a  book published!


 I don’t have a scheduled writing session. I never have. There are only few times that I ‘can’t’ write. And yes, it’s frustrating. But. I write so much that unless my fingers and twitching and I absolutely need to writing something I shouldn’t be writing.

 Getting published was one of my top priorities. Now, it’s a matter of satisfaction. There are many ways to self publish. But. I’m not planning on going that route. Because. I hate seeing typos in a book. There are so many now and I can’t stand it. I don’t want my book to be out there with a typo. I’d hate myself for the rest of my life since I didn’t take the time to get it edited.


 It later goes on to say that the first statement is false because there’s not set amount to get accomplished. It is unlikely that you never get a lot accomplished some of the time, and something accomplished a lot of the time.


Basically…? Believe in yourself and don’t overgeneralize. Thankfully, I’ve already gone through these stages and I love to prove people wrong. Especially, myself.


Mental Filter:


When obsessing over a single negative detail about your writing process of something you have written.


  This book is for beginners. I’m glad I got it though. I’m sure there’s something I’ll learn but this would make a good gift to someone who doesn’t have much faith in themselves. I have high hopes and I understand that I’m crazy. I’m not a writer who cries when they have writers block because… Well… I hardly have writers block. If anything, I’ll set the work to the side and then get back to it later. Or, I’ll wait for inspiration to hit. My mind is constantly thinking of ways to fix or continue a story and that’s why I can write so much is because I think about it subconsciously.

 The only time I can think of this happen was when I originally wrote the first book of Countered Reputations. I couldn’t wait to get it published. However, there was a part where I had one character in two places at once. In one chapter it said he was imprisoned for a week yet in the next chapter he was there to witness something in action. And because of this predicament I had to toss the original Countered Reputations. But. Also because of that, I was able to learn from my mistakes and find a meth organization. Even though this story is going on it’s fourth year of existing I’m glad that I pushed through because that only means that the book will be that much better when I am finished. And. It’ll feel thousands of times more relieving.


When you have one negative detail, don’t stress, you have a whole story that has potential. Because you are obsessing over one negative detail--You are going to experience a lack of inspiration, simply because your dwelling on a negative detail.

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