27: I found him

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|??? POV|

"I have them." The man watching the speck flying in the air smiled wickedly as he eyed the desired target.

It gracefully darted past flying birds and other flying objects present in the air. It was like a bullet tracking down its given target and only it's target.

With a sinister smirk, the man reached for his back pocket. He held his source of communication in that tiny space: his phone.

He yanked the object out and dialed the numbers hastily yet agilely into the rectangular object.

"Just wait till he hears this." He mumbled in anticipation as he felt joy overtake him.

Finally. Finally he was going to be seen as worthy and useful. It was the day he would overcome his sadness that had imprisoned him for years. It was the day that he would finally get to step foot into the place he desired to be in. It was the day where he would finally get to work in the shadows and kill people silently.

It was the day that would remind him how psycho he really was and how his sanity disappeared a long, long time ago. He just had to uncover it from the webs that were burying it down in the depths of his sane side.

The man began to grow savage and ruthless just thinking about these thoughts. Each beep the phone produced only caused impatience and eager to build up in his emotions. He could feel emotions that he's never even thought existed until now.


"One," the man said.






"Four." he stated through gritted teeth.

His emotions churned. By this point, the feeling of impatience engulfed him. He tapped his foot repeatedly, a sour look on his face after the fourth beep occurred.

"Why isn't he answering!?"

He let the phone ring. Each ring only driving him more to insanity. Until finally the voice he desired to hear came only to greet him in aggravation.

"What?" The male on the other end of the phone spit out harshly.

He chuckled, eyeing the speck with deeper intent. "Yah, you should be thanking me."

"What do you mean, nuisance?"

He clicked his tongue in disappointment. "Ah, it's Kyungseok to you, Mr. Jungho."

The man on the other end of the phone scoffed distastefully as the younger is not welcomed to call him by his first name. "To you, you're not even allowed to speak of my name, Kyungseok."

Kyungseok furrowed his brows and frowned slightly as he heard the man he looks up to speak of those cruel words. "Just hear me out, please. I beg of you."

He never begs. Never. But this he just had to announce to the elder. It was sure to kill him if he didn't snatch this opportunity to get back on the team. It would sink into his mind and would spread like a virus through his brain. It would be the only thing that would break him to his weakest point.

Jungho sighed in annoyance as he heard the other beg yet deep down he felt pity for the begging man. "Fine. Spill the beans."

The man holding the phone felt his veins boil anxiously as he spat out the three words that is only, in the end, going to harm another's life and will put the other in pain he cannot bear to handle. "I found him."

The boss furrowed his eyebrows out of confusion. "Who's him?"

"Jimin. I found Jimin, and he's not alone. He's with a girl."

It went silent.

Could Jungho believe his ears? Has the one and only Jimin been found by a peasant?

Yes. Yes, he has.

And not only that, he's been found with a girl. An unfortunate girl really. Too bad she has to go through the troubles Jimin brought with him.

A grin spread across the man's lip as he thought about the possibilities this discovery has opened. He opened his mouth and spoke the words the younger desired to hear.

"Kyungseok, you start tomorrow. Be at my office by 6 am."

Kyungseok couldn't believe his ears. He felt the capability to speak suddenly disappear. He's been waiting for this, waiting for this encouraging day. He felt his heart jump for joy and he felt his mind yelling for joy.

He almost yelled his response into the phone out of excitement, but luckily, collected himself on time. "Uh.. yes, sir."

With shaky hands, Kyungseok ended the phone call and jumped off the ground out of joy, landing on the cement with his feet flat.

He didn't pay attention to the surrounding people eyeing his every move. He took this moment to bask in the words that sent him overjoyed.

A few minutes later, he managed to calm down and gathered himself. He looked into the distance of the scenery. There it was. The tiny speck that led him to his success on getting back onto the team. The tiny speck that would soon meet its devastating fate.

He laughed psychotically as he followed its every move. He knew where it was going. Oh, he knew too well.

|Jungho POV|

He immediately opened his drawer as the phone call ended. He harshly yanked out file after file until finally, he achieved the one he craved.

He stashed the unwanted files back into the drawer and began to smile as he eyed the file present on his desk.

It was different from the rest of his files. This one, this one had red washi tape surrounding the perimeter while there were multiple pen marks made on the papers in the file out of frustration. And on the cover of the file were two big words plastered on the front: Park Jimin.

He'd been waiting for this day. He'd been waiting for this day for over a decade and finally, finally he actually got his wish because of some low-life desperate for his job back.

But today was the day he would finally take action and achieve revenge. Today was the day he was going to begin to destroy Jimin's life like he had done to him, and he had a feeling that girl with Jimin would lead him right into his trap.

"Time to taste your own poison, Park Jimin."

-End of Chapter 27-

Oohhooho. This story is just getting started ;) Get ready to really see some assassin action and vampire action. Things are about to get cray-z. OOF. Also, I don't know how many chapters there will be in the FF. I'm genuinely just going until I feel like stopping x) But I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! ❤️🙌🏻

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